Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.2.Sell:.x. Cure of Melancholy. 22 8 /}ite to na~ure, to lea':e offnow and t~en; and L.tlil# a Fonte Eg11binus in his q Pleri~ bo< confultanons,found tt (as he there wttnelfeth)often verified by ex eri motbo meJicina q that after a dealt ofPhyftc!ce to nopurpoft,leftt• them'ilves, the- ha.J. re ence, mh<l profeciffi d 'T' h h' h · ;r; I J' J cove- <~ififunt,&fi- re: tst atw tc. N~e,P11o, DonatusA tomarm,fiillinculcate, darerchi JemiJiiinva- qmem N atur.t1 to glVe nature refi. l~~trunt. SUBSEC'I'. 2~ Coneerning the Patient. Hen chefe precedent cautions are accur:ttely kept, and that wee have nowgot asktlfu!l, an honeft Phyfician to our minde ifhis patient will not be conformable,and content to bee ruled b~ him, all hts endevours wtll come to no good end. Many thin<>s are ne. celfarilyco ?e obferve~ and concin~ed on the patients behalfe; Firlt chat hee benotroomg~ardl~mtferableofhts purfe, orchmke ittoo much heebeAbdtTitAni •· ftowes upon htmfeH,and eo fave charges endanger his health.The Ahderiles pift. Hipp~'· when they Cent for Hippocrates, promifed him what reward he would ' ,it ;;!;:,~~~;:;; thegold they had, ifalf the citie were gold he jhouldhave it,. N aam•n the sy. librom perfil- rtan, when hee went mto I(rael to Eltjh.t to bee cured ofhts leprofie, tooke ;::;:::;~:J,. with him ten talents offilver, fix thouf~nd peeces ofgold, and ten change of ""'""' effit. raymencs, ( 2 K mg_s 5•.5. ) Another thmg 1s1 that out of baQ,fulnelfe,he do. not conceale hts gnefe tfought trouble hts mmde , let htm freely difclofe it rsentc.t. tPtr.3• Sal. Stultorum incurat« pudor maltu ulcer« celat. ' by that means he procures to ~imfelf much mifchief, and runs into agreater inconvenience: Hemuft bewtllmgto be cured, and earneftly defireit. Pars Janitatis velle fanari foit. (S eneca) 'Tis apart ofhis cure to wilh his own health; and not to deferre it coo long. f ~i bl«ndim4odulce nutrivit malum, Ser'orecufatferre quod fobiitjugum. Et •HellebDrU11Jjmftra cumjavuutu £gratumebit, Pofoentes vide.u; vementi ocmrrite morb1. He that by cherilhinga mifchiefdoth provok~, Too lateatlall refufeth coca!lotfhisyoke. When the skin fwels, to feek it to appeafe, WithHellebor is vain;meet yourdifeafe. . by this meanes many times, or through their ignorance in not taking notice oftheir grievanc~ and danger ofit, contempt, fupine negligence, excenuati· on,wmchednelfeand peevilhndfe; they undoe themfelves. The Citizens I know not ofwhat City now, when rumor was brought their enemies were coming,could not abide to heare it; and when the plague beginnes in ma· ny places and they certainly know it, they command filenceandhufh!t u'll<•,;mo. up; but after they feet~eir foes n?Wmarchingeo ch:irgates, and readieto Barbaroramen furpnzethem,they begmneto fomfie and refill: when tls coo late; when the imm4>1it4te,et ficknelfe breakesoutandcan be no longer concealed, then they lament their Jef~••ndain- fupine negligence: 'tisno otherwife with chefemen. And ofceooutofa ~~~:~~:'::P~~ prejudice, aloathing, a?d difiafteofPhyfick, they had rather dye, _or doe !•"''"'''' ...,. worfe, then cake any oftt. Barbarol# tmm«ntty ( "Melanc1hontermestt) and ~7;;;~;~}::,,. folly to be deplored fo ta contemne the precepts ofhealth, good rmJedies, and 'f.IQ/untanly