Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. z. Seer. I. P4tient. Memb. 4· Subf. I . nel1us ,gdoubtedof,and exploded by others: I will not takeuponrnerode- _l:!:]____ . cidethecontroverfiemy _felfe, Johannes llojfortus,ThomtU Bodmus, and Ma- gLang;u,. gin~~< in the preface to bts Matbemancall phyficke fhall determn~e for mee. '-.~~far clau- . Many Phyficiansexplode Aftrology mphyficke (fatr~ he) r~ere ts no ufe of dmmcunfotr. _: it 1ma11J arte111M quaft tanerarta11J mJeflantur, 4C glor.amJib,.b e]U< tmpertti~ aucupari ; bur I will reprove Phyficians by Phyficians, that defend and profeffe ir, Hippocrates,Galen, Avicen, &c. that count them butchers without it, homicid,u medicos Ajlrolugt.c tgnaros, &c.Paracel(i~< goes farther, and h p,.,up;,.. will have his Phyficianh predeftinated to this mans cure, this malady; and tuma:hunc time ofcure, the fcheme ofeach genirure infpeC.ted, gathering ofhearbs, of:':::~,:;;.., •• adminiftring, Aftrologically obferved; in which Thurnefferm, and fome la. rar,fedquodab tromathematicall profelfors, are too fuperftitious inmy judgemenr. ; H ellebor ~~=~~:;me- ' willhelp ,butnot a/way ,notgiven by every Phyftcian,&c. but thefe men are too ef!. peremptory and [elf-conceited as I think. But what do I do, interpofing in. •:nrM.gen. that which is beyond my reach? Ablind man cannot judgeofcolours, nor t ~~~j;p;· I peradventure ofthefe thmgs. Only thus much I would reqmre, HoneQy m evwt. lib.; • . every Phyfician, that. be be not over car~leffeor covetous, Harpy-likero [.~P;;;,ffi'::.im make a prey ofhis pattent; Carnijici< namq1 <.ft (as • Weeker notes) mter ipfos Fruf!ra faricruciatm ingens preci11111 expoflere, as an hungry Chirurgion often produce ganr remedh~ and wier.drawhis curc,fo long as there is any hopeofpay, . ~![,~;,;:~,~;;. .' Non miflhra cutun, nijiplena cruoris. hirH·ndo. raripof(~nt~ · Many ofthem to ger a fee, will give Phyfick to every one that comes, when"f:J:;"'· &' there is no caufe, and they doe fo irritare ftknte11t morb11m, as k HeurniM fap:ens :,a;. t:omplaines, ftirre up a filent difeafe, as it often falleth our, which by good '"'· nu~V~uam counfel,goodadvicealone,might have been happely compofed,or by recti. r:t:~~:~,.<UJ ficarionofthofefix non-narurall things otherwifecured.This is N Jtut"£ bet. uifi cogenre ;,_ lum inftrre, to oppugne nature, and to make a fhong body weak. .drnoldtu ceffirate.•d• . .J.- in his 8 and I I AphoriGnes gives cautions againft, and,expreffely forbid- !;;:~;;:_;;~~' , dethit. IAJVI{e Phyfician JVillnotgwe Phyftck, but upon necejtty, andjirjl "b'-'Pr;urmetry medicinafl diet, before het proceedc ~o nudicinall cure. m In another place ::J'::f~i~;:~ helaugbs thofe men to fcorne, tbat thmke longi<Jjmpu expregnare d.emones marbumexpel• & ammiphantafmata,tbey can purge phanrafticall imaginations, and the di- terefotagar. vel by Phy fick. Another cautionis,thar they proceed upon goodgrounds,if ~J.~~;::~ 8 • fo be there be need of Phyfick, and not miftake thedi[eafe; they are often f •pebonu me. deceived by.the" fimilitudeof Symptomes, faith Heurnitu, and I could d"'"mP"~'· give in!lance in many Confu!tations, wherein they have prefcribed oppo- ;h"'J!!:/;,:~"" ftte Phyfick. Sometimes they go roo perfunCtorily to work, in not prefcri- bentremed;a !>ing a jufto courfeof Pbyfick: To Hirreup the humor, and ~otto pu.rge, :Z~{;~~,~~; lt,doth often t~ore harmethengood . Montan~~&conftl. 3o.mvetghsagamft morbiimp,.mis fuch pertu~ba;wns, thatprerge to the halfes, tire 11ature, andmolejl the body to~~~,;~fhll;;~ 110 purpo(e. Tls acrabbed humor topurge, and as Larerentiut calls this dif. & fiJRt;taum, eaf:,the reproach ofPhyficians;BeUard~~<,jlagellummedicorum their Ialh;& qui "';mm- . f, h . r f 11 b li n d Th I I . ' b r mulruar<ohor ' o.rr atcaure~morecare u yro ere pe~...le. oug1t1epauem eavene,tract.utt>virer . fatth Laurenttm, deftre hclpe, and refufe ir agJin, though he neg!eet his own ab(que uu. health , it behoves a good Phyfician, not to leave him helplelle. Bur moll~~~;;},:~ . .!'artthey offend m tha~ other extreme, they prefcribe too much phyfick,and gunr, &c. tire out rhm bod1es wtthcontmuall porions, ro no purpofe, ./Eti~~< tetrabib. P NaiJJr~re- .· :1. z.fer.cap. 90. will have them by all meanes therefor~ p to give JorJJe re- ;lf::;:,"•Jarc · Gg }file ·