Part.z.Sett. I. Cure ofMelancholy. Memb.4. Sub f. r , zz6 placcs.?nr Ladr fucceeds Vemu(asthey ufeherinmany oflices)therellare _P___ othenv1fe fupphed,as x Lavater wmes, and fo they arc deluded. r.indGod ;,. ;;~.'v':,f'(; often winkes at theje impojfteres,becate(e they forfake hisword,andbetake them: fobf/ituullt {elves to the devil, tU they do that feeke afterHoly water, crolfes ,&c. Wier11s ~~~.nem M a· lib. 4· cap. 3.What can thefe men plead for themfelves more then tbofe hea. • y Adb,cludi- thengods, the fame cures done by both, the fame fpirit that !educeth: or put b"a v,.. con- cafe they could helpe, why f.hould wee rather feeke to them, then to Chrifl: ;~~·~[;':;:,·~; himfelfe, fince that he fo kind!yinvites us unto him, Come 11111ome all ye that , vCtbo 'De{, ad are heavy laden, and I will eafe yo11, Mat. I r. and we know that there is one ~:::;~:,:;';;'- ~od, one Mediator betwixt Godandman ']efus Chrijl, (I TinJ.2. 5. ) who gave , {Unt,qui aqua m hmfelfa ranfomefor all men.We know that we have an z .Advocate with the Fa- !'1:,'~;,;:;~~ ther, ']e(mC hrifl (r. ]oh. z. I.) thatthereisno othernamet~nderheaven,b} c.ftdeibomiai- whtch we can befaved, blltby hl!jwho1salwa1es teady to hear us, and fits at b"'offerunt. the right hand ofGod, and from' whomwec:m have no repulfe, (olusvule ~ cba;ior •fl (olus potejl, &uratt<niverfos tanquamjingulos,&bllntlmqt<emtj, nojlruntlltfo~ ~P!J:m[.~;: l11m, we are alias one to him;hc catesforus alias one, and why fhould wee Paul. thenfeeke to any other but to him~ a Be_rnard. bAYj/in. Phyjitian, Patient, Phy(ick . thofediverfe gifts which our Apofile Paul faith, God hath b!· fiowed on man, this ofPhylick is not the leafi, but mofl: neceiTa. ry,and efpecially conducing to the good of mankinde. Next . therefore to God in all our extremities (for ofthe moft high com. cEcclus lt f methhealing;Ecclus 38.z.wemufifeekto,and relyuponthe Phyfician,Cwho !~,.;~:!~~'~ is Manus Dei,fairhHierophilus,and to whomhe h?th ~ivenknowledge,thae ll,u be in ad- he m1ght be glonfied mh1s wondrons works. W11h ]"ch doth hee healemen, mu'Jnon. andtaketh away theirpaines,Ecclus 38.6,7.whenthot~hajl needofhim,lethim not go from thee. The houre may come that their enterprifts may havegood Juc. ce[fe, vcr. I 3. Itis not therefore to beqoubted, that if we feeka Phylicianas we ought,we may be eafed ofour infirmities, filch aone I meane as is fuffi. cient,&worthily fo called;for there be many Mountebanks,QJ!.ackfalvers, Empericks, in every fireet almofl:, and in every village,that take upon them this name, make this noble and profitableArt to be evil fpoken df and con. temned,-by reafon ofthefe bafe and illiterate Artificers:but fuch aPhylician Hpeak of; as is approved, learned, skilfull,honefi,&c. ofwhofe duty Wee· ker,Antid, cap.z. & syntax. med.Crato,']ulim Alexandrintll medic.Herniur d rom. 4.rrall· prax. med.li6. 3 .cap. I.&c.treat at large. For this particular difeafe,him that 3.Je mcrbis a- f.hall take upon him to cure it, d P aracelfm will have to be aMagician,a Chi- =~~·;,:o;:;;"' mill:, a Philofo~her, an; Tht~rnejferus, S everinm the Dane, and 4 Magis curan- fome other ofh1s followers, reqmreas much: many ofthem c4nnot hee cured tli & Ajlrolf" but by M&gicke. 'Paraceljiu is fo fiiffe for thofe Chimicall medicine~, that in ~~g!:/~~~~m- his cures he will admit almofi of no other Phyfick, deriding in the meane tispuendaeft. time Hippocrates, Galen, and all their followers: but Magicke, and all fuch <Lib.dePoda~ remedies I have already cenfured,and f.hall fpeak ofChimifl:ry f eifewbere. t{;;ll.y Afirology is·required by many famous Phyfidans, by Ficinm, Grato, Fer. ne!Ius,