Paro.SeCl:.z. ' Diet tiElijied. Memb.z. ---------------------------------------------- fercnce betwixfdinner and [upper. Which rule iLwee did obferve inour ~3 5 Colledges, it would bee much better for our healths: BUt cull:ome -that tyrant fo prevai!es;chat contr~ry to all good orde_rand· rules ofPhyfic~e, wee fcarce admit of five. If after fi:v.en houres.carrymg he lhall have no lh>mack~, let himdeferre his meale', very !ln!e a~ his.ordinary time of repall:. T,his very c~unfdl was given by Profpe~ C•~tnus to ~ardina/~ c,e(tw,J~bol)r ring·ofthis dtfea~ ; and g P t~terus prefcnbes 1t to apatient o£h1~. to. bee !U.'i>ll: g' coh(n-va<.,b. (ev~rely kept. Gt~!ane~iMad~its of thre~ meales a daY,,- but MopJfl.nus,&Qnjit. ,~1f:!b,~r!" 23. pro Ab.It4lo,ues h1m pveo1fely to two--And as he mull: not eat oyer mucb, mere,'"'"· fo he may not a~folutel>: fall:;;:fdras Celftuconrends itb, ·I: ]"chmlfl r•5 ,tn 9> ~"'fr';p~ii~g .. JJ.h•fis h repleuonand·manmon may both doe h:trfne ·m twn .contra~y ·ex- ,. ,,a-uendnm treame~. Moreover,thatwhichhe doth~ eac, muftbee wellichewed ;.and llQ~ quam vmtric¥- hall:ily gobled,forchat c~ufeth Grudity and ·w!nd; and byallmeanelto eat na J,':!;&;{')jj;;, mol'~ than he can well d1geft. Some thmk( fatth * T-rtn,_c•vckm /(b.;u .cap.z 9 · a men[awm !<· Je CIIYAnd p~rt .hum.)the more they eamhe moretheJ P,Ottrifb themfllves :eat and 1'~: .d : live, as the proverbe is, not kn';that'lmely repairrs w•n whitf, is well con,- fi.:U'f::a:p'':,,f::.. eoiJed,not that which is devoured, · moll: part havegood k ap- wciue ing"""" petites , but ill digell:ion , and for that caufe they muft bee fure to rife with an ~':/:,7,;1 ve;m· appetite: and that whic!iSocwes and.DiforiusthePhyfitians inl,t.MJCrp. feenm,%.'jt~';. btus [0 much reqUire, S. Hiefom injoines Rujf1CJts, to eat and drinke no more -mmmor prothan will m fatisfie hunger and thirft. n .i:efsiu.rche Jefuite holds 12. I 3. or I4· :z;;z:;:;,'~:t ounces, or in our Norchren countries I 6.•t m1(, (for all St_udencs,weaklings, ximecomedee'i, and fucb as lead an idle fedentary life)'ofmw, bread, &c. a jt proportion for~ . ~:::,;;;~",;'/::;; whole J•y, and tU much or little mon ofdrinke. Nothing pell:ers the body and "'fivieemfe, minde foonerthan to be ftill fed, .eo eat and ingurgitare beyond all meafure, .~;~:~:~~";:;'" as many doe. • By over m11ch wmg and contmua/1fi.Jls theyjlifle nature, an;/ in'ge,untp~f!i choke up themfclves;whicb, had they lzved courjly,or !tkegalley-Jlavcs been tyed vim eeficcee,: to an oare, might ·h•ve happily prolonged "'"'Y jJire yeares. ~d q"'< P>'ob~· A great inconvenience comes by variety of d11hes , which taufeth the t'!.t;::.~ppeprecedent diftemperature, P than which (faith Avi&enn•) nothing is worfe; to '""'• P'""• dified on diverjity ofme.ts,or over-much, SertoriM-like. iJ>It~cem comare, and as f7::::rn4.U~ commonly they doe in <.)'y!flfcovie and Jjlimd, to prolong their meales all ''"P+ · day long, or all night. Our Northerne countries offend efpecially In rhis,and ;" Modi"u 6-. we in thisifland (ampliter vivemes il•;prandiis& &tenis, as_q PolyJm notes) 6::/;:;.·~;.::& are mofi hberall feeders,.butto ourowne hurt. t Per(tm odt puer app.r4tus : :;r;:~.•tihsejl. EJ>cef[e ofmeat breedeth ji~ktiejfe, and glutt~ny cauflth cho!ericke·Jifoafls : 'by ee/~~ft,·~~=•· forjet111g many perijb , bu~ hee th•t duteth himfllft prolongeth'his !lfi, Ecc/!AA. ci~ P'!' diem 37·2-9•3 o. We account 1t agreat glory for aman to have his .table daily fur. fofftcumr,cqm; l)ilhedwith variety ofmeats: but heilre the Phyfitian, hee pulls thee by the :'::'!,":i;'![; care as thou fitrefr, and relleththee, ·rthat nothing c.n bee more noxious to ril>fumit,&totithy ·he.lth, than fo(~ v~rietie andplen#e." Tem~erance i~ a bridle ofgold, ~,;,~~:C'J:~~ and heetha~ ca.n ufe lt anghc, *ego nonfummu ;;m; comparo, {edjimi/lim11m t4s. · . .Deo]udtco,ts likeraGod tbanaman-: Forasttwdl transformeabeall:toa o 1de"'':f.·'7· ~nagain~,fo will it make aman a God. To preferve thine hon;ur, health, f::;:::br':ut .and to av01d therefore all chafe inflations , torments, obftrudions crudities tempore P'f''f~ t 'ft ·, 'b ·{fr.· . · . . . t ' ' tnextmgflllll- flur,q~t 't':!; tmJ_ lt.tvm 'J_uiff!m,aut g;·egulo pant pafh, _(am & I'IICf/Nmcs in 'llmgam ~late mvitam prorogagm!. p Nihil etermsqlllfm divtrfo~f•:mu,ajim«J.adjttnge't'c,&tomcdcndittp114jrwogarc. q{l. 1· r Ci· ~~~=Z'arut41~ ~ fo~1a m[a nihi~ 'MW#im homilli ad[aiJ«ern, Fr.VJdpi_o{o, ,iMr·~ ;!(·~·; ~ TIJ.orat. pr~ ~! and