Part z.Setl:.z. 'Digrefsion of A ire. ofPlanets Arpects alike the fame nearnelfe of feas, the fame fuperficies,the z 49 fame foyl;; or not much different. Under the Equator it felfe, among_ft the Sierra's .dudes LAnes as Herrera, Laet, and* Acoft• contend, there IS tam • r. ;b.t ;.cap·7· mirabitis & ino'pinata v~ri~tM, fuch variety o~ weather, 111 m:rito ,exerceAt in,- genia,thatno philofophy can yet finde ~ut the truecau~e '?f 1t. When. I con- .. • fider how temp.erate it is in one place,fatth t. Aco 0 a, Wlthmthe Trop1cke of ·r L~b·"M· d h db 1' ,r; · h r l' d CY>Po. o(a& .. Capricorne, as about La-plate, an yet ar y at Poto 1a, m t attame a. mu e, p14 ,. , 1<,-ber in mountainous alike,extreme cold; extreme hot inBra_Jil:,&c.H_Ic ego ,faith 1co: tam ten;~ intcrJla,philoflphiam Arijlotclis metereol~~tcam vehementer trriji,cum,&c. when the ~;:}~~a, '6-:': Sunnecomes neareft to them,they have great tempefts,frormes, thunder and lightning, great frore of raine, fnow: and the foul ell: weatherwhen the Sun is verticall,their rivers over-flow,the morning faire and hot,noone aay cold and moifr:all which is oppofite to us. Howccimes it to palfe ~ Scaliger poetices ~- 3. c. I 6. aifcourfeth thus of this fubject . Howcomes, or wherefore is this temeraria jjderum di[pojitio, this ralh placing of Starres, or as Epicurm will,fortuita, or accidenrall ~ Why arefome bigge; fome little, why are they focon, fufedly, unequally fi:ein the heavens'· and fer fo much out of order~ ~~ all otherthings Nature 1s equal!, proportiOnable, and conftant; there bee Juft.e dimenjiones, & prudempartium difPo(itio, as in the fabricke of man, his'eyes, eares, nofe, face, members are correfpondent, cur non tdetn cado opere om11111m pulcherrimum? Why are the heavens fo irregular, neque paribusmolibus,neq; pari6us interva!lis, whence is this difference~ Diverfos (he concludes) ejjicere locor11m Genios, to make diverfiry of countries, foiles, manners, cuftoroes; charaCters and confiirutions among us , ut qu•ntum vicinia ad charitatem Addat, fydera diflrahant adperniciem, and fo byrhis meanes jluvio velmonte diftinCii {unt di{similes, the fame places almofr fhall be difringuifhed in manners. But this rea(on is weake and moll: unfufficienr. The fixed frarres are remo; vedfmce Ptol•miesrime thefirfrof .Aries,and ifthe earth be in-imovable, as their fire varies fo fhould countries varie , and divers alterations' would follow. But this we perceive not ; as in 'lit/lies time with u~ in Britain, eadum vi(uffl!dum, & in quofacil'egenerantur n'Ubes, &c. ' tis fo ftill. Where.: fore B odine Theat.nat.lib .2 . and fome others, will have all thefe alterations· and effects immediately to proceed from thofe Genii, Spirits, Angels, which' rule and domineere in feverall places 3 they caufe frormes, thunder, lightning; earthquakes, ruines, tempefrs, great windes, floods, &c. tae Philofophers of Conimbra, will referre this diverfity to·the influence of that Empyrean Hea.: yen: for fomefaythe Exentricity of theSunne is come nearer .to the earth than in Ptolomies time, the vertue therefore of all th·e vegerals is decayed; b men grow lelfe,&c. There arethatobferve new motions of the Heavens b rr:r,·amalor new Starres, palantiafydera, Comets, Clouds, call them what you will, lik~ h'"""'"""'' thofe Medccean, B11rbonian~. Auf!rian planets lardy. detected, which doe not ;'t[,;:;;'1"' decay, but come and goe, nfe higher and lower, h1de and fhew themfelves a.: mongfr the fixed frarres, amongfr the Planets, above and beneath theMoon. at fet times, now near~r, ~ow further off, together 1 ~funder 3 as he that playe~ upon a S~gbut by pullmg•t upanddowne altersh1s tones and tunes, do they_ . the1r franons and places, though to us undifcerned 3 and from thofe motions' proceed (as they conceive) divers alterations. clavius conjectures otherwife,: . . . but they be but c,pn)ectu'res~ About Damafcus in C«li.Sytia is' a·; Paradife, by 1 Nav l: r.c.~. · reafon· .·