Part. z. Setl. z. Diet re{fijied. Memb. I. Subf. r cine,feverally applyed, as that Panacea,AttrU?Jt potabile,[o m~ch comrover- 113 red in thefedaycs, Herbafoils, &c. Paracelfu< reduceth all d1feafes to foure principall heads, to whom Severinm, Ravdaftm, Leo StMvim, and others adhere and imitate: thofe areLeprofte, Gout, Dropfte, Falling-fickne!fe, To which they reduce the refi;as to Leprofte, Blcers,Itches,Furfures,Scabs,&c. To Gout,Stone,Cholicke,Tooth-ache,Head-ache,&c. To Dropjie, Agues, Jaundies, Cacexia, &c. TotheFaliing-jickneffi, belongPallie, Vertigo, . . . <;;ramps, Convullions, Incubus,Apoplexte,&c. 'lfanyofthefe (otmprin. rS< altq~rrho, cipa!l be ct~red ( faith Ravclafcm) ~/!the inferi,ur are cured, and the fa~e re- [u:::::;(::::__m medies commonly ferve: butthts IS tOO generall,and by fomeCOotrad!Cled: fllr, fitnantur for this pecu!iardifeafe ofMelanchol y, ofwhich I am now to fpeak, I linde •;,•" mfertofeverall cures, feverall methods and prefcripts. They that intend the ' · pratlicke cure of Melancholy, faith Drmtminhis notestoHollerim, fer downenine peculiar fcopes or ends; Sava,.arola prefcribes feven efpeciall C•nons. AElianm Montaltutiap. z6.FaventinutinhisEmpericks, Herm. i:ules de Saxonia,&c. have their feverall injunl.l:ions and rules, all tend in~ to one end. The ordinary is threefold,which I meane to fo!low·"'"'7n7rr.u,Pharmacetttica, andCbimrgica, Diet or Living,Apothecary, Chirurgery,which Wecker,Crato,Guianeri>u,&c. and moll prefcribe;ofwhich I will inlifi,and fpeakein their.order. SECT. 1 · Msu•: I. Su•sECl', I ~ '· ~ Diet m1ified in fob.ftance. et "'•nn1Jr.n, Vi{/us or Living, according to f Fttchfttu and others, fJnflir. cap. s. comprehend thofe fix non-naturall things, which I have be- Jiff._' · Piff"' fore fpecilied, are efpeciall caufes, and being reelified, a foie :r;,:;:;-;,;:7 or cb1efe part ofthe cure.' 'Joharmes Arct~lanus . cap. r6, in 9. Jid_.,.,exerciRhafts, accounts the reClifying of :\lefe fix, a fuflicient cure. GrHaneritu~"f;,;~;-!/,";;~;. Tra{/.r'j. cap. 9. callsthem,propnam & prtmaiJ; c"ram, the prtnc!palltiqu•mftx cure: fo doth Montantts' Crato, Mercurialio, Alto1Jtarm' &c. lirfi to bee non-natUtalet tried,Lmmim in.ftit. cap. zz. name• themthe hinges ofour health, "no hope ~~:;;~:;;;__ ofrecovery without them. Reiner& Solenander in his fevenrh confultation 1'11m$ regimen for a Spania, young Gentlewoman, that ~as fo melancholy, a,e abhorred :~r::,;.ff.~:.••· all company,and would not lit at table wuh her fam1har fnends, prcfcribes u Et. in biJ pot his phylicke above the refi, x no good to bee done without it.- Y Are. riifimafonita> teu; .ltb. r ,cap. 7 .anold Phylician,is ofopinion,that this is etioughofit felfe, ~''t1:fh~eaifthe partie be not too far re gone in lickne!fe. "Crato in a confultation ofhis gendum fine fora noble patient, te!lshimplainl~,thatifhis Higbne!fe will keepe but a~~!~;!;;:,;~~. good dtet, hewtll warrant !urn h1s former healtfu. 'Montanm confil. z 7. for &e. a Nobleman of Franu, admonifheth his Lordfhip to bee mbfi circumfpeel Y Si reeenr main hisd!et, or elfe all his oth:r ~hylicke will b bee to fmall purpofe. The J;:;J:,; z:t· fame lOJuntllOn I lindeverbatzm m'}. e,.far Claudinus, Re(}on, 34· Scoltzu rum recupe~ . randum~ Qlta medtlanon:eft opus . 'l. Co 11Jil. 99 ·lib. 'L,ficeljitudo ttta, relfam vi£1«-S rationem, &c. a !t:fo11eo'Domine, ut }it prudent aJ 'Viflum, fint quoe:ttera remediafruftraadhibentur. b Omnia remedia irrita (;t 'Vanaflne !Jis. NOviftlt roeplerojq,ueitfl ZQboratltet 11itlu puti~ quam medi ,amwtiseurajfe. Gg 3 Conftl. ·