Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.z.Sed.~. Cure ofMel•ncholy. Memb,l ------~ 238 tenjis,!-a•mntiuscap. 8.and Montanus fet downe their peculiar formes of --- aniiiciallbathes.Crateconftl.x7.!tb.z,commends Mallowes, Camomile · Vrolets, Borage to bee boyled in it, and fometimes faire water alone' and in his following counfell,Balneum aqu.t dulcis [olt~m fepiffime !"~ ' for{[ecompertumhabemm, So dothFuchftm lib. I. cap. 33· Frtjimeltca 2 , &onJil••p.inTrincavelius. Some befide hearbs, prefcribe arammeshead ilnqui114ieju- and otherthings to be boyled. i Ferneliuuonft/.44· wi/Lhavethem•fed 10 ...,J,uftdeat or rzdayes together; to which hemufi enter falling, and fo continue in a j'J:~::;~,;;~t temperate heat, and aftert~at fri~ions all ove~ the b<X!y ,L,tliut v£gubi•ut aut manJfeflum conjtl.r4z.andChrijfoph.v£rerttsm aconfultanon ofh1s,hold onceortwice "t;:~~~i- aweeke fufficient to bathe,the k water to be warme, net h~t,,for ftareoffwea. lrrariontbu- ttng. Feltx Plater,obferv.!tb.I.for aMelancholy Lawyyr, wt/J haveiotim 'f''llent. ofthe lteadftiUJ•yned to theft bathu, with a lee whereincapita//hearhs have tAqua "'"fit been bo7/ed. m Laurentiusfpeakes ofbathes ofmilke, which I finde appro. '3~::'[:1::/.= ved by many others. A~d frill after bath, the body to beeanointed with oyl tuat~ . ofb1tter Almonds,ofvwlets,new orfrdh butter, • Capons greafe,efpecial. 1Lott ,'"~P·· ly the backbone, and then lotions of the head, embrocations,&c. Thele ::;:_;:;;:;· kinde of bathes have lieenin former times ·much frequenred,and diverfly eapitaler<a- varied,and are frill in generall ufe in thofe Eafierne countries. The Roman11 :-~:;;. i . Je had their publicke baths, ~ery fumpruous a~d fiupen<!,as thofe of AntommM met. and D<oc!cftan.Pitn. 3 6.fatth there were an mfimte numixt.of.them in Romt, n 1: ;j:ngia ang mightilyfrequemed;fome bathed [even times a day, as Commodus the t• ' ' '· E~ppe(our is reported to have done:ufually~wicea-day ,and they were after anointed with moll cofily oymments: rich women bathed themfelvesin milke, fomein the milke of 5 oo lheeaif(s at once: we have many mines of fuch bathes found in this Iland,amongft thofe parietines and rubbilh ofold Romanetownes.Lipftm de mag. Vrb. Rom.l. 3.c.8.Rojinm,Scot of Antwerpt, and other Antiquaries,tell ftrange fiories oftheir Baths. Gi!ii&/. 4.cap.ult, ';[~~~· Topogr. Conftant .reckons up 15 5. publike o Bathes in Conjlantinople, offiue p~;;,Je,~; ••. building, theyarellillPfrequemed in that citie by the Tt<rkes of all forrs, Uith,tbdr wo- ~pen and women,and all over Greece and thofe hot countries; to abllerge be. ~~~fk', :''ili, like that fulfomneife offweat,to which they arethere fubjed. q Bufbeq•iut bath~" ledl. in his epifiles, is very copious in defcribing the manner of them, how their (:f.ij'~;;, women go covered,a 111_aid following wit~ abox of oyntment to rub them. exceenunr,quin T.hericherfonhavepnvatebathesm thetr houfes; the poorergoeto the WJ••m fecum common, and aregenerally focurious in this behalfe that theywill not eate ~:~:~',1(..,., nor drinke umill they have bathed ,beforeand aftermeales fome,' and wiU iavent, Busle- notmake water( but they wiUwajh their h•ndJ) or goe toftoole. Leo Aftr. 1.3. r~~i~f.'l Leg. makes mention of I oo feverall bat~S at Fe::. in Aftick<, mollfumptuous,and fHitJ 1foeim fuchashavegreat revenues belongmg to them. Buztorf cap. I4· Synagog. ~~1'}/',!.. J"1· fpeake~ ~fm~ny cmmonies amon_gft the Jews in this kinde; they are Ji .;.~!effit vene fuperllmous mthetr b:rthes, efpec~ally women. . je<ariscatiJi- Natural! Bathes are praifed by fome, difcommended by others; but itll ::J.'"m"' ft in adivers refpect.f Marcm de oddiJ in Hipp. affetl. confu!ted about Bathes, xan .;;'!'; ,::_ condemnes them for the heat ofthe liver, becaufethey dry too fafi; and yet '""'" '"fi"•~io by and by •in another counfell forthe fame difeafe, hee approves them 'f);t:7,~""'· becaufe they<leanfe by reafonofthefolphur,and would have their water to be4runke. Aretet11,cap.7.cotnmends AllomeBathes above the refi; and •Mtr•