Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. z. Sect. I. Cure ofMelancholy. Memb. 4 •Subf. ~ 230 ha'fle h1m th~t intendes to~e< ea(ed?ltotakc phyftcke, notfor amoncth, a ycare ~b~ttoapplyhm>felfotothm prejCrtpttons,aU thedayes ofhis lift. Lall of all' IN on ad men- It IS requu·ed that the patient benottoo bold to praCHfe upon him felf with' fomautannum, . . d h {j . r . > ~ ftd 'P""'"'' ?ut an .tpprove p y tcJans content,or to try conclulions,tf he read a receipt ;~:;,::;~;-";~ mabooke; fer fo, man~ grolfelymillake, and doe themfel ves more harme '"m dare- P ~hen good. That whtch IS conducmg to one man, mone cafe, the fJme time * cam.,ari«< IS oppolite to another. • An At!e and aMule went laden over a brooke the emb.,l·"':j;'· one with fait, theotner with wooll: theMules packewas wet bychanc; the ::~~~'in li- fait melted, his burden the lighter, and he thereby much eafed. He told the helluqu• vulgo Alfe, who thinking to fpeed as we'll, wet his packe likewife at the nextwa. ~~;f:;:::;t'd ter, but it was much th~ heavier, hee quite tired. So one thing may begood ""'i"" mu/- and bad to feverall parties, upon dtvers occalions. Many thmgs ( fJith m re. ta/.tgunt,d_ nottru) ar<rvrittenino~trbookes,rvhJChftetll:to the Readertobeexcellent re. ~~~~~~:;r~ medtts, but they thatvJ .tkettftofthem, areoften deceived, andtake(Or Phyjicke illir,ftdpor- poyfon. I remember in rallmola's obferv.ttions, afiory ofone John B.pt'.fta ~:z;'f:,~!;::;.. N ropolttan, that finding by chance apamphlet in Italian, written in pwfe of noperar< ex Hellebor,would needs adventure on himfelf,& took one dram for one fcru. libm,• bffi '}; pie,and had not he beene fem for, rhepoore fellow had poyfoned himfclfe. f::;;;;l,':.o' From whence he concludes outofDamafce~m •· & 3·Aphorif. nthatwithout pemulofum exqut fite knowledge, to worke out ofbookes 11 moft dangerous: how unfavorie • eft. Vndem ,.. thing it u tubeleeveWriters,and take upon truft, .u thu pattent perceived by Z:J,;~~;:ft,;. hts ownpmll. I could recire fuch another example ofmine own knowledge, pti>aurborib"' ofa friend ofmine, that finding areceipr in Brafii'11ola, would needstake ~;:1::d~%,~~~ Hellebor in fubfiance, and try it on his owne perfon; but had not tome ofhis per;'"''· familiarscometovilichimbychJnce, heehad by hisindifcrecion hazarded ;; Confi 1: '}.' himfelfe: many fuch I have obferved. The!i: :tre thofe ordinarie cauti- .~;;;~:;;~,."1:: ons,which I tl10uld thinke fit to bee noted, and hethadhall keep~·them, as g"ir,vel cura- o Montanru faith, fhall fmely be much eafed, if not throughly cured. buur,velcertemi~,;ffifiie tur. S U s s E c T,; 3. Concerning Phyficke. keitfeffe inthelafi place is to bee conlidcred;.for the L•rd created tmdtcines ofthe earth, and hec that u rvtfe wiU n~t abhorrethevt, Ecclus 38·4· ver.8. of(uchdoththe Apothecary makt4 conftc1ion,&c. Ofrhefe medicines there be divers and infinite kindes, Pbms,Metals,Animals,&c.and thofe offeverall nJtures,fome good for one, hurt full to another: fome noxious in themfelves, correfred by art, very wholfomeand good, limples,mixt,&c. and thereforelefc to beemanaP Fncl>fi«< cap. gedby difcreec and skilfull Phylicians, and thence applied to mans ufe. To >.lrb. '· d this purpofethey have invented method,and feverall rules ofart,to put thefc ~~~ ~:,;;:~ remedies in order,for theirparticular ends. Phylick ( as _a, ppocrates d~fines ftrir_remp.,i- it) is naught elfe but P addttton and fubtraclton; and as IC 1s requtred tn all ;r;:l~:;;:;;t orher difeafes, fo in this of melancholy it ought to be mofi_accurare,ic betng ximepeuinet ( as~ M ercurtalu acknowledgeth) fo common an affechon 10 thefeour nmes, ad"" hui"' and therefore fit to bee underfiood. Severall prefcripts and methods I finde f:;;,~;;.~ in feverall men, fome take upon them to .cure all maladies with one M~di. cllle,