Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. z.Seet. I. Patient. 'VOittl}tarily topull death,andmal!ym•ladifsttpolltbrirowne heads .. Though~ m~ny againe are in that other extrem~ too profufe, fufptctou~ an? Jealous of - their health, tooaprto~akephyfickeon everyfmal~?.ccalion, to aggravate xconfu!t.<r;. every (lender patlion, tmperfeCl:lon, tmpedtmem. tt rhetr finger doe bur <scotr~i0.Mc· ake run ride fend for a phyliciaq, ~s many Gentlewomen do, that are lickc, tan.b. lEg"· withou~ a ca~fe, even when they will themfdves > upon every toy or. fin all ;~~~;~,~·;~, difcontem and when he comes, they make tt worfethen 1t ts, by ampltfymg ur g/"""'"dit hat whichis nor. • Hier. Capi'Vacci& fetsitdowneas a commonfaultofall can~effoJYmp- . , ,_ h h tomata,quam melancholy1er{ons, tofoy tair jjmptow;cs .are gr<atcr trJ.en t ey are, to cipe """" (unr. . . thctll[elves. And which Y Merpurtalts notes,coJJjil. 53. to pe more Y troublefome y Melanchol"' to their Phyficians, then other ordinaric patients, th4t they may have change of~~;;:;::,':,:· phyjicke. . . _. . ' lefti,utul>n A third thing to bee requtred_!n aPauent, 1s confidence, to bee of good~~~;;::~~;,;: cheare, anc! have fure hope chat hts Phylictan can helpe lum. • Dai?Ja(cen the mormp"m"' Arabian, requires likewife in the Phylicianhimfelfe, chat he be confident he f'luoem,urumcancurehim,orherw_ife his phylicke will nor be dfeCluall,and promife with- ;':j,~{em,;:;p;:· all chat he will cerramly helpe htm, make htm beleeve fo at leall:. 'Galcot- ret. Nullum tt.s gives this reafon, becaufe the forme ofhealth is contained in the phyli. ;;!':,~.';;::;~ ciansmiode, and as Gaten holds, bconfidence and hope doe more good then die"' eriamfU.- phyftck; he cures moll:, in whommoll: are confident. Axioc& licke almoll: air !•-''" imatodearh, at the very light of Socrates recovered his former healrh. Paracel- f':;:;;~~if'· ftt< allignes it for an only caule, why Hippocrates wasfo fortunate in his doll. cap.,,. cures, nor for any extraordinarieskill he had; 'bur hecaufe the commonpeop(e ~omam (abadamoftftrong conceipt ofhu worth. To this of confidence we may adde ~~~~·;;;' ~:J:,~"' perfeverance, obedience and conll:ancie, nor eo change his Phylician, or dif- continent. like him uponeverieroy; forhee char fodoth (fairhd Jan& Damafcen) or },J!.~:.':;:~­ confults with many, falls into I?MTIJ er,OI,rs; or that t~feth many medicines. It vatrnr qun>n was a chiefcaveat ofc Seneca to his friend Lucilim, that hee ilJoiJld not alter medicitta. . his Phylician, or prefcribed phylicke: Nothing hinders health more; arvotend ~~7;;::~ftcanneverbeewred that hathfeverallplafters. Grato conftl. z 8 6 taxeth all me- dem Erhni<olanc!"lOly perfons of this fault: f'Tu propertothem,ifthings fo!lnot out to their ~u~ h 'f.S minde,andthat they havenot Jrefent caje,to feek another,andanother; (as they AEJ,,';~ipt~: .doe commonlyrharhaveforecyes) t•ventyoneafter another, andthey fti!l'imo,sconfo!ie protJJife aflto wrethem, try a thot~Jand remedies; andby thu w;eamsthey in- ~;~;·;:;!j,~~­ crea(e the!r malady, make tt moft dangeroru and difjicil to bee cterer/. They try "mfittgulorum '!'~"J (fatth g Montan&)and projitbl none: and forrhisca~lc con fit. 24. h~e :·':J;hilira •· )OJ~ynes hts patlt:nt_ beforehe rake hlo:Jtn hand,h perfeverance and fiefferance, nirarem im~~ (onn fucha {m4fl tum, no$reat matter can heeffelled, andupon that qmditi- dtt,acremed<00/1 hewill arlwzinifter phyftckC., otherwi(e all his endevour andcounfeil 1voteld "" 4 "'b'a '4 "· heeto(fll~llpurpo(e. Andinhis 3z.coun[ellfor a norab\e M;,rron hec.r~iJs ~~;;:::':J~;;;:_ bcr i 'fel'.m wtll bee cured, jhedmtft bee qf a moft abidin.- patie~ce faith. rricemin~uo_ fi tt d' d ji l .r; · fl "' ' ' diver(ii.mcdr- uu. o e tence , an tngt~ ar per;everance ~ if 1ee rtfiJ.it , or defPaire, came~aatepfbee can expec1 or hope forn.6 good[ucce{[e. Conjil. 230, {Qran Italian .lf.p. tanru,. '_ b~t, bee makes it one ofrhe greatel~ reafons, why this di.feafe is fo;iQcura fMetanchol~<o­ ' 'l k b ,(;. 1 • r; · .11-l ff. d • . · . '- rumprupriJtm, "' e~ ecauJ e trJe parl<es ,l/'e _~o r~. e/Je, an zn;pattelll , an;l IV ill t/urtfore quum e,x '''""' rub't 1 r· · 1 - 1 di . . . , arb:trtonopfit r/ ~mu a to m me utr,4 ter~r~me cot que _qut&wr, &c. f. ~onfil. ~ ~."Dumadvarifl ftconfe 1!mt, null; pro(u~t-~.h~i§~ P tmt r boc P~ttll~e oportet req.utrJ perftvtrantzam, & tolfranttam. Exegttoe(l~m tempore nihil ex &c is· _ _ · w4 opur efl rer~tnace p_er[euwu~i!t,fiddi obe~ientia' & patietu!a fing,ulari J fi udet attt;lefperer > IJ!Jiiumhabc~i~u~~n l-': .k AEgr_uudine am!ltun.t pahenttam, & mde morbi inatrabiles. ~·i.l' ' .• I m Gg z. have