:parC: z.Secb. 1Hgrefsion ofAIre. thefe amplefields·ofAyre, ~herein! t;nay fke!y ~xpbxiate an~ exercifemy Z4I felfe fpr my recreation awhile rove, wanderr,ouni:l about the world, mount · aloft to thofe:rthereaii'ort>es'and celeflbll fpheres;and fodcfcend to my former elements a"'ain~. In which progrdfe,' I will firfl fee wheth~t that re! a- · . tionofthe Frie~ofu oxford bee true ,' conc;rning tHofe North0rne pans un- ~· Nub/~Lyn- . derthe Pole (ifl meet obiter with the \vandring J~•v; Eli-u Artjfex; or Lr•- :~~;:,, ;;;his . _... <ians rcaromeni'ppte, they 'fhall be myguides) .whether there b: £irch 4· '-!""';~ , Map. pes, and agreat •rocke o_f Lqad-flones, _which may ~aufe th.e,!!eedlernthe•,. c::ompalfe flill to'bi:!nd tha.r .~ay,and w.ha~ fl~ould hed1€ true caufe .o~the va- . riarion ofrhe·~0m~alfe, xIS It amagnetrc.a!l tocke, or cl\~ Pole-lhrxe; as Car- x ~ions sr.ro. dan will ·or fome other ftarre In the beat-e, as M ar{l/1& Ftctnuq~or a magne-' Sonw "!I ic ticall me;idian an.. :waurolictu; vet jitt# In venJ t11rr"', as Agricola ·; or the ' <he ~·ighcn,~il nearnelfe of th~ next Continent, as Cabetu will; or fome other caufe, as Sc.<:. , ~~:~~;;;;fe liger ~ Cortt{iUJ , Conimbr.ic~nfes_, Peregrin~ conten~; why at FhC0_'{!!res i~) ~~~~\ c.z;uri!.i lookes directly North; otherwife not~ .ln the Mediterranean or -Levant (as: · fon1eobfervc)it varies7, gradl by and by' rz. and' then 22. In tlieBalticke · Seas neare Rafceburg in ·Finland, thc.needle runs rou~d; ifany ,{hips come that~ay ,though' Martin Ria/ey_wr~teotherwife, thatthe nec~le neare·the ~- cap.,c. in pole will hardly be forced from his direchon. 'TIS fit to.beenquirerl whether. ~; T cc~c~c of ceitaine rules ma.ybemade·ofit, as r r.grad. Laird. vluiat. alibi .':J.6.c!rc. and• ;:J;~'" c thatwhich is rqore prodigious, the vaPlation varies· in the fame place, now ta-· k.en accurately, 'tis fo much after afew yeares quitealtered from that it was, till we have better intelligence, let our D: Gilbert,and Nichol,ub Cabetuthe b L• lib .. }efuite, tint have both written great volumes of th(s fubjecr, fatisfie thefe cap. ;~~""'·:;; · lnquifitors. .Whether' the fea bee open and navigable by the Pole articke; d17'g"'rica . and which.is thelikelieft way, that of Dartifon the Ho!Jander, underthe Pole r~~;~f:.~~· ~ it felfe, which for fome reafons I hold tiell; ol' by fi ·etumDavu, or Nti.t!d z_embl.i. Vvhether cHud(ons difcovery be true ofa new found Ocean, anv c ••u. likelihood of Buttons bay m 50. degrees, Hubbtrds hopein 6o. thatof ut tt!tr',;, d, M.Brigt) IUs Map, and Nonhwcfr Fox. · neat:e Sir Thom.u Roes welcome in Norrhweft Fox ,:being that the fea ebbes and ~owes conflatitly there r'5 .foot in 12 .houres,as ourd new Cards informe ps, that California is nota Cape, but an pand,and the Weflwindes make the Nepe ti?es eqimll eo the Spring , or that'there be any prob!lbility to palfe by the Strarghts of Anrar; to Chtna, by thePromontory of Tabtn. Ifthere be I lhall foone perceiv.e whether ·c 011arctU Polru the Venetians narration beJ e 'Qb.,,,_,f-64 tme or falfe, ofthat great City ofGJ!!i;tfaJ and Cam6a!u; whether there bee de n.b.civitat, anyfuch placeS], or that as FMatth. Riuim the Jefuite bath written china -:!;~~n~!deC:amJ and CataiabeaH one,.the gre'at Cham of 'Tartary and the King of chi~a bee b"'"· ' the fame: Xrmt.Jne and f2!!!nfa•, and the City ofCambalrt be that new Pa. f Lib+expe«. fi h 11 :J ad ~~~.s,cap. 3 • ~uin, o~ nc a wa .4o,o.leagueslohg to part china from Tartary : whether &bb.r.c.rs. · b Presbttcr. Johnb. e_m A_iftaor Afizc_ke ;M.Polu; Venetu;puts him inA1a, hthe g M-Po/u.sinn d h h f b JJ• AjiaPmb.Joh..· moa rewve opiruon 1s, t .at ee IS Emr,erour o the A ifsines, which ofold """"'"'lib.,. was u£thtof"~ , now Nubza, under the u£qtwor in Africke. Whether i Grti~ cap. ,o. neabeani\andor·panoftheCominent, orthat hungry k Sp~niards difco~ '::,.~~I.'""fo« veryof Terra Ariflralu lnc~r;mta, or MageUamca, be as true as that of Mercu! i Lat.ro.Gr. ril!' BritJJnnitu >or his of Utopia_, 01: his ?f Lttcinia. And yet in likelihood it tf;rdin;nd• · may ~· fo,for ·W!thout aU quefliontt ber,~ extended from the Tropicke of dc ~r. A._• . Capr!corneto.the orcle Antamck, and lymg as it doth in the rempemte z:one; r6u. · cannot