Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.2.Sefr.r. Saints cure reje!ftd. Memb.] one had looked lleadfaflly on them. P. Moralesthe Spaniard in his book de 225 ptt!ch. ']ef. & Mar.confirmes the fame out ofCarthiiJ:anus,and Iknow not - whom that it was a commonproverb mthofeda1es, for fuch as were troubled in'minde, to fay, Eamru ad videndutJJfiliumMari«, let us feet he fon of Mary, as they doe now po~ toS' Anthonies inPadua, or ;oS Hdfaries at p ~oJccu.SinI'oi!fer! in France. pIn aclolet ofth~t church, there 1s at tillS dayS' Htlfa. ;~;":~';~a;:;, 1·ics bea to be feene, to whtehthey brmg all the madmen znthe,cormtrey, and menu '"i'"' aftcrfomeprayers,andother ceremonzes,they lay them down there to fleepe,and dedncunr,afla· fo they recover. It is an ord~narie thing m thofe parrs , to fend all their mad '(..,;;;{J;;;;::· men to S.Httlar:es cradle. fhey fay theltke of S. Tttbery m 7 another place. m,,""""'" teG iraldMCambrenjis !tin. Camb. c. r. tells !I range frories ofS. Ciricires flaffe, flu m domiw"' that would cure this,and all other dif~afes. Others fay as much (as • H ofPi- ~'/;;';;~11 9'/ nian obfcrves) of the three kings ot Colen; thm· names wntten m parch- Narbonenfi. menr,and hung about a patients neck, with the fig ne ofthecroffe, will pro- ;~;;~:;~!fit. duce like effeCts. Read LipomannM ,or that golden legend of'] acobtts de Vo- (iljpen(a,er perragine,you !hall have infinite fiories, orrhofe new relations ofour' J efuits gamenoinfirih in']apona andCh:na, of Mat. Riccitts,v!cofta,Loiola,Xaverius life,&c. ']a.;~;~~{;.:~ JP•r BeigaaJ efuit,cured amad woman by hangmg S. 'Jobns Gofpel about •·Em. Acofia 11er nccke,and m~ny fuch.Holy-water did as much in ']apMa,&c . Nothing ~:;::~';,~~.; fofamJ!tar mthetr works, as fuch examples. foci er at. Iefo, But wee ontheorherfide,feeke to God alone. Wee fay with Da'&id, An.no • 568. Pf.'3-6.r.God u ottr hope andJlrength,& helpeintrot~blc,readie to befound. For ~f'/.;~:"/t the1r catologuc ofexamples ,wee make no other anfwer, but that they are Am , 5 6o. falfe fifrion~,or diabolical! il!ufions, coume&it miracles. w_e cannot deny ~~~;;;~,more but that ltlS an ordmary thmg on S. Anthontcs day m Padtta, to bnng dt- b.fd<moniaru vers mad men &demonicall perfons to becured;yet we make adoubt whe- fie a(amfir:ut~ ther fuch parties befo affeCted indeed,but prepared by theiryriel!s,by cer. f;~';;;;;r,::;, tain oymments&drams,to cofen the commonalty,asra itdejhehJt we! faith; pori ;u;,;,, ut the like is_ commonly prafrifed in Bohemia as Mathioltts gives us to undcr-f;1~~ ~~!~~; ftand m hts preface to Ius comment upon Dtofcondes. But wee need not run ,.fe, ~rari . fo far for examples in this kinde, wee have a jufr volume p11blifhed at home sanflo Anro~i• to this purpofe. *..A declaration ofEgregious popijb impojlures, towithclrarv ; P;mtod '~ the hearts ofreligious men under pretence of c.afling otttofdevils, pra{h(ed t.'~~t,;~: Y byFather E?munds, alia. Wefton a ']~(teite, and divers Romijb priejis_ hi< ;~,;·.lib. 8 wtcked ~[foctats, With the feverall parnes names, confeffions, cxammanons, cuju{Janu"' ' &c. whtch were pretended to be poffeffed. But thefe are ordmane tncks ~groranrium onely to ~et opinion and money,meere impofrures. jf,(culapius ofold,that j.~/~~~d~:~;:· counterfeit God, dtd ·as many famous cures; hts temple (as'S trabo relates) qua~,er rabelli• was daily full ofpatients, and as many feverall tables, infcriptions, pen- fendenribur ' · dams, ~o?aries, &c. to befeenin his church, as at'tbis day at our Lady of~ '/::g~'J:.""" Loretta s m Italy. It was a cufrome long fince, · eranr i~firipri. -:-fojpendt{fe ~otenti . {u':.;J,::;:~. rejltmentA mansdeo. ( Hor. Od. x. hb. 5· Od.) limnomen ro- 'fo do the lik~, in former times they were feduced and deluded as they are vir,lunonir,.4now. 'Tis the fame devil frill,called heretofore Apollo, Mars, Neptune,Ve- ~~~";];.if::; nus ,lEfctelaptus, &c. as "Laflanttus lib. 2. de orig.trroru,cap. 17. obferves. tleor mdeb•nr, The fame ']upi;er,and thofebad an9els are now worfhipped,and adored by ~~;·:~:,·::f./• the nameofS.sebajl;an,Barbara,&c.Chrifl~pher & Ge~rge are.come m thm (:]'c.nemenb:- 1'1aces, heJtt ,et 4lhr~~o111