Part.z-.SI!a.r. Cure ofMelancholy. M E>IB. 3· Whether ithel,ewfulltofeeketo Saints for aide in thisdiftaft. Hat we mull: pray to God,noman doubts; butwhether we IIJould pray to Saints in fuchcafes,or whether they can doe us any good it may be lawfully controverted.Whether their images,lluincs' · Reliques,confecrated things, holy water, medals, benediClions' thofe divine amulets ,holy exorcifmes, and the figne ofthe crolfe be avai!e~ able in this difeafe. The papi!l:s on the one fide ftifly maintaine, how many melancholy, mad, da:moniacall perfons are daily cured at Saint .Antho· nies Church in Padua,at S<, Vit!IS in Germany, by our Ladieof Lauretta in htipfl"'; Italy ,our Ladieof Sichem in the Low Countries: h 1'2!!,«&c.ecu lumen, .e. grifjitlMem,mortttu vitam,claudugref!i•m reddit,omnes morbos corporit, ani. mi, Cllrat, & in ip(.s d-emmes imperiumexercet; ll1e cures halt, lame, blinde, all difeafes ofbody andminde,and commands the devil himfelf,faith Lipfi. ; cap. >6. 114,25000 in aday come thither, iqttu nift numeninillum lscum jicindt~xit? who broughtthem? in at~ribtu, in oculu omnium gtfla, nsvitia; New newes lately done,our eyes and ears are full ofher cures,and who can relate themalkThey haveaproperSaint almoll: for every peculiar infirmity; for poyfon, gouts,agues, Petrondla: S< Romanus for fuch as are po!fe!Tcd:V a/en. ~Lib. 1. eap.~. tine for the falling ficknes; s• Vittu for madmen,&c. And as ofold k Pliny de 'DeoMorhi{- reckons up gods for all difeafes, ( Febri font~m dicatumeft) Lilius Giraldm r:x~;::'J.~, repeates many of her ceremonies: all affections efthe minde were hereto· reperim"'. fore accounted gods, I Lo7.le,and S lrTDW ,verflle,Honwr,Liberty,Contumely, !:'u~~!Z~.g. Impudency,had their J: emples,Tempell:s, .Seafons,Crepittu Ventr~, d~a V a. s},l Roftnr«. cuna,dea Cloactna ,therewas agodde!Te of1dlents,agodde!Te ofthe draught, mS•~Lilii Gi- or jakcs,Prema,Premtmda,Priaptu,bawdy gods,&gods for a!moffices.rarj/j;,~";;f"" ro reckons up~ oooo go~s1 Lucian makes Podagr,.the gout a go~delfe,and allignes her pnell:s and m1ml!ers: and melancholy comes not behmd; for as .Au.ftin mentioncth ltb+deCivit .Dei, was ofold Angeronadea, , , :: C•t ra- and !hehad her Chappelland Feafis,to whom (faith • Macrobius) they did -~· ferr"' offer facrifice yearly,that ll1e might be pacificed as well as the re!~. 'Tis no •;!~,;::• ·"•• new thing,you fee this ofPapill:s;and in my judgement,th~t old dotingLip· 1111imi folici.,._ fius, might have fitter dedicatedhis open after all his labours, to this our ~;:~;;:t::.* goddelfe ofmelancholy ,th~n to his Virgo Halenfts, and been her Chaplain, o H•"''""" it would have becommed h1m better: But he,poore man,thought no harme pcn-~•.t_- inthat which he did,and »'ill not bee perfwaded but that hee doth well, hee .,•••• t•p,-. bath fo many patrons,and honourable precedents in the like kinde, that ju· fiilie as much,as eargerly,&more then he there faith ofhis Lady &Mi!l:ris: read but fuperll:itious Cofter and GretfersTraC\ decruce.Lattr ,.ArCiurtu Fan· teus de ln7.loc.SanCI.BeJlarmine,Delrio di[.mag.Tom.3.l. 6. qtt«ft.~.fe&1. ~· Greg. Tolofanus Tom. 1 . lib. 8. cap. 24. syntax. Stro'{jus Cicogna lib. 4·'. 9· Tyreus,Hieronymm Mengus,and youlhallfindeinlinite examples of cures done in this kinde,by holy waters, reliques, croffes,exorcifmes,amulets, i. mages,con'fecrated beads,&c .B11rr•dius the Jefuite,boldlygives it our,th~t chri.fts countenance, and t.hevirgin~11ries, would cure melan_choly, if one