Parr.z.Secr.x. Patient. Memb.r.Sub. x. is an expert Phyfician, as GodeltJJancall~ _him, lib. r.cap. 18. and God per- zzi mits oftentimes thefe Witches and Magtctans to producefuch effects, as La.---- 'Vater cap. 3· Jib. 8. part. 3· cap.x .Polid. rirg.ltb. x. deprodigiis,Delrioand others admit. Such cures maybedone,andas Paracelf TmJ.4.de11JOYb.a. , ment.!l:ifly maintaines,sthey cannot otherwifebe cured bt~tby flells, feales, and g spiritM.cti jjirituallphyjick. hArnoldus l1b. deJigillis fets dow~ the making ofthem, fo ~;;;;?,~;'4~: doth Rtdandus ad many others. btnt. · · p oc pofito they can effect fuch cures,the maine quelHon is whether it bee h sigiUum .~ lawfull in adefperatecafe,to crave their help,or a~ke aWifards advice. 'Tis "::/:J.:':n~~~;-· acommon practiceoffomemen to go fir!l:to aWttcb,and then to aPhyfi- am.etc. · cian,ifonecannot the oth~r lhall, F lec1ere Ji mq:ecantJreperos AcherontarJJO- ;.~~-;i,1;:;;;. 'Vebunt. iJt mattersnot ,fatth Parace/[111, whetherttbe Godor the Devtll, An-.bu rtferr an · gels orrmclean fpirits cttre hin1,jo that hebeeafed. Ifa ~an fall into aditch, 7ltutan diah.,._ a~ he profequures it,what matter is it whether a friend ~ran enemyhelp hi~ 1:;.:"!.~1';~,. out~ and tfl be troubled wtth fuch amalady, ~hat care l whether the devillw •!!• op<m · himfelf,_or any ofhis minill:ers b¥ G~ds permt~on red~eme me~ Hecalls a~~;~~;:,~.,; ~ Magtctan Gods Mtmll:er and hts Vtcar, .applymg that ofvos eftts du pro- k Magurminiphanely to them,for \vhich he is lalheJ by T.ErajlM part. elfe- fluetl'icari"' where he encourageth his patients to have agood faith, 1a jlrong imaginati- F;:;erefarr· . . on,andtheyfhatlJinde the ejfec7s;l« Di.,ines (ay tothe contrary 1vhatthey n>i/1. m.gination~';, He proves and contends that many difeafe.s cannOt otherwife b~ cured ;_I»- ~"!::'z~f'· cantattone ortt, mcantattone cura~t debent; 1f they be caufed by mcantanon, adv:rfu~fui;~ ,m they mull: be cured by incancanon.Conftantmus ltb.4.approves offuch re- {uid ~olunt - medies :Barto!testhe Lawyer,Peter lErodius rerltm Jttdic.lib.3.tit.7.Salice- Tb;Z'l'· .. . ttu,GodefridtU, with others ofthat fecr,allow ofthem;modoJintadfonitatem,;j. qtta a magisjitmt, focus non, fo they be for the parties good,or nor ~t all.But d:~.'!:':r~~: thefe men are confuted by Betmgtus,Bodmus ,dttm.ltb.~. caf·l-Godelmannus !.-.. folumcutzb.r.cAp.8.Wurres,Delrtoltb.6,quttft. z. Tom-3- mag.tnquif. ErajfusdeLa- ~cntur: ' mii:;all_ our n Di~ines,S_chookmen,and (uch ~s ~rice cafes ofconfcience,are ~.~~/,~~";. agamll: tt,the Scnpture 1t felfabfolutely forbtds tt as amortal! finne, Levit, torum domor · · cap.x8.I9.2o,Deut.x8.&c.Rom.8. 19. Evil/ is nottobedo,e,that goodmay'""'"·""' ftu come of it. Much better it were for fuch patients that are fo troubled, to en- ~;';'.'!,"' "'"~ durea little mifery in this life, then to hazard their fouls health for ever,and ttrrcg;,:~' ft;; asDelrtO cou~fellcth,omuch better ~ye,thenbefo_cured.So~etakeup?n them ~~,f{Jem to expel! Dev1ls by nacurall rem~dtes,and m~gt_c~ll exorctfmcs,whtch they bapt~ma;;:!! feemeto ap_prove out ofthe practtceofthe pnmtt1ve Church,as that above- Jaricaffe, tt · c.ited ofJojephM, Ele~zar~ lraneur, Terttt!lian,,Auftin. Eu(cbitt! makes men. ~!'J,:'"J.jf.· tton offuch, andMagtcke tt felfhath bene l'ubltckly profe!fed m fome Uni- t<rft.olflrv.h•• _ verlities,asofoldinSalamancainSpaine, and Cracovia in Poland: but con-~•.l/oa7lt~de-. ~emned A~no x3 I 8: by theChancellorand ~niverfitie ofP Paris .OurPon- .:!!'::,~;:.;-,; ttfictall wmers retamemany ofthefeadjurattons,and formes of exo~cifines oMoripr.[fa. flill in the Church;befides thofe in Baptifme ufed,they exorcifemeats, and :;;l•Ptrfliti~ fuchasarepo!fe!fed,astheyhold,in Chrill:s name. Read Hieron. Mmgtll{uu,":,':;:'f:~{ cap. 'l• Pet. Tyrms,part. 3· cap. 8. what exorcifmes they prefcribe befides "P·'1•fl •- thofe ordinary meanes of q fire, fuffu11Ji~iltions ,lights, cutting the Afre with ~"1i~:;:::;J.: fwords,cap. 57.hcarbs, odours: Ofwhteh Toftattts treats,z. Reg.cap.16. qsuffit~.J,/40 qtt.tjf ·.43. you lhall finde many vaineand frivolous fuperfiitious formes or~;';:''" •U... cxorc1fmes among them, not to be rolerated,or endnred. -· · Ffa · M a ~n•