Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

er~e-ofMekmchoty.. 24o _ i<!Hs a ftorie to c?nti~me this·outt_ ofiA-k,.a7Jder.·Beneditf~, <>famaidt1hat ---- was ma~, ~b m~ll{e•mbJ bnos,cuoJ ,.. o~t1m11JimBN~r.iammoidiffet, a qwn... . d'e<tm'VIrt-St<>detJM~fife aompr-e/fo,menjiutJZ-l~•g.,projluvio0 quoJptu.;t;,..._,.. n~· atJfe <m.ftiteT'IIt, non•fine tJJII!§IIOp-udor.MJtU<HJJenlli ..jl:ituta d:fte{fil. B'u! r,hts muft be warklly undeFfioQ"d, fora& .4rJUJ!idiU<s fllli>]'e<ffs, tzb.x.brevi..,, r8. . . oap,f<!!_Ui co#tu adlmelancholicumfoccum>-t What affinici~· ha¥~ the[~ two• ~~f.::::.j.: i.e'"_•P,Pit bemar;ife.ft t•h'At J.UfM<~biVIId«IJ6e of(eod,IJ1<folne(feofh.!!o.od, boa "C4#~: me~ aut (an- or that love,oran ext'rabl'dilnano defr~ of /ZCntN• have gonob.fore, ov 1ha1 as g«m~~>caujltm Lo.d.Mercatwex-<!epvs, they. be~t~ne B.amous, and· h:w~ b~ene <ilthevwifetc. effe,autamot n. d . . .1 . il'l' 11· c "' pwtffirit,aut·'U'•ome Unt&!t. _MonPtufiPI cap_. 2J'- w '· nor a owo• m<:~,.eFatte /l'enus to (9-c. • fu,h as have theGout,Patfie,Ep!leptiie,M<!Iaa€holy,elilcep! tthey·benrie tu. ~1,t~~;:;.,~_lfy ,and fuaoJi'bloli(!l. k Lodovitu1 Ant«niuJ' lib. med\ mifoel. in. hischa.ptte•of dagrici• ""'"· renu•,forbtds lt utterly to<atl W rell<ler-s, Dt~.:hCtts, lnb~uring men, &€, 'Fi- "" •PP"'j.j. cinns and m Marji hU<J eognaPtu pm renu~one of the 6ve morGaH m~mie~ of f[;t:f,·;;; ,. atl!uden~:U mt{umrs theJPirits,andwe•lmeth the braine. lP•Iyabb... tl\e &. mult.o [apgui~yAUilln'. 5. Thm .cap. 36'.and-'}ttfon PraPohjis. ma'K~ it 'he feun~airu: fllfm011! dif. 4~41";/~::: eafes', ·nbutmofrpemioious to them-w!.o.are told ~~md·dry; a mdancl\clymaa ~~~:f:,.,z;,,;.muil: not meddl'e wil'h i~, but' in fume caf~ Plutarch. in.hi&book d~fo;,. ,._ MPatorlbw end~ accounts' ofit as one of the threeyrineip<fJ.t fignes.;utdl prefewevs of f':.~!:: tu- hea<lth<, remp,era!lee in this kinde~N 'Iurijewith ""'"fpetire, to H• T8ady to work, rnJ: lib. ' · MJdJ•8Jiainefrt!m venery, wi11 f•htb_er:rima, aretaree mofl! heatthf.ull things. ;.j~~r~; ':~~· Weefee rlleir op,pol1tes ll.ow· perructou~they ~rete manltinde~asro-aU orlter Jj~rtf#<, anf. creatures they·brmg death, an~many ferall 'illfeafes: lmmodws brevi$ eft mum~ lebilltat ,etttJ & rara{wd1r«. Arijl'otle gives infiancein•Sparrowes, which aretarU.. 'Vivatesobf~ttmraPem,Pihortlivedbecaufe of ~heir f<abcity, whicb is-verie illimi~i. frequent, as Scoppim in Prfapeiit will' bettter informe you·. The extremes Ji. o P•fcunrra being both bad,* tl\etJtediumis to be kept, whicl\ €anno! eaH'ly b~deteFmi· p~';::/:.':'rft"';j nea. Some arebetter ablero{uftaine, fuel\ as al'e bet aRd'ljloift,phtegmarick, l<kore,., vir ale asH ippocrates infinuaterh, fome firong and l~Il'ie, we!Hed likeq Hertulrt, fin"• con(tt· r Procult.s the Emperour, lufty Laurence, Cpro{ftbtfluMfomin.e Meffoli"• the i~~uitia efl Empreffe, that by Philters, and fuch kinde oftafciviousmeats, ufe :~ell< means f•~" ••• finit to 'inable themfelves: and brag of it in the end, confodi 11mltM enim, oocidi ~~:·:;;.:m .. vertp4t1C4fperventremvidt.ft•,asthatSpanilh * Celeftin& merrily faid: onunt, Pet. thers impotent, ofacold anddry•o?fi'itutionca~notfuftainc;thofegym­ ~o.lefr·J~~ nicks without great hurt done to thm owne bodtes, of whtch . number •• ;.~:,i:;.~ (though they be very prone to it) aremelancholy men for the moft·parr. . JehU,N4:rn et· · \ numerumdefiniti 't.4limudiflit. ttnicuii-fli41U 4./fi§naTi-foum tempt14,&t.q Tbt{}iaJMgenuit. r Pide tampriditim 11U. tju. -+-· {E't lajfota 11irU,(9'c. t Pitl. Mi~altl.cut.8.t l.Ltmnium lib. 1..cap.t6.Catullum ad lpfiphila m,etc.O'IJid.Eleg.lib. 3• it 6. etc.1UtJI itineT4 rJna MElt confocijfint, 10! coro'nM lutlic~.odeoputta•1fripb411o~Marfie,llerm~t,Priapo Jon4rcnt,Ci11'"~ 'U.I1Mtibi-mtntulllm ·coro1Jis, etc. * pernDihfoodrJ.G•fi.BMtbll. . . M a MIB. 3• v!ymellified. With Adigreffion oft he Ayre.' Sa long-winged Hawke when bee is firfi whiftled off the lift,' · al\'lft,and forhis·pleafure fercherh many acitcuit in the Ayre, frill-foarieg higher and hightt, till bee beecome to his full p,itchsandintheend wh&~ the game is fprung, comes downe amaine, andftoopesuponafudden: fowilll, having now come at !aft intO' thefe