Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan.z .Sell:.z. Cure of Melancholy. Memb. 1.fub.I ~~--~~----~ 2j3 conjil. 183. Traltianuscap. !6./ih.I. L.tlius aFon.te .l£$11binus often brags - -- thathehathdonemorecures.n t/:uskmdeby rcthficanonofDiet, then ali otherphyfickebelides. So that m a word I may fay to moll melanchol men, as the Fox fa id to the Wefel!, that (Ould not get out of the garner,M!. cracavHmrepetes,quevJmacraJithijlt,the fix non-natural! things caufedit,and they multcure tt. Whtch howfoever I treat of, as proper to theMeridian of Melancholy, y~rnevettheleffe, that which is here faid will generally ferve , Modo"'" 'moft otherdifeafes, and helpe them likewife, ifit bee obferved. m:~:::;"''"" Of thefe fix. non-narura!Ithings, thdirfi is Diet, properly fo called, ~Lib. ·,de me· whtch confills m meat and dnnke, m whtch wee mull confider Subfiance lan. cap. 7· Qg_antitie, Q!J.alitie, and that oppoliteto the precedent. In Sub!tance, fuch ca1d"'.;' bu- meats ~re generally commended, which are d nJoijf, ea fie ofdigtjllon, and not :;:,~~~·~:~1;,, apt to engender winde, notfryed, nor rojled, bttt(od (faith r aleji:m,Altomarus jlam""""'· Pifo, &c.) hot and tltotjl,andofg•odnourifbment; Cratocortjil. zx .it b. z admi~ ::;;~;;,j:~; tOllll)eat, 'ifthe burned and fcorched firperjid.es, the browne we call ir, bee fiitt. pared off. SalviantH lib. z. cap. I. cries out on cold and dry meats;t young ;;;:,:;~;=~· flefl1 and tender is approved,as ofKid, Rabbets , Chickens,Vea!e, Mutton, devomur, non Capops, Hens, Partndge, Phefant,Qg_a!les, and all mountame birds, which foperjht~r tor- are fofamiliar in fomeparts of Africa, and in Italy, and .as • Dub/inius re· {'~~;;.~f;:.;,_ porrs,~he'common food ofBooresand Clownes in Palejlina. Galm takes m cibi, ""ua excepuon at Mutton, but without quellion he meapes that rammy mutton "'"' mrilrum which is in Tttrki<, and AjianJinor ,.Which have thofe great flefhie tailes, of :;:~~;,:[;'::,~, 48. pound weight,as r ertontanmes wi rneffcth, nav i g .lib. z. cap. 5.Theleane pinguer. offat meat IS befi, and all manner ofbrothes,and pottage, With borage, let. ;,:,"1;.~;:[;,~- tuce,andfuch wholfomehearbes are excellent ~ood, fpeciallyofa Cocke glnimicafl•- boyled; all fpoone meat.AraGtanscommend bramcs,bur g La11rentim cap, 8. ~~~;f, cdoc excepts againfirhem, and fodoc many others; h Egges arejullifiedas anu· bur~<ced; but muve wholfome meat, Butter and oy le may palfe, but w•rh fome hmitari. [orohcd. on; fo • Crato confines it, and to (ome men j]aringly at (et timet, er infouu, Nc"'fi 1· '/' and {o fugar and bony are approved.• All !harpe and fowrefauces mufi bea. ,.;~~;fu~~ voided,and fpices,orat leaftfeldome ufed:and fo faffronfometimes in broth cleum,ft tamen may be tolerated; but thefe things may be more freely ufed,as the tempera. ~;·~:;;,j;;_ ture ofthe panic is hot or cold, or as bee fhall finde inc.ovenienceby them. Ja;u, foccba- The thinnefi, whitefi, fmalleft wine is bell, notthicke, not firong; and foof ~~;:,;;;J/,~, beare?themidling is litteft. Bread ofgood wheat,pure,well purged from the ad ciborum con- bran IS preferred; LaurenttH< cap.8 · WOUld have 1t kneaded With ramwater, dimentacom- ifit may begotten. f;~;~~iaus Pure, thinne, light water by all meanes ufe,ofgood fmell and tafie, Jike confn-.a s.acer- to the ayre in light, fuch as is foone hor, foone cold, and which Hippocrallt ~:,;:;.• e~i- fo much approves, ifat leall it may bee h~d. Raine water is purelt, forhat · warcr. it fall not downein great drops, andbeeufedforthwith, for it quickly putrefies. Next to it fountaine water that rifethinthe Eaft, and runnetii Eaftward, from a quicke running fpring, from flinty, chalky, gravelly grounds: and the longer a river runneth, it is commonly the pure!!, though many fprings doe yeeld the bell water at their founraines. The waters in hotter Countries, as in Turkic, Perjia, India, within the Tro;itks, arefrcquenrly p~rer then ours in theNorth, '!'ore fubtile, thinne, and J~hter,as ourMerchants obferveby foure ouncesma.pound,pleafanrer todnnk, :IS