Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part z.SeCl:.z. 'Digrefsion ef Aire. _ . were 48. carcaffes of men~ with other m~rchandife: Tpat fuch thingsare or~ z 4-S dinarilyfoundin tops of luls, v.trijlotlemfinuatestn hts meteors, t Pompmi- . . us Melain his firll booke, cap. d: Ntlmidia, andfamili~rly in the A/,t>u, faith !J:f!:~":;,,~~'::, * Blancanusthe Jefuite, the like IS tobtfeene: came thts from Earth-quakes; repmiQtlllr· . or from Noahs flood , as Chrillians fuppofe, or is .there a viciflicude of Sea ;:,:j;!',~~::,.; . and land as Anaximenes held of·old, the mountames ofThe/{;,ly would be~ fi"· come S~s and Seas againe Mountaines ~ The whole worl,fbelike lhould bee new m~ulded , when it feemed good to thofe all commanding Powers; and turned infide our, as we doe·hay-cockes in Harvell, toppeto bottome, or to bottome top: or as we turne apples to the fire, move the world upon his Center; that which is under the Poles now,lhould be tranflated to the v£qui- ' noi1iaU, and ;hat which is under the torrid Zone to the Circle v.trtique and Antartique another while, and fo be reciprocally warmed by the Sunne: or if the worlds be infinite, and every fixed llarre aSuhne, with his compafling Planets (as Bmnm and Campanella conclude) call three or foure Worlds into one; or el[e ofone old worldmakethree or foure new, as it lhall feeme to thembell. To proceed, ifrheearthbezx5oo. miles in f compaffe ,its Dia- f Or~laine,ao meteris.7ooo. from ~s to our Antipodes, and what_ ~all be comprehended in ~~t~:,'::hich all thatip.tce ~ What1s the Center ofthe1:arrh ~ IS It pure element onely, as A•flin, Laf/a~~­ Arijlotle decrees , inhabited (as ' Paracel[m thinkes) with creatures , whofe tius, and fome Chaos is the earth: or with Fairies, _as th: wo?~s and waters (according to ~~".':·,~~~~of him) are With Nymphes, or asthe Atre With·Spmts ~ Dtonijiodorm, aMathe- •.• a ccenchec' matician in u Pliny,that fent aletter adfuperos after he was dead,from the Cen. 'j:'b.tkz!IPh" terofthe earrh, to lignifie what dillance th~ Ctme center was from the ji1per- the~'f.':~;,.;.; ficics ofthe fame, viz. 4zooo. [fadzums, mtght have done well to have farif.. <heeac<has. fied all thefe doubts. Or is it the place ofhell,_as r;i~giUin his v£neides, Pia. :\1b~~-:'.'!: to, Lucian,Dantes, andotherspoetiCallydefcnbeit , and as many ofourDi- x commentar. vines thinke ~ In ~ood earne~, A_r;thony Rufta, one ofthe fociety ofthat Am- 't"'::~~::/J!1 hroftanColledgemMtUan,mhtsgreat volume de Inferno ltb.I.cap-47• is cu;uPbiio(ophi fl:iffe in this tenent,'tisa corporeall fire tow, cap 5 .lih.z.. ashe theredifputes. 1"'d•~[·m ' whatfoever Ph!lofophe!s write (faith x Surius) there he cert11ine mottth(J ofhell, ~~~';;t~/:!;1;. andplaces appomted for the pumfhment ofmens .foules , M at H~h in Ifland, n)mis deflinara, where theghofls ofdeal men are famtltarly foene, andfometimes talke with the •; Heck mons, l . . . dl' ldh .t; h ;r.u { h . u . h ' . ~c.ub,morr,.,. wmg : Go wou ave 1uc vz,w•e p a~es! t at morta" men mzg t oe·certatnly rum rpiritus viinformed, that there be f~eh punifomcnts after death , and tearne hmce.to ftare f.ntur,ctJ.c: voGod. Kran{!ru dan.hijllib.z .. ~ap . zft. fubfcribes t? this opinion _ofSurius, ~":2~~~':,':,}­ [odothColeruscap.u. bb.de 1mmortal.amm.e (out 0fthe authonty behke '""'"'"'""'· ofSt. Gregory, Dttrand, and the reil ofthe Schoolemert, who derive as much fro~ v£tna in Sicily, Lypara, Hyera,and thofe fulphure~us P.ulc~nian Ilands) . . . . makmg Terra del Fuego, and thofe frequentrulcanennAmert(a,ofwhich yVhtmiferdJ,. Acojla lib.3 .cap.z_4.thai fearfull mount Hecklebirgin Norway; anefpeciall ar~ ~;:;;':;;r::;:;: gument to prove lt, Y where lamentable ftreeches and kowlmgi .are contimta!ly "~;qui audit•· ' heard,whtchjlrtke aterrour to the Audttors ~fiery chamots a;e com'!'only pen to ;;:,i:o;~;:,d lmng m the[ottlcsofmenm the ltkeneJ!e ojcrowcs, and dwcls ordmarzly goe vN.Ig.irem;&c. i11 andout. Suchanotherproofeisthatplaaeneere the Pyramides in Egypt · z ExfiP'(I<hri• by Cairo, as,well to confirmethis as the re~urreCiioo, mentioned -by z K orn~ 1/:/!':; &'f:;. mannus mtrac.mort.ltb. I .cap. 38. Cameramu oper. fuc.cap ·37. . Bredenbachi- flu f~btmalo us ftreg.ter. fimt1. and fome others; where once ayeert dead hodid arife tihoui f(;bfiond•nr," . li ~ MArch' '·