Parr.3.Secb. Reten;i01'J'ti».dc.:uactMti.on.retlifed. Memb.:l. as Niufh"''" ~clat~s,Pcclej.hi.ji . .Jib.r8, ctp.&. of M~,Lodo:u_u114-PiuJ., 2'31 &~.and that sdmi.l!able t example of LodovtcJUoC:or;ntJJ:tJ:t, aPatmi~M>fl"'•-~ vi~e ealliiQt bun admire them.This they d011e V0lumaril)l',& i[l>h~lth; ; :.~.' ot t. W~ lball nhefepri\lateroc:nd<>that:tre¥iJited Witnfickmdfe, andne£~1f<f, cAEgyptiiolim d . h . b l h 1 . h d I! ' omnes morho. rily'injoyne:d tore.eove.r, a~ c~wwe t ~tr ,ea _r i' t 15 a a! '· mg to eur.Uanrvomiobfetve a, ftriCl dm, &·qui m4d1(e 'l!lVII',_mifo~e vw;t:, as the .Rtymg 1s, '}Hale ru er i<junio. bo> ipfM~t;~,tYtt"tiwr;e-, h.u jipNv4tMfotr~1 as _good bee bu~iedl, as fo much :!;.~~,ij~.,, debam:d of hi~ app.etite;ex(e!Jit merbom4 m.tlllrn, rh~ phylick IS 11\0rcmoublefomerbcn tbedifeafe, {oh~ complainro io the Poer,lo'thou thinkethyet hetl~at )o\<e~hlmfdf, will eailly endu~e this lire!~ mifery,to avoid a ~reater in<(ol}v<!nkncei ciN.Ji.l minimum, better doe•thJs then doo worfe·. And as lt;~~:~";~ tr.~a, h.olds,hetterb~~temper~utldi!Mo;then~la{cwtoii4,Jolllh-. T1s ~~e on- Jenit ~iwnti>- 1)/'( weeuhmg, (\\'htch he adl!tfeth)fo tomoderare our f~l<ves, that ~may ex f"~to . ha11e ftNeEiutemtiJ< ]II!Vtntttte,& tOJIIVtntutefeor8utem, Be youthfu•hn our """ medi,~. r ft ._,. h difc d 0 b h ~f/4m4</ole. old ag.e~ ru,.mouryour , creet an temperate m or . flentu l.xuriM~"' B. :1... •6· . E.ttf/Jtion,and £vtU.udioJJ u8ijied. Havededared in the:caufes, what harme !=Oftive[l>Cffe hath 'done in procuring this.difeafe;ifit bee fo noxiou~, the oppolite muft neeclsbegood, ofmeaneatleaft, as indeed iti~, and to this cure . . . necellilrilyrequired;,tMXimtcondMcit,faith Mout4tuscAp. . ' very much availes. d,d/tam41'11Uttp. 7• commtndswal!dngina fN.oming, into ~!:,~':'!:;:[: fome ftm greene pleAjmt field~, 6ut by all mtAfi(S ft~ft,by aTt or nature be IVtl/ er loea virWa, ba'lle tbefeordin4Ty excremevu eva;uated. Pifo calls it Beneficittmventri!, exererirpriut the benelit,help or pleafureofthe ~e11i~,for itdothmuch ea[eit.Laurentius :;~~~!;';'~~~~ tap. 8.Crato·<onfil. ll . I. 2. prefcnbestt once a day atleaft: wh~renature tir. . ." isdefcll:ive,arr muft fupply,by thofelenitive eleeluaries,fuppol\torits,condite prunes,turpentine,clifters,as fuall befuewed.Pro.ff>er Calenus lib. de atu. bile,commends Clifiers, in Hypocondriacall melancholy,ftillto be ufed as J • ' occafion fcrves, ~Peter C~emander in a confultation of his prohypoeondri4co, 0,~!;.~~:1• will have h1s patJent contmually loofe,and to that end [ers down ther~ ma- Frimum o111 ni-. oy formesofPotions and Clifiers. Merct~riat; ..., eonjil, gg. Ifthis ben~fit :m'l'fi'"'?-· come not ofits own accord,prefcribes 'Clifiers in the firft place: fo dorh .~;::~ c:f:.;• Montanusconji/.24. conjil.Jz.& u9. hecommends turpentine to tha ptjr-- benefieium~enpo(e: the fame l~e ingeminares,t·onjil. ~Jo.for an Italian Abbo~. 'Tisvery ':::/::!:;::; good to wafu hts hands and face often,to fuift his clothes, to have fairelin- firJiuri.,ajlric pen about him, to b~decenrly imd com_elyattyred,forftrdesvitidnt,nalli- f:; non iflnre nelfe deliles,anddeJects any man that IS (o -volumanly,orcompelled by cuperiilf'por! wanr, iJ: dullerh the fpirits. g"'"· · lliuhes are either artificiall or naturall,eoth havetheir fpecial ufes in this m:ilady,and ass Alexander fuppofeth /ih. I .cap.16. yeeld as fpeedy a r~me~ ~}LalJ;~:.'f!jp dy,as anyotherPhylickwhatfoever. ..£truswould have them daily ufed, tui4alif#,fpfi• "ffiduabalne4,Tetr~.z.(el1 - z.c.9. Galencrakes howmany feverallcures hee 'E'ti~~·d·.; · , h~th performed in kinde by ufe ofbathes alone, and Rujiw pills,.tnoift- ;;:~ali;:, f'f" mng th~m whtch are otherwi!e dry. Rhafts makes ~t a principall cur.e;Told ~"::i:;,:;~~~: eura fit 111 hwnel1ar~do, to bathe and afterwardsanowwith oyle. Jafon Pr"" fil. •6. · Hh z tenfis, •