Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part :r. Sect :r. Cure of Melancbolv, M b • • • 'J em·~· :-4-6 March, and f11alkt,"nnd after &lvhilc hide themfehm ag~ne: ~houfands ofpt6- 'lft come y_carly to f ee th~~· But thefe an? fuchhke telhmomespthers reject, as fables, illufionsof fpmts, and they will have no fuch l()l:all knowne place more than Styx or Phlegeton1 Pluto's Court, or that poeticall lnfornres, wher; Homers foule was feene hangmg on a tree, &c. to wh1ch they ferriedover in charons_bo~t, or wennlowne at Herinione i~ Grcec~ , cornpendiaria adi¥feros . v~&, wh1ch IS the fl10rtefi cut ,tpua nullum amort.11ts nau{um_ (ii lwi expoftunt, • ?•fmpe. ~fa1th' Gerhelttu) and befides there were no fees to be pa1d. Well then, is <];z;J•b- 6 -de uHell, or Purgatory, as Be!larmtn~ ; or Dm(>u.spatrum ., as Ga!lucitts will,and b.conetave rg- as RH.f!Awill~for they have made mappesof1t) bor lgnatttts parler ~ Yirgit, ""'"· fometlmes Blfhop of Saltb~<rgc(as Avcnttnus Anno 745. rtlates) by Bonif4. cius Bi!hop of M ent{ was therefore called in queO:ion, becaufe .-he held Ami. , pudes (which th'ey made a doubt whether Chrifi died for) and fo by that meanes tooke away the lbt ofHell, or fo contracted it,that it could beoreno proportion to Heaven, and contradicted that opinion of Aujlin , B<ljit, L4• Oantius, that held the earth round as atrencher (whom LA cojla and common s:xperienc'e more largely. ~onfute) but not as a ball; and Jmifdlem where Chrlfi d1ed the m1ddle oflt ; or De/os, as the fabulous Gree/us fained: be. caufe when ]~<piter let two Eagks loofe, to !lye from theworidsendsEaf! and Well: ,theymet at Delos. But that fcrupleof Bonifacius is now\juiteta. ken away by our latter Divines : Francifcus ll.ibera in cap.x4. Apoc~tlyp[. wiU have Hell amateriall and locall fire in the cenrer of the earth, a oo.Itali•ll II!iles in diameter ,as bee defines it out ofthofe words, Exivit{angui1 deterra--per.ftadJamtlle [txcenta,&c. But Le(smslib. I3.de mmb11s dt'ViniJ ~ap.z 4·will have tlus locall hell far ldfe,oneDutch mile in Diamerer,all filled with fire and brimO:one: becaufe , as bee there demonfirates, that fpace Cu. bically multiplyed, will make aSphere able to hold eight hundred thoufand millions of damned bodies (allowing each body fixe foot fquare) whicb . . will abundantly fuffice; Cum certmn {it, inquit,/•flafobduc1io»e, nonfi•turo1 ;,;!;~":,/::/:!;, centiesmille mitlionts damnan:lomm. :But if it bee no materiall•fire (as Sco. '""'" litig"'e 'IhomM, BOnaventure, Soncm.u, Yoftms, and others argue) it may bee "' incfi-t<i<,,bi. bee there or elfewhere , as K ecfrerman difputes Syflem. 'Ihco!. for fure t;;;:"" mf"'"'• fome where it is, certum eft alimhi, ttji dejinitus circulus »On afligwe/flr. I will d see D• Ray- end the controverfie in c AH.flins words, Better dOttht of things conceAled, tht# '~5U,;, P_:;;~~~1· to contend•,bout tmcertaintits, rvh<re Abrahams hofome is, and hell fire: d rix ~ , A• they eo"' ' . mtlnfuetu, a contenttofts nunquam tnvemtur; fcarce the meeke, the conrentl- ~o;1~','h~;,:•,h ous_!hall ne~e~ finde. Ifit be folid e~n~, ~tis tbe founta!ne of!lletali,waters, eo rru/s,,.. whiCh by h1s mnate tempertumes Arre mto water, whiCh fptmgs up mfeve• g,ine by f«:ct rail chinkes, to moifien the earths fopeljcies, and that in a tenfold proportion Pfi~'f'j';;'"d' (as lA rij1otle holds) or elfe thefe founraines come direC:Uy from the fea, by ~he ~:J;;; • fecret palfages, and fo made fre!h againe, by running cl) rough the bowels Seo v_cmdr ofthe earth ;and areeither'tbicke, thinne, hot, cold, as the matteror mine. ;;~;;~, 'g;,. rals are by which theypalfe; or as Peter Martyr O&ean.Decad.lib .9. and.fome .,_ others hold, from f abundanceofraine thatf.il.ls, or from that ambient beat ~J.~;~·.!~;~& and cold, which at~ers that inward h~t, and fo per conflqu~n_s the generation 1.s,9}o.r 1 . ofwaters. Orelfe lt may be full ofwmde;ot afulphureoustonate fire,asour " · de wq,,.. MeteorologiO:s enforme us , which fometimes breaking out caufeth thofe ;.~::•m pe;pc- . horrible Earth-quakes, which are fo frequent in thefe dayes_in Jap4n, cm:J