Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.r.Sect.z. Cure ofN dancho!y. Mcmb. 1.Subf. 1 no C<ttitu lib.r6.cap.r6.Delrio Tont-3-Wm;,s lib.2.depr4fig. d~m. Libanitu, Lavater depea.p.<Tt.2.cap. 7 .lfolbrenner the Lt<theri,rn in Pij!ori11m,Polydor Ytrg.t.r.de prodtg. Tandlertu,Lemnim,(liippocrates,&Avicenna among!! the re!l: ) deny rhat fpirits or devils have any power over us, and rcferrcall with Po111ponatim ofPaduaronarurall caufes and humours.Ofrheorhero. pinion are Bodin"' D.tf1Jonomanti. .e,lib. 3.cap. 2. Arnoldru,Narc ell m E111pyri. ctu,J.Prjlonm, l'aracelfm Apodrx.NagJC. Agri!falrb. 2. de occult. l'klof. cap.36. 69. 71. 72. & !. 3·'·23 .& ro. NarcilirtsFicinrts de vir.cttlit.co1Jipar. cap.Ij. I) .18 .2 I.&,·. Galeott11s de promi(crM docf.cap.z4.]ovi,rnus l'ontanus Tent.2.Plin./ib.z8 .c.z. Strabo,lib.r 5 •. Geog. Leo SrtavitiS: Goclenirts deung. amur. 0 jivo!dus Crolli:u,F;rnejlusBurgravi!ts,D•F lt~d,&c.Cardande fubt. *VideRenawm brmgs many proofs out of Ars Notoria,and Solomons decayed workes,old Morry Ammad. lfemte!, Artejirts,(:ojlaben Lflca,ricatrix;&c. rharfuch cures may be done, ;·~t';~~/fi:U They can make fire idhall not burne,ferch backe rheeves or !l:ollen aoods :o. annor pof- il1ew their abfent faces in a glaffe, make ferpents ly !l:ill,fianch bloud,falv; Jm f"ducere gouts ,epilepfies,biting ofmad dogs ,tooth-ach,melancholy ,&o11mia mun. -:J',~~;:~;J,':;. di ntala,make m.en immortal,young again as rhe*Spaniili Marques is faid to mrum '"'"''" have done by one ofhis Oaves,& fome,which juglers in* China maintain fiil ~d;:;t~bi- (asTragaltiM writes)that rhey.cando by t~eir extraordinaryski! in phylick, nenfum. . &fame ofour modernech)lmtfies by thell' lhange limbecks,by their fpels <Ait> M>tant &charms.' }.{any doubt, [atthNrcho!tUTaurelllls, whether the devilcan cure {,~ :;;:;/,';t jitehd'feafes he hatb not ntade, andfome flatly deny it, howfoever common ex. ra~e quo_~ non perience confirmcs to orer ajlonijbment, that Magicittns can JVorke fltch feats, fe:~;;fi~~~.:;i- Andthatthedevllwithoutirnpedimentcan penetrate thr011gh all the p~rts of 5ianaexperien- our bodies, and cttrefHCh m,aladies by meanes to liS 11nknown. Dane111 in his tia confirmar, traGI: de Sorti.rnu fubfcribes to this ofTattrellus;Erajltts de lamiu,maintain. ::f,:~;;~~:- eth as much,& fodo moH divines,that out oftheir excellent knowledge & P"' morborcu- long experienc~ they can commit d agentes crtmpatientibtts, cotligerefemina ~:;e~~~~er rerum, ea.tk materue applicare,as Aujlin infers .de C1v.Dei & deTrimt.iJb. 3· ,; 1fa imp,di- cap. 7 .& 8. they can worke fiu pend and adnmable concluiions; wee feerhe m:~;~mpr~c- effects only,but nor the caufcs of them. Nothing fo familiar as to heare of J;;, .;bftgno- fuch cures. Son;erers areroo common; cunmng men, WIZards, and whtteris ,.,.,~ . witches, as they call them, in every village, which ifthey bee fought umo, d .Agen~atum will help almofi all infirmitiesofbody& mind,Servatores inlarine,& they ~::;~~~.~:. have commonly S' Catherines wheele primed in the roofoftheir mourh,or * cap.<>. de !n.foqJe other parr aboutthem,reft.ftunt incantator11mpr.tjligi!S, ( * Boilfor- ~~~:~Iii ri- d11s writ~s) morbus afagu motos propt~lfant, &c. that to doubt of it any !on. denr.fedvereor g~r,' or not tobeleeve,wereto mn into that otherSceptical extremeofincredrl. .,,dum ;'i""'~ lity ,faith Ta,rel!us.LeoSaavius in his Comment upon Parace!JiiS feemes to ;{.'~~:,::;~· make it a·n art; .whichougbt to bee approved: Ftjlorius and or,hers fiifly. t:iamurin"'- mamrame thcufeof charm~s,words, charaCI:ers, &c. Arsveraejl,fedpauce 1~:ft,:'solo· artifices reperill'!tt<r; Theart is true,but there be but afew that have skill in monem mentir it. }.1 arce!lrtS Donatus Irk. z.de hijl.mw.. cap. I. proves out of]o(ephllf eight morborcura~>'bookes ofantiquities, tharf Solomon fo ct~redatl the difea(es efthe minde by :';,Jf,7;J,:',.,: JPels, eharmes, ~n1dr~ve aw;y devils, .andthat Elea::.ar did"' m~ch before minibur.quod YeJPafian.Langsus .m hts med, epij!.holds ]uptter }.1 enecrates ,that dtd fo ma- J{.;.:,:{,:;;· ny !l:upend cures in hi! time; to have ufed this art , and that he was no oth~r Ekat•'· then aMagicjan,Many famous cures are daily donein this kinde,rh~ dcvtll IS