Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. z.Sefr. 2. ~iet m1ifie1!' Memb. I. Subf. 1 as good as our Beare,an~ [ o~e ofthem as choaJPis in Perjia,preferred by the 2 33 Perftan kings, before wme 1tfelf. Many nvers I deny nor aremuddy ihll, --- whire, tbicke, like thofein China, N#m in l£gypt, 'Tibris at Route, but after they be fetled two or three dayes,defecateand clear,very commodJOus,ufefullandgood . Many make ufeof deepwels, lakes, ciilernes, when they cannot be better provided, and tis not amiife: Fori would not have any one fonice as that Gr£cian Calis,iiiter to Nicephorw Emperourofconftantinople, and t married to DotJtinittu Si/vim Duke of Venice, that out ofincredible t The Dukes wanronneGe, commtmiaqua uti nolebat, would u[eno vulgar water; but o:Pellicewerc fl1e died tanta ( fairh mine authour) f.:tidi fsimi puris copia, off0 fulfome a ;o <;:,;.:;~med difeafe, that nowater could wafl1 her cleane. *Plato would not have a tra- ;veLegibur veiler lodge ~nacitie, that is n~t go~erned by !awes, or barb not a quicke M;;;.:::f;.:: fireame runrung by lt; tltudemm antmutJt, hoc corrutJtptt valetudmtf!t, one tiliw cumpercorrupts the ~o.dy, theot~er.theminde. But this ismorethenneedes,too :::t{::;:~unmuch cunofine 1S naught, mtime ofneceffine any water •s allowed. How- tur,quodfi ,_ foever purewater is beil,and which (as Pindarm holds )is better then gold; rur• nopr~(l•r, an efpeciall ornament it is,and very commudious to ac itit(according to* Ve- i/&;d<endi_,&c. getius ) 1vhen {YcjbJPrings art includedwith>n thewafts, as at Corinth, in the rul:;~~'5;::i.. midit ofthe town almoil, there was arx altijimaJcatms fonti~w, agoodly m Ve ":J"'""a Mount fu~l of frdh-water fprings: ifNature afford them not,they.muft. be had j ~:./;~:}~! by art. It 1s a wonder to reade ofthofel fiupend AqueduCts, and mfimrecoil l•pideinurbem bath been befio~v~d in Rome orold,Conftantinupte,Carthage,A.lexandria,and ;~:;::t.,"':'fJn fuch populous cmes,toconve"•gh good and wholfomewaters: reade m Fron- lib.J6. , 1 . • tinm, Lipftw de admir. "Pliniw lib. 3.cap. I I. Straboinhis Geogr. That o.li(.~g Jomu. Aquedua: of Claudiw was moil eminent,fetched upon Arches I) .miles,eve· 't:.~b.f':;/"' ry Arch ro9 foot high: they had 14fuchother Aquedufrs,befideslakes and ••let,&-c. ••·. ciilerns, 7oo .as I take ir; o every hou_fe had private pipes and chanels to ferve ~o~b;:;{ ~~ them for their ufe: Peter Gtllttu mh1s accurate defcnptwn of Conftanttnople, cap , 1 . P•~. [peaks ofan old ciftern,whtch he went down to fee, 336 foot long, I 8 o toot Hzer. Be!lmilf4. broad, built ofmarble,coveted over with Arch-work, and fuilained by 3 3 6 ~ft!l;1~'';: pillars,twelvefootafunder,andin 1 xrowes,to conrainfweet water. Infinite Aqu•p;~,;.~; coil in chanels and cifierns, from Niltu to Alex•ndria, bath been formerly rnde rn omnct bellowed, to rhe admirationofrhefetimes; P their ciiterns focurioufly ce-{~:.f:.;':r::.ci~ mented & compofed,that abeholder would take them to he all ofone fione: quo$ ><flivo 1 when the foundation is laid,and ciilern made,their houfeis half built. That ~j,."' /i'igiSegonian AqueduCt in Spaine, is much wondred at in thefe dayes, q upon v;,~~ con(erthreerowsotpilla~s, one ab.ove another, conveying fweet watertoevery houfe: bur each C•ty almoil IS full offuch Aqueducts. AmongU the reil •he r Sir Huzh is eternally to be ~ommended, that brought that new fiream to the North~;~~;;~· fide of London at h1s own charge : and M' otho Nicholfon, founder ofour water works and elegant Conduit in Oxford. So much have all times attributed to this Elemenr,to be conveniently provided ofit: Although Galen bath taken ex~eptions at fudi waters, which run through leaden pipes, ob cerujfom 1"" m"' geueratur, for that unltuous cerufe, whichcaufeth dyfentetiesand fluxes; * y~t as AlfariruCruciw of Genua w.ell anfwers, it_i~ oppofite eo eo~- * vequ•fitil mon expenen.ce. !f that were true, moil ofour Italtan cmes, Montpelter m med. centfol. Franee, wtth mfimte others , would findethis inconvenience, butthere is no l H· fuch matter.For private famil'ies,inwhat fort rhey ihouldfurniih themfelves, · let