Part z.Setl:.z. Digrefiion of Aire. Memb.~. it~ t<1what ufe fervesit ~is it full offpirits which inhabitdc.,.as the Par',tctl. z 51 flans ~nd Platonijls hold, theh~gher the_more noble, fJul!~ofbirc;ls, ora meerev4Ctit~mtonopurpofe~ It tsmuch controverted betwixt TychoBrate ~:r~sn;~~~;J;~ and chrijlopher Rotman,the Lantj$rave of Hajiia_'s Matheniaticjan, in'their cominually in Aftronomicall Epiftles, whether it_ be the fame Dtaphanum, cleernelfe, mat- :~: ~~v.~"/Fc~n ter ofaire and heavens, or two d1ftmcr Elfences ~ Chrijlopher Rotman , John on gcound but :Pena, Jordanns Brunm, with many other ~ate Mathem~ricians ~ corii:e'Mit ~s ~:·~;J.~C:,?[;; the fame, and one matter throughout,favmg that ,the h1gher ft!ll ·the purer 1t ormth; 1 .s,aJ." js,andmorefubtile;asthey find~ by. experience in hill~in cxc>uap.u 9 • * America;ifamanafcend, hefamtsmftantly for want • LMJ.dcftript. frigerarethe heart. Acofla 1fG·3',c•f-9· calls t~is m<:untaine Periacacain Peht, dmcr. it makes men cafr and vom1t, he f:nth, that chmbe lt, as fome other ofthofe .Audesdoe in the defarts of Chila for 5oo. miles together ,and for extremity ofcold to lofe their fingers and toes. Tycho will have two diftinC! matters of . Heaven and Ayre; but to f.1y truth, with fome fmall qualification, they hav<f 'One and the fclffame opinion about the Elfence and matter ofHeavens;tlial; 'it is not hard and impenetrable, as Peripatetic/m hold, tran~parent, ofa quin~ ta e(Jentia, r bm that :t ts penetrable andfoji .u the ayre tt felje ts, and that the t Epif/,liif.,.p. p/)netsmove init,.u Birdsintheayre, Fijhesin the fea, This they prove~ S;. Ex · quib~a fc t COlif/atiecdi- motiOn ofComets , and otherwi e i though C aremontim in his Antityc iJ ~erfo .,;;, & fliflly oppofe) which ar~ not gene:~ted, as v1nf/otle teacheth , i(\ the aeriall . ;:,hcris d«phaRegion, ofan hot and dry ~xhalanon, .~nd fo confumed . Anaxa$or.U F•'fl~.":s',Ft· and Democrttt{t held ofold, ofa celdhall-mat):e.r: and as" Tycho ,x Elifeus, ••de q•lm ~ Roeflin, Thaddem ; Haggcfim, Pln~ , }1otmal}., F,rac4(1orius, dem.onftr.ate by {a;f}.:::;: ~';/'.· their progrelfe, paralaxe.s , refract10ns,, motions ot the.Blanets, ;vh1ch eo- ,...... im'p<iv;i cerfeire and cut one anorhersorbs, noW higher,add thert,lower, as J mriobgll: ftdliqnid.ji<b~ the refr, which f~metimes, 'IS* K epler confirmes by l;Jis owne., and '!icho's. ~~;"'"';.~"/,t'j,, accurate obfervatlons, comes .nearer the earth than·the 0, and rs agame efi:- ci/J cedens. . foones aloft in ]upit.ers orbe; And. r other fuflicient reafans, f.arre above. the ~/:. ~:J!':J:· Moone: explodmg mthe meaoenme that element.of fire, 'thofe. fiClmous qMnquc. f firft watry movers, thofe Heavens J'meane above' the ·Firmai]ient, which x 1~ rheori<i, Lodovictu Imola, Pittricius, and -many ofd1e. 'f~tliersaffirme; rhofe 'fl;:~ ":;;·:relemonftrous Orbesof Eccentrickes, and EcceiJtfe Epicyc(es, Which howfo~, •. Ep,.Aflr~n. ver Ptolomy, A!ha(en,Vitellio, Purvachius ,Magim1s, Clavius, and. many of izb+ ,' h · a- · ft'ffi 1 · · b 11 b · k Y M"llafane t. en auociates, 1 .e y mamtame to . e.rea or es, exi:ent~IC e, concentr!cke, hinc "•fiq:mnCircles aeqtnnt, &c. are abfurd and ndiCulous. For who 1s fo mad to thmke ,,.. abfi<rda,& ~hat there lhould be fo manycircl~, like fubordinate wheeles in a clocke, all {;'!:;,~~~"::t:: liD penetrable and hard, as they fame:, adde and lubflracr at their·pleafilre. re animadveif, z UUaginus !llakes eleven Heavens,_fubdivided into their orbes and circles; ~:';,:!;;;:;~;, and all roo little to .ferve thofe particular appearances: Fracaflort~! 7Z, Ho- :.nw,idipfiim mocentriCkes; Tycho Brahe ;Ntchol,u RameriiS, Helifitis R<£j/in, l;iave pecu- fi'fficicnt~· re· liar hypothefes oftheir owne inve~tions; and they be b~t invetjtlons, as moft ~ft~~;ijlj:;:" ofthem acknowledge, as we admit of vEqu~tors, Tropickes,.Cplures Cir&les. roi. Artiqtte and Antartique, for doarines fake (though Ramus ,thinke·them all z In Theoririr unneceifary) they will have them fuppofed. o.nely for qi):t~qd an? order. Ty- {~:~~:~. ' cbo harhfamed I know not how many fubdiVIfions of Epicycles mI;lpicydes, chefinnamm, &c. to calculateand exprelfe the Moones motion: ~ut ,when all i!i done, :(5 a ;~~~~;~~~~.'re fuppofitlon,and no otherw1f<:; not (as he holds) bnrd; Impenetrable, fubtile, J ' rranfpai-