Part :.SeCI:.z. CureofMelancboly. Memb. ~; :&4-~ cannot chufe but yeeld in time fome flourilhing kingdomes to fucceedi ages, as America did unto the Spaniards·•.Shouten and Le Meir have done w~ in the difcovery ofthe S,treights of Wagellan, in finding amore convenient paffage to Mare pacifcum: mee thinkesfomeofour moderne<.Argonautes ihould profequutethe refi. As I goe by. Wadagafcar, I would fee that great Bird I Rucke, that can carry aman and horfe , oran Elephant, with.that Ar 4 • bian Phamix defcribed by m Adricomim; fee the Pellicanes of u£gypt thofe scythian Ajia : And afterwards in Africk examine the fou~taincs of Nifiu, wh~her Herodotm_, oSeneca, ).C~f ,9: StrAbo lib. 5. givea truecaufeofhts annuallllowmg, ~ Pag.aphettadtfcour[e nghdy ofit,orofNi. ger and s enrga; examine Cardan, q Scaligersrea[ons , and the refi.. Is it from chofe Eteftan windes, or.melting of fnow' in the Mountaine.sonderrhe u£qu,_ tor (for Jordanyearelyoverlloweswlien thefnow meltsm MountLibanus) or fromthofe great dropping perpetual! ihowres., which are fo frequent to the inhabitants within the Tropickes whentheSunne is verticall,andcaufe fud! vafi inundations in Senega, Maragnan, orenoqne, and the refi ofchafe great rivers in Zona Torrida, which have all commonly the fame paflionsat 1 A!tmtm penn.e contmemin lone jtudint• lt. palfiu, elrphan- ~em in[Nblime tollercpoteft. Polml.3.r·40• m Lib. z. De[cript.lC1'- rte [anflte, o NatJR·.qu.tfl• lzb.~J. cap.:,, p Lib.dereg. Congo. q Exrrcit.47· fet times: and bygood husbandry and policie, hereafter no doubt may come to be as populous, as well tilled, as fruitful! as u£gypt it felfe, or Cauchimhi. na i' I would ob!erve alhhofe motions of the fea, and fro~ wha~ caufe they proceed,from the Moon:as·the Vulgar hold )or earths mouon,wh!Ch Galileus in the fourth dialogue ofhis.Syfieme of the world,fo eagerly proves,& firm. r See ly demonfirates;or winds, J S' ' fome will. Why in char quiet Ocean of zurjn P"''"" Gco· maripaci•co,it is fcarce perceived, in our Brifijh Seas mofi violent, in theMt· graphy, lib. .1" J d >.cnp.6.& •~·- diterranean and Red Sea fo vehement, irregu ar, an diverfe ~Why the cur- " wd 'Tcufw rendn that t.Atlanticke o~ean lhould llill bee in fome places from, in fome a. ~~:':'%.';,,de gaine towards theNorth,and why theycome fooner than goe ~ and fo from • ma:is m~"""'" Moabar to wadagafcar in that Indian Ocean.,rhe Merchants come in three ~~;:::,~;J;:!: weekes,as f~ca/ig~rdifcuffeth, t~eyreturne fc~rce in rhreemoncths,wich tionis,foc•mi< the f.1me or hke wmdes :The contmuallcurrentJs from EafrtoWeft. Whe. ;,"!;,;;;;~~~~:;,.~ ther Mount Athos, Pelion, olympus,ojfa, Caucafits, AtlJU , befo high asPlinJ, ,. ccjJ'4Ii;J;., Soltnus, Mela relate, above Clouds, Meteors, Ubt nee aur.e n~c vmtij)rrant, qumc, prcvati- (mfomuch that they that afcend dyc;fuddenly very often,the a1re ts fo fubrile) :.;;~:,:~ ""- u 5o.paces high,according to that meafure of Dtcearchus, ?r 78.miles per. Patritio• futh pendicularly high, as Jacobus Mazomus,Jec. 3.& 4· expound!tlg that placeof 1•;macs in Arijlotle about mount Caucafos; and as' Blancanus the Jefuirc contends ourof ~"£I!~decxpli - Clavius and N_oni•s I?e~o~firations ~e CrepuJc.ulis: or r~rher 32 .fiadium~,as ,.,;,,. tocorum the mofi recetved optmon 1s; or 4· miles, whtch the hetght ofno mountaine flathcmat.&ri- cloth perpendicularly exceed, and is equal! to thegreatefi depths of the Sea, u0~oct.iih. x 1. whichis,asSca/igerholds I 58o.paces,Exer.J8 . others xoo.paces' I would eop;xs. defl"P· feethofe inner parts of <.America, wherherthere be any fuch great Cityof :''~~;~~.dii vo- Manoa,or Eldorado inchat golden Empire,whereth~ ?igh ~ayes are as much cont. -beaten(one reports)as between N adrtll and ValedolttJn spatne;or any fuchA· ;..,~";~';'.~;~~~ ma<Jnes as he rebres,or giganticall P~tagones i~ Ch!c•; with t~at miraculous to<eltriwc mountain u rbouyapab mthe Northrcn Brafile,cKJus ]ugumftmmur mamrzpi(- mmpunt &nh- jhnamplanitiem,&c .orthat of Pariacacca [o high elevated in Peru. x The pike ~~};:':,~;.';:,". ·of Ttnerijft how high_it i~ ~ 70. miles, or 5o. as Patricius holds.' •dit•m ;,,,. s nelliHs demonfirates mbts Er~to.flhenes :.fee that firange * Clrkm;k:urkftJ •l•d•m. .. · - - · - · -· · lake