Pare z.SeCl:.z. 'Digrifsionof Aire, Memb.3. ·----------~~----~~--------------~ lake in Carniola1 whofe waters gulh fo fall: our ofthe ground,that they will<). Zf J ve)!ake a [ wifi horfeman,and by and by with as incr~dible celerity are fup(ied up: which La'{!_us and Warnerus make an argume!\t of the Argonatetes faylmg under ground. And that vall: denor hole called Y Efme!!e~ in M11{covia,qu" y Eoiffudus j. ' vi(itur horrendohiatu,&<.wh!Ch!fany tbmgcafually fall m, makes fusba roarina aoife, that no thunder, orordnance, <:>r warlike engine can make the Pdnpm. like. f~ch another is Gilbm Cave in L.<pland, with many the like. I would .. exa1~inethe CaJPian Sea, and fee where and how it ex~nerates it (elfe,ali:er it bath taken in Volga, Jaxares, O:<M, and tbofe great ~JVers; at the mouth of ohy,or where~ '-':hat vent the Mexican lake h~th, tbeTiti~acan in Per~''. or that circular poobn the vale of Terapeta, ofwh!Ch Acgfla lth. 3 .c. r 6. hot ma cold country, the Spring ofwhich boils ·up in the middle twenty foot fquare, and hath no vent but exhalation: and that of Mare mortunm in Paleftina, nf Thr.jitmene ; ·at Pem'{!_um . in Italy: the U'vtediterranean it felfe. Fqr z Incamp;,r;. from the ocean, at the Straights ~of Gihralter, there is a perpetuall current vicen.JOI•~vi· into the Levant,' and fo likewi fe by the Thracian BofPhorus out of the' Eu. ~~%:;,:::;;~,, xine or blacke Sea, befidesall thofe -great'nvers of Ntlru, Padcts, Rhodanus, 4Jia1e, '"'"'""' &c. how is this wat~r co~fumed, by the Sunne? or otherwife ~ I wc;mld find !J,~;;:~~iir. outwithTraJanthe tountames of DanHhtus, of Ganges, Oxru, fee thole E- I.z. f'•!.Belt 1u( gyptian Pyramids , Trajans briage, Grotta de Sybilla•, L'ttCfl!ltls Filh-ponds; p s,.,;;,;"'""" the Templeof Nidrofi ,&c.•And, if I couldiobferve what-becomes ofS,val~ 'fl,';~:~7,. !owe>, Storkes, Crane~, Cucl<owes, N1ghtmgales- , Redll:arr~.' and !lla{y o• «nrikni:. M"f' ther kiadeof fingmg bfrds, water-fowJes·;H•twkes l &;c.•• fome :ofthem are :ovu. "fl!i1''fi oriely.feen• in Summer, fomc!'inWintor:; fome are ~bfc!Vetl in the z fnbw, ').':;:';;£";..' and<\! no other times, each have:i1ei! fdf?~s. In Winter not a bir(lii~ in Mctj- cuhu(q;per hte· iD-via to bee found ,but at the,fpnng m'an1nll:_ant thc-waods and -l}~dge~ a~e ';';'.,;~~;{:;c· fulJ.o£them, fatth p Herb~fler~?. :how c'om~s lt to ~atfe ~ Doe -thhy f!eepe-m vo!Hcm !'on, ' winter; like Gefners Alpme ~lee; or_d.oethey l)"e:, ~Id ( ns q I!JlArls _a~rnlrs) :;i::::t:.:· ' in t?e bottomeoflakes"s ., fpmttijp contmantes •? ofien fo fottnd by flmngionibm Jiif/ltrmen in Polan'd and Scandta, two togeth•r)no;,rhitp.mouth, win~ to-nilng ; E•roptis "'"if' tthdwhen the 'JP ring tome.< thej_~evive agai#l'l or ifthey.~heeb~oug'ht lnt~ ,( fi!'f'~, ~·~~;~; of or to the fire (ide. ~r doe' t~ey- follo\Ythe.~unne;> as ~eter c.Marfyr\ L_rgat. Corq,,lJ; . . Bahylomca f.z 1p1a!lifeiUy COli\<lcts,out oflus owne knoWledge: for when he s Porro ;ico""' ·W3S ~mbatfadou! in .EfgYPf~he£1\V Sw~llowes,SpaoillJ Kites,<an&ini~y fMtb ~:,;::;~;;:;. otberEuropcan.l,!rds,m.Dec<emb,er and·January very< .famtbarly flymg, and 10 <onfmw,ingmathbundance;about Alexandriat,uhijlo'rid;e tunc -' arhores ac viridari£. Or ~ompertum adly_e~heyhid}ncaves?roc'kes '· and hollo~~rees, as moll: think~_ , , in d>:epe n1::;~f,";:;· Ttn-mlnesor Sea.dijfe!, aS',I'oMt Carcw g~ve~ out d <fortclude·oftbi:in all,for f ~nde'""'"'<'' my-p;m, as r M;mfter cloth ~fiOraMs afi4St~F~es: Whence they\on:e, wb!- ~;;:;;,:;::;{!: .thertbdy goe, zncompertrlm a!iliuc, as.y~t- we know n<lt ~ 'Wee fee_them here, c1L•·msopmor , ~oine~i~ fi:mmef,fome·i~ wihter. :Th~iYc~"!ming int~J~night: ;~'!f~:t;:·Ap: ,tn thcp.liunu of Afz:t (fa1th <~~~' the1{1onkes rneef on fuch a [c_t day ,' hee that campis cmpdie come1l41(f 1ts tornnn. peeces,iiidd{o.they gttl~em gMn1 Many ll:ranae places, congregam ft, .. 1/fhmi._;.Ettripi, oherfmfi' creekes, haven's \ promonto-ries' fl:r:Ughr.s' l~kes, f;:~~::::,"t. bathes\ rockes;mountames, ·places , andfields, where Cmes hnve bm rumed cerant, indta- ' ot:Cwallowed~·batrels foughr,creatures, >S"eacmonll:ers , Remora &c. miilerais ~o!ant. cofmog. . ve&etals. Zoophiteswerefi.t to~eecoli!~deredio fuch an expeditiqn,anda~ ;;·~,';;;.,_ mongll: the rell:, that of nr Harhajletn h1s Tartar lambe, n f{c{/or Bmhi11s Mufiov. I i goofe- nHijl.~cot.l.r.