Part.z.Sect.I. C11re ofMelancholy. Memb.2 , Lawfo!lmmjirft from God. Eing fo dearly evinced, as·it is, all unlawfull cures are to bee re. fufed,it remains to treat offuch as are to beadmitted,and thore r The Lord are commonly fuch which God hath appointed , r by venue of har~'"'"dr fiones, hear t s, plants, meats, &c. and the li!re,which are pre. :;::,:;;:;~:~,nd pared & applied to our ufe, by art &indufirie ofphyficians, whoarerhe hee rh" is wife difpenfers offuch treafures for our good,and to bee r honouredfor necefsi. ~I no~ abhor tiet (ake, Gods inrermediat minil!ers, to whorn in our inlirmi ties weeare ;1,(.' 1 s~~. tofeekefor helpe. Yetnotfothat we rely toomuch,or wholly upon them: f My lon,f.tile A Jove principium, wemull lirfr begin with prayer, and then ufe phyfick· noun thyfick- • h h h b b h h T 1 d · ' nefie,burpray notonewlt outt eot er, ut ot toget er. opraya one,an reJel<orunro rhe Lord, dinarie meanes, is to do like him in &flpe, that when his cart was fialled ' obdkhe~ will layflatonhis backe,andcryedaloud,helpeHermlu, but that was tolittl; :~olc, ~,. purpofe,excepbis his friend advifed him ,roti< tuteipfe annit4ri<,he whipr •l•(. ls·9·. his horfeswithall, and put bis lhoulder to the whPe!c. God workesby ~;:::,",~~';;: meanes,as Chrift cured the blinde man withclay and fpittle: f" exltum. 0 randum ejf lit fit men.tfana tn corporefa no. Ror. l· '"'"'· As we mull: pray for health ofbodie and minde, fo we mufi ufe our utmoll od. •· endevours to preferve and continueit.Some kinde ofdevils are not caft out but by fafiiog &prayer, & both neceffarily required, not onewithout the other. For all the phyfickewe can u[e,art,excellent indufirie, is to no pur. pofe without calling upon God, Nil juvat immenfot Cratero promittere monw: It is in vaine ro [eeke for helpe, run, ride, except God bkffc us . · ~-non Sifu# dapet u Mur.c~t3nd 11 DII!CCIII elaborabunt[nporem, fine furc, c:m Nonanimumflthert.eve cantu.J'." . .Conogood. d d · L ; ~Hor.l.up.>; x Non OfJJut& un nt,non.<riiacervmullttr y sint cr~fi " &grotopo(fitnt do1J1ino deducerefibru. f::f:.g:;:;:;:. YWithhou!e, with land, with money,and with gold; .,.,undar •- Themall:ers fever will not becontr.ol'd• .t.'"' "!Pittun.- We mull: ufe prayer and phyficke both together: and [ono doubt but our '!,";;~::!J;•• prayers will beavaileabJe,and our Phylick take effect. Tis that Jlezekiah 2Jro.dtbtt in practifed,2. King.2o.Lttke theEvangelifi;andwhichwe areenjoyned,co. 7ffd';.'/:j[x~- lof[.4.not the patient only, but the phyfician him[elfe.llippocratCI an hea. ;.t;. r:n.; om· then, required this in agood practitioner, and fo did Galcn. lib, de Plat.& .P" lantlll"" Jlipp. dog.ltb.9,cap. I5 .andin thattraCl: ofhis,anmDretfequantiWtemp.m. ~::';;ou fhall cap. I I .'tis a thingwhich he doth inculcate, • and many others . llyperi«t in P"Y <oyouc bis firfi book defocr. fCript.letl. fpeaking ofthat bappineffe and goodfuc· Lord;ih" ~cc ceffe which a!IPhyficians defire,&hope for in their cures,' tells them thAt ~~~~J;I~ i~cr it u ~ot to bee expetled, except withatruefoith they call upon God, andwch gi'<n for cafe, theirpatient/ to doe the like. The councell of Laterane, Canone 22. decreed ~~~tJ'f~;d,, theyfl1ou!ddoe fo; the Fathers ofthe Church have frill ~dvifed as much: prolonging of · . life. E"lrf 5 8. 4 : :'1 Omner ~~tant {uandam iH' med!cint'l f.el~citawn, frd h~ nm ep '{UDilexpenent, nifi deum 'Ut~ 'ltJftile invo,ent ,or !la .rgros jitmluer 4d ~rdenwn 'II.P'''JOitern exment~. What..·