Retention andEva'caation reflijied. v Mercurialu conftl. 88. thofe of Lucain that Hypocondriacal! paffion. Hee 2 ~9 weNldhave hu patient tarry there 15 dayes together, anddrinke the water;;:;;;;;;:;;;. of them,andto be bt~cketed, or have the water powrcdon hu head. John Bap. ccn[es aJw, ;. tijf a.~ilvatictls cont.64. commends all the Bathes m Italy , and dnnkmg ;:~.~:~.?~. oftheir water, whether they be Iron, Al!ome, Sulphur; fo.doth •lferculet rer,ttcaJiJ!. · desaxoni4. But in thatthey caufe fweat, and dry fo ~uch , hee confines 'j!;''JJ,d.JU::,:, himfelfto Hypocondnacall melancholy alone, exceptmg that of the head, caput""'· we.. and the other. Trincavcliw e~njil.r4.ltb.t.preferresthofeY PorreCian baths tri<ulu>nde before the refi,becaufe ofthemixtureof?raife,iron,al!omc,&conjil.3 5./ . 3. :;~'{::,fk~"'' for a melancholy Law}'er,andconjil.36.mthat hypocondnacal paffion,the y Aqu.e Por- ' Bathes of Aquaria,and 36.con(il.the drinkingof them. Frijimcli<·a conful- rdlan~. redamongtherefi inTrincaveliut confil. 4z.lzb. 2. preferres the waters of;;:,'l~ .4qua- • Apona before all artificial! bathes whatfoever in this difeafe , and would a .4J "~""' .4have one nine yeares affell:ed.withHypocondriacall paffions; Aie to the.m,as P';'fi/" wetu1 to an b holy anchor, ·Ofthe famemiodeis Trincaveltw himtel£e there, and :bo,:;::::,f:- yet both put a hot liver in the fame party for acaufe,and fend him to the wa-t)ar. . ter ofS. H e/en,which are much hotter. Montaniu conjil. 2 3 o. magnifies the ~.~~!:,!;_~~7" < Chalderinian Bathes,and conjit. 2 37 .& 23 9. heexhorteth to the fame, but bi{f.aJmir ·with this caution, d th41 the liver be outwardly anointed with (ome cool~rs fi"'~BoQe~ that it beenotoverhwed. But thefe bathesmull be warily frequented by me- ~;:,,;~:',g lancholyperfons, or if ufed, rofuchas arevery cold of themfelves, for as lauJar"f,.,. Gabeliw concludes of all Dutch Baths, and ef~ecially ofthofeof Baden,they ~:e:{i;,~. 11r.tgoor/ for aUcold difea(es,' naught for cholenck, hot and dry, and aUinjir- morbos,m.,.,. mities proceedingofcholer,inflammationsofthe (frleene ant! liver. Our Englilh rem,faftinari-; Bathes_as theyarehotmufineedsincurre the(imecenfure: ButD. Turner::::;;~:: ofold,and D.]o1JeS have written at large ofthem. Ofcold Bathes I fiode mata. · littk or nomention in any P hyfician, fome fpeake·agaiofi them : •. Cardan -~~f.;~· ch:U. alone out of Agathin•us commends bathing-in frejh rivers, and cold waters, d Hepar e~re1• 11ndadvifeth allJuch 114 mcane to live long to u[e tt, for it agrees with aUages ne":;!."'"' ne 11n~ complexiorll~ and u moftprofitabiefor hot te.mperatures. As·for fweating, ~~.:~, •4/i· unne,bloud-letnng by h~mrods , or otherw1fe, I lhall elfewhere more op- Ju tt_ftcco,cb.- portunely fpeake ofth.em. . . . ~;~~l~';;'' ImmoderateYenusmexceife, as lt 1s acau[e, or 10 defeCt; fo moderate- cboiera,beparu, ly ufed to fome parties an only hdp,a prefent remedy. Peter Foreftus calls it, f,~~Y.Jt ..•(- apt•ffimum remtdtum,-a mofiappofiteremedy, 1 rennttmganger, and rea(on, • Lib. de af{ll4;· th,at w~t~ otherwife bound. Avzcenna Fen. 3• 20. Ortbajius med. coUeCI. lib.6. ~i breve_b" cap. 37. contend out of Ruffus and others, uhat many 1/Jid-men, melancholy, ;:;~·::;;~::; l.ndlabourmgofthe faUtng jicknejfe, havebeenecuredby thu alont. !fontal. fonitranftgere, me/an. will have it drive away [orrow, and all illufionsofthe frig<Jis ~1•'• braine, to purge the hean and braine from ill fmoakes and vapours that of. (}:f.~/':.'%;" fend them,h andifit beomitttd, 111 Yale(cus (uppofeth, it 111akes the nJindtfad .rari::Um fit tht body dull anJ heavy. Many other inconveniences are reckoned up by i~;••pua_, coMer&atus,and by Rodericus a Caftro,in their tracts de melancholia virginum ~~i~::.mpmmr & monialium; ob {eminu retentionemfaviunt [.epe moniales & virgines but r solvir P~n~~~ ~ PlatertJSaddes,ft~ubant (anantur, they rave fiogle, and pineaway, ~uch :=;~:.';;~;n: difcontent,but mamagemends all: Marcellus D matus lib. 2 .med.hift. cap. 1 • £'!'"';,.,regMutti &O~tialer,mdan,bolici,infoni, ·bujruu/ufolofotutti. h Si c-.Jitt4tur ,o;rta 'mlrijhlt ~ plu~l::U~~r~v4l c~rPJH et 11mmum. • b Hh 3 tells