Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. z. Seer. 2. Cure ofMelancholy. M em b. r. Subf. 2 ' 23'4 let them confultwithP.Crefcentiru deAzriett!t.!ib.r, cap. 4.Pa11JphilmHi. ----nlacm ,and the reil:. Amongll:filhes, thofearemoll:allowedof, thatlive in gravellie or fan. die waters,_Pikes, Pearch, Trout,Gudgeon, Smelts, Flounders, &c. Hyppo. fVepiftibw lrtus >S~lvtanus takes excet.wn at Carp; but I dare boldly fay with fD•bra. Jib. b>hent om- VttiJ ,tt ts an excellent meat,tftt come not from' muddy poolcs,that it retain ""in lautitiit, not an unfavorietafi. Erinacetts M'arinus ismuchcommended by Oribatim ;;'!:,}!,'?,~~" }Etiru, andmoll ofourlate writers . ' 'vepift.c. '· "Crato conjil. zr. lib. z . cenfuresall maimer offruits, asfubjefr toputre. ~~~;~;";~~~~ fat!ton,yet tolerable at fomettmes, after meal~s, at fecond courfe, they keep t itawn etju· downe vapors, and have their ufe. Sweet fru.ts are belt, as fweet Cherries, ;::;.~~;~~;.. Plums,fweet Ap~les, Peare-maines, andPi~pins, which Larmntiru_ extols, nu.tih. '· cap. as havmg a pecultar properue agamft thts dlfeafe, and Platermagmfiesom. I 6/,ijmpe- ntbiiS 1/JOdl! approprtataCOnVenttmt, bUt they mufi be COrrectedfor their Win. ~::;,."moUer dinelfe; ripe Grapes are good, and Rayfins ofthe fun, Muske-millions wdl uErfiomner correfred, andfparinglyufed. Figsareallowed, and Almonds blanched, purredini.funr Trallianus di!commcnds Figs ,X Salvianru 0 lives andCapers,which Yothers ~":J~';:,~f;: efpecially like of, and fo ofpi(\icke nuts. Montanus and Mercurialu out of inceprojam Aven"{rjar, admit Peaches, z Peares,and Apples baked after meals, only cor· !;:.;~;, ::::.. rected with fugar ,and Ani-feed,or Fennell{eed, and fo they may be profita· .li (u"i pro- bly taken, becaufethey firengrhen the fioma~ke, and keepe down vapours. (unt, qui Jut . The like may bee faid ofpreferved Cherries, Plums , marmalit of plums, ;;~:;,:{"'" quinces,&c.but not todrinkeafrerchem,' Pomegranates,Lemons,Oranges vr Julcia ce- are tolerated, ifthey be not too !harpe. rafa,poma, etc. b Crato will admit ofno herbs,but Borage,Buglolfe, Endive,Fcnnell, Ani. ~ ;;;;;~:;:;-•· feed, Bawme. calleniru and Arnoldru tolerate Lettuce, Spinage,Beets, &c. cor• fit. '•· The f.1mecrato will allow no roots at all to bee eaten.Someapproveof Po. :,P(u:~1(a;f;,~- t~toes, Pa~fnips, but all correCted forwinde. No raw fallets;but as Lat~rencolla al41a,p<- ttus prefcnbes, in brothes ; and fo Crato commends many of them: orro u[e :,;;fl:;;' f:.t Borage,Hoppes,Bawme, Heeped ir:t their ordinarie drinke•.' Avenzoar mag· fi 1 ,;,," ""- mfies theJ uyce ofa Pomegranate? tftt be fweet, and efpec1ally ~ofe-water, fPerJa,ur itim wluch hewould have to bee ufedm everyd1!h, which theyputmpracticem ~:~~~ ~{~~:- t?ofe bote Countries, about Dama(cw, where (ifwee may beleeve the rela. fomi pojfunt,eo nons ofVertamannm) many hog!headsofRofe-waterare to be fold mthe ~::;,:;o~'::;':; market at once, it .i.s in fo great requeft w1th them. 'tlaporer caf~t petentes reprimant. MoRt. a Punic~J mal~ aurantia.commoJe.permit~nt.ur modo non finta!lfl.era tttUiJ4. b Oleraom_ma puterboraginem, bUf.loj[um~i~tyburn, Jemculum,anifurn,melijfum •tman debent.c; Mercurrahs pn~Q.MeJ. 5 U B S E C T 2. Diet rel!ifted in quantitie. 'Lib. •-Je <Dm. An alone, faith c Cardan, eates and drinkes without appetite , and sotus homoe- ufeth all his plea[urewithout necdlitie, anim.e vitio, and thence ditbibit4 ere. f confit. "·'s come many inconveniences unto him. For there is no meat f.f1'::,~g~:- whatf~ever, though otherwifewholfome and good, but if unfea- •ft,{, w~rri- fonably taken,or ~~~'!'oderately ufed,morethen the fiomack can well bear,~t '"'"'·"term will ino-ender crudme, and doe much harme. Therefore f Crato advtfethhis P'llJ'· "'"'·" patien~ to eat buttwice aday, and that at his fet meales, by no meanes to eat ~:~.;:~;;~ge- withoutanappet.ite, oruponafullftomacke, andtoput fevenhoures dif- · ference