\ Part z.SeC1:.z. Ctm ofMelancholy. Memb.~ . .z 5o reafon ofthe plentyofwaters, in promptu car•(a cjl, and the Def.1rts of Arabia , barren, becauie ofrockes, rolling feas off.1nds, and dry mountaines, quod in. 11quo[a (faith Adricomius) monte.r habcns aJPeros,fho[os,pr"cipite.r,horroris & mows f}ecifm pr,e fe ftrentes , uninhabitable therefore ofmen, birds, bea!ls void ofall greene trees, plants, and fruits , avafl: rocky horrid wilderneffe' which by no art can bemanured, 'tis evident. Bohemia is cold, forth at it ly~ k Strtt.Oa. all along to the North. But why 01ouldit be fohot in Egypt, orrhere never i:aine ~Why 01ould thofek Etifian and North-Eafl:erne windes blow continually and confiantly fo long together,in fomepLtces , at fet times, one way ·flill,in the dog-dayes onely: here perp::tuall drought,there dropping fhowrs; I Asunde< rhe here foggy mills, there a pleafant Aire; here I terrible thunder and lightning !2,'~';.,',;~ at fuch fer feafons, here frozen feas all the yea re, there open in the fame lati. n,owrcshore tude,to the refi no fi1ch thing,nay quite oppofitc is to be found~ Som,times at rurh a fer (as in mPem) on the one fide ohhe mountains it is hot, on the other cold,her~ ~~~h'~"~~~~: at fnow, there winde, with infinite fuch. FromitndJu in l1is Meteors will excuf~ rhc Bri(<rhcy or falve all this by the Sunnes motion, but when there is fuchdiverlity tofi1ch ~:~~~:d.cmc- as Periri!Ci,orverynearefite, how can thatpofition hold~ . fimltb-><o-w" Who can giveareafon of this diverlity of Meteors, that it Onuld raine ''''""fi:"P': nStones, Frogges;Mice,&c. Rats, which they call Lcmmer in Nonvay, and ;,.'t.f:;~'""' aremanifefily obferved(as * uuunflerwrites) by the Inhabitants, to decofl?o;,.~b .•. fcend and £1ll with fome f.rculent 01owres , and like fo many Locufis, con- ;~~~;'i:,-,;,c;;_- fume all that is gr~ene: Leo A fir f~eake~ as much of LoCllfl:s , about Fez in dum em•bib"' Barhary there be mfimte fwannesm the1r fields upon a fudden: fo·at t.Ar/11 f~c~::;:,:~· :;:- in France r 55 3. the like happened by the G1me ~nifchiefe, ail their graffe and ~Jf:., /oc~ftoowm fruits were devoured , ml\~na mco!arum admtrattone & confternattone (as •m11i• vircmia. P alleriola obfer .med.lib. I. obfer .r. relates) crrlmn fubit'o obumbrabant, eh. he ~~r:~~~;.; concludes, tit could not be fro'm natural! caufe5,they cannot imagine whence p,. rapiunt"' ~ they come, but from heaven. Are thefe and filCh creatures, corne, wood, Jot., iccm:rzq; ftones, wormes, wool!, blood, &c.lified up into the middle Region by the ;::::,1jr,~:,:,,.? Sunne beames, as* Bar.cellmthe Phylitian difputes, and thence let £1ll with &c. . fl1owres;or there ingendred ~ * Cornelim Gemm.tis ofthat.opinion, they are ;,:;::~;;;'~ there conceived by cele~iall i~fluences: other~ fuppofe ther are immediate- ""'""' wifa• ly from God, or prod1gtes ra1fed by' art and Illufions of fpmts, wh1ch are refmi vixpo- PrincesoJitheayre; to whom Bodin lib.2.Theat.Nat, fubfcribes. In fine, of ':{;pnog.cap.c. Meteors in.generall, Ariflotles reafonsare exploded by Bernardinrts Telefim, .. by Parace!(m his Principles confuted, al)d oth~rcaufesafligned, Sal, Sulphur, MerC/Iry, inwhich his Difciples arefo ·~xpert, that they can alter Elements, and feparate at their pleafure, make per'petuall motions'· not as Cardan, Ttf neir, Peregrinru , by fome magneticall venue , but by mixture of elements; imitate thunder, likeSalmonem,fn~w,haile, thefeas ebbing and flowing, - give life to creatures (as they fay) withourgenerm\on, and what nor~ P.No• • CtUddJt ra;ti, nim Salllcienfts,and Keplertake upon them to demonfl:rate' that no Meteors, :~~~;:::1;~· . Clouds, Fogges, o Vapors, arife higher than 5o. or 8o. miles,and all the refr r,om •hccacth, to be purer aireor Element offire: whiCh P Cardan, q Tycho,and 'John Pen• E'fl 10 jlhcnu . manifefily confute by refractions, and many other arguments,there is no fnch tvif.~~;iu... element offire at all. If; :is Ticho prove>, the Moone. bee ~ifl:.:nt from us 5?· q Inp,·ogymnAf. & 6o. Semtdtameters ofthe earth: and as Peter Nomm wtll have1t ,theatre · ~,:!':£"(;.;:/;, .oe fo angufl:·, what proportion is there betwixt the oth:r three Elements a.nd lt ~