Pare z.SeCl:.z. 1Jigrefiionof A ire. Metnb.3 • and ofrentimes [wallow up whole Cities. Let L11cians Menip.pus confuit with it1 or aske of Tire{ttU , if you will not beleeve Philofophers, hee !hall cleare all • 1 , iis ""' p•l: your doubts whenhe makes a fecond v01age. . .· . . · ws hintndiw:r In the meanetime let us confider ofthat whtch ts foG dto, and finde out;~ cxc&dsmt,,.q; true caufe, if it be poflible,of fuch accidents,'Mer~ors,alterations, _a~ happen ~~;::;;;:, above ground. Whence pro;:ee? that vanety of m~ners , .and adllhnCl cha~ !;J.~~N_;;~~z;;::: raCler(as tt were) to feverallnattons ~Some are whe, fubnle, Witty ;others pr.rog.cap.u:c. dull, fad and heavie; fome bigge,fomt little, as Tully de Fato, Plato;, Ttm£o; x At ~"in regetills and IJo~ine proves at large, metho~.c.ap. 5. fome f?fr, ,and. fome bar- ::;;~;:,:fo:• dy, barbarous, clVJll, bbck , dmme, whtte, tSit from theatre, ft:omthe foyfe, ditu>in ,,.,;foinfluenceof!brres ,orfomeother fecret caufe~ Why doth Afma b;eed fo di"};j,, ,,. bumany venemous beafis, Irdand none~ Athens Owles•1 Cmt none~ Why ~£/fci !~;;te hathDswlu and Thebes no Swallowes (fo Pau{tmtM mformeth us) as well funt nigcrrimi: as the re~ of c_reece, t Jthacan? Hares,.J>ontru Affes,Scythia Swine~ whence ~tt;;JJ:~;":;. come thts vanety ofcompleCltons, coloms, plants, btrds, beafis, ~metals, Itali ~q"' niu-i, peculiar almofi to every place~ Why fo many thoufand firange btrds .and ~;."'!,'':":f/(1;: beall:s properto A mm ea alone, :~s t.Acofta deman~s ltb.~ .cap,3 6. Were they "';b ~ql",_ createdmthefixedayes,orever mNoahs Arke~ tfthere, whyaretheynot ~e,biad Auflr~ difperfed and found in other countries~ It is a thing (faith he) hath long held ,g,f,d/~''7, 1 me in fufpence; no Greek, Latine, Hebrew ever heard of them before, and yet 'f:' 1:h.. ~:·b~: as differing from our E11ropean animals, as an egge and·a chefnut: and which bitant fubf.«fii is more, kine, horfes, fheep, &c. till rhe Spaniards brbught them were nevcli l};."'J.ll~~~;iheard of in thofe parts~ How comes it to paffe, that. in the fame fire, in ons i~i,•q"' diflanLatitude, to fuchas are Peria:ci, there !hould be litch difference offoyle,com.l :c·· ab .~1~""; plexion, colour, metall , aire,&c. The Spaniards ~re white, and fo areitali--_ p~·=f1":w7J:lff; am, when as the Inhabitants about Y Caput bon&Jfci are Bbtkemores,and yet m.<;;is tmwi both alikedill:ant from the ..,f.quator: my, they that dwellinthefame para0 J~";,f:~;~:;~'(. lelllinewith thefe Ner,ro's, as about the Straights.of Mag:ellan1 ar~ white eo• quamni~'" iif; !oured, and yet fome m Presbyter J_ohns countrey mv£t1Jiopra are dunne;~h~y v:;;~,';f,;'[::; , m Zettan and Malabar parallel w1th them agame blacke: <.MJndt#otapa 11i ~'""''"' ;u;, Africkc, and St. ThomtU Ille are extreme hot, both under the lin~, ·cdle'blacki! dsa"q>>£ h"i"~ their Inhabitants, whereas in Peru they arequiteoppdfire_in colbtir,yery.tefi!' 'J!t;::tf::!Jn perate, or rathercold, and yet both alike elevated. Mofca-m 53 .degrees ofla- rrrr;q,,u,;,,, ~ tude extreme cold, as thofe Northerne countries uftlally are, having one pet! anJO!i Proprn-·' . petuall hardfmfiall winter long: and in 52.deg.l:it. fome times hard froil! ~";~~S::.,~P~;;: and fnow all fum~er,as inBttttonsBay,&c.?rbyfits; and yet~ E1igland '~'';;',""'.'"'~ ncere the fame Lattrude1 and.Jreland, very m01fi, :W<lfme, and fuore ·rempt;7 ~(r;,~~~~':.'n tare m Wmtet than Spame, Italy, or France. Is tt the fea that ·caufeth thts z Regi''l""'"'· dtfference, and the Airethat comes from it: Why>then ·is •=Tjl:et. fo cold q;a,; ccmpure neere the Euxine, Pontus, Bithinia, and all Thrace ;. ftigid,u r~~iones '0l-fa, ~;;{'('':f;.;';:::· finu; calls them, and yet their latitude is -but 42'.:\vhich ll10Vld'bee ·hot': Gdli• &uatie . !!J!.!.cvira, or Nova A!bion in <.America, botderin~ 0n t!\e fea, Was fo '?Id iri ~;r,;;,";;. r:!1 ' }uly,thatour ~ Enghlhmen could, h~rdly endurett•.: At;;N~temberga lfl ·4'5· nigna q>wiam !at. all thefea 1S frozen Ice, and yet m am0re Somherne·Iatimile.than o'Uts1 ccmpcrscprorfu~ New England, and the Iiland.of Ctzmhia!l Colchos, whi~h that noble Gentler ";~:~~-~';_' man M< Vaughan,ororphcNs Junior,defcribes in his•Golden ·Ffecke in nubii. the C1me latitude wit? littl~ Br~taine in Fra~ce ,· an~ryet thelr.winterbegi'ns ~o~"''" /as; notttll)anuane, thmSprmg.ull May; whtch ft-aroh > heea~counts woohy c In Sic Fr. I i 3 of Dra.\esvoiag<>: