Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part z.SeCl:.:. CureofMelancfJo/y. Memb. ~; z.<j.2 ofan Afirologer : is this from the Eafierly winds, or me!tin<> of ic~ d.ilfolved within the circleArtick; or that the aire bein_ g thick,is longer before • Lttuftrutrtdl. b b h 5 b d h v conzraH•ng•- It ewarme yt e nnne eames,an once eated hkeauoven willkeepeit m. fdfefiom cold~ Our Climes breed lice,* Httngary and Ireland mate audiunt in this kinde; come to the Azom, by afecret vertue of rim aire they are in- ' fiantly confumed, and all our European vermine almofi, faith ortelim. Egypt is watered with Nilusnotfurrefrom thefea, and yet there it feldome or ne. ver raines: Rhodes, an.IIandofthef~me natu.re, yeelds not a cloud , and yet our Ilands ever droppmg and mclmmg to rame. The Atlamtckc Ocean is fiill fubject to fiormes, but in Del Zur, or Mari paciftco, feldome or never any. is it from Topicke fiarres, apertio portarum , in the Dodecotemories or confief. d Lisbon./4t.JS· !ations, the Moones man/ions, fuch afpects· of Planets , li1ch windes, or dif- ;:.""'~tt.u. folving ayre, or thicke ayre, which caufeth this and the like differences of heat and cold~ Eodin relates ofa Portugal Emba!fadour, thatcomming from d Lisbon toe Dant'{jcke in spruce, found greater heat there than at any time ar home. ~n Garcia de Sylva, Legat to Philip 3. King of Spaine, refidin<> at Spahan in Perjia r 6rg. in his Letterro the Marque!fe of £edmar, makes ~ention ofgreater cold in Spahan, whofe !at.is 3 r .gr. than ever he felt in Spaioe or any part of Europe. Thetorrid Zone was by our predecelfors held to~ inhabitable, but by our moderne travellers found to bemoft temperate, be. "'Dtnnt.tUn.Ji Drbis lib. I.cap. ,.SHat!ifiimNS omniHmiQCtU> &c. dewe~ with frequent raines, and mo~fining fhowres , the Brife and cooling blafis m fome parts, as* Ac1fa defwbes, mofi pleafanr and femle• ..Arita in Chili is by report one of the fweetefi places that ever the Sun lhinod on, o.lympus terr.e, an heaven on earth: how incomparably doe fome exroll Me· xic1in Nova Hif}ania ,Peru, Brajile ,&c. in fome againe hard, dry,fandy, barren, avery Defert, and fiill in the fame latitude. Many times wee finde r The fame great diverfity ofaire in the fame r c<;mntry, by reafono~ the lite to feas,hills, vaderyofwea· or dales, wamofwater,natureoffotle,and the hke: asmSpame, Arragonis th<~f•dtHi•- ajper4& ficca,harfh and evil! inhabited; Ejlramedura is dry, fandy, barren (.:;,;;·~twixt mofi part, extreme hot by reafonof his plaines, Andalu'{ja another Paradife, L~tge andAjax Yalence a mofi pleafanr aire, and continuallygreene; fo is it about~ Granado, :;;;:;,~~~,, on the one fidefertile plaines, on theother, conrinuall fnow to bee feeneall g Magv,.:{_;.,. Summerlongon the hill tops. That their houfesin the Alpesare threequar- .iill,. . ters ofthe yeere covered with fnow, who knowes not~ That Tenarilfa is fo cold at the top, extreme hot at the bottome :Mons AtllfJ in Ajricke, Lihanru in Palejlina, with many fuch, tantoJ inter ardores.fdos nivihu.<, • Tacitus calls ~ n;jl.k~.s- them·, and Radziulm epijb .j0l.z7. yeelds it to bee .farre hotter there than in any part of Italy : 'tis true; but they are highly elevated ,_neare the middle Region; and thereforecold,ob paucamfolartum radtomm refra.?ronem,asSerrarius anfwers,com.in 3.cap.Jofua·qu.e.Jl.5• Abulenjisqu4f.37· In the heat of fummer, in the Kings Palace in E{curiAil the aire is mofi temperate , by reafonofacold blafi which comes trom the fnowie mounraines of Sierrade Ca. a'arAma hard by,when as in Toledo it is very hot: fo in all other countries. The caufes ofthefe alterations are commonly by reafon oftheir neerene!fe Cl fay) to the middle Region: but this diverlity ofaire, in places equally fire, elevated and difiant from the Pole, can hardly be fatisfied, with that diverfitiebf Plants Birds, Beafis, which is fo familiar with us; with Indiam,everywherei the S~e is equally diftant, the fame vertical! ftarres, the fall)e irradlaiio:r