Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part :.Sea.:. Cure of Melancholy. Mcmb.;~ :; z tranfparent,&c.or llllking muficke, as Pythagor.u ·maintained;but frill quiet li~uid,open,&c. ' · lfthe Heavens thenbepenetrable,as 'thefe men deliver,and no lets, it were not ami!fe in this aereall progre!fe, ro make wings, and flye up, which that . TurkeinBufbequiU(,madehis fdlow-Citiz_ens in conjlantinople bdeevehee wouldperfOrme: and fome new-fangled wtts, me thmkes, lhould fome time or other find out: or if that'may not be, yet with a Galilies glaffe, or Icarome. nippti$ wings in Lucial!, command the Spheres and Heavens, and fee \vhat is done amongft them. Whether there be generation and corruption, as fome thinke, by r~fon of orthereall Comets , that.in Cafs.iopea I 572. that in cygno I 6oo. that m sagtttamu I 604. and many hke,whtch by nomeanes Jul. c•. far la GaUa,that Italian Philofopher,inhis phyficall difpuration with Galtleru tle ph4nomeni4 in Qrbe Lun4,cap.9.will admit: orrhatthey were created ah ini- • ~fi";;"''" tiD, and lhew themfelves at fer times : and as' Helif""' R«jlin contends, have c« . · eteor-. Poles,Axelrrees,Circles oftheir owne,and regular motions. For non perennt, b. Lib:fabr... ftdminuuntur & difParent, b Blancan'!' holds, they come and goe by fits, ea- '"''"' fting their tailes frill from the Sunne : fome of them, as a burning gla!fe pro. jeers the Sunne beames from it ; though nor alwaies neither.: for fomerimes c Lib.dec•m•· a Cometcafrshisrailefrom Venm,as Tiohoobferves. And as <H4liftm Rll· ti<. . Jlin of fome others, from the Moon, with little Starres about them, ad jlupo. rem Ajlronomorum; cum multis aliis in cado mir.rmlu, all which argue, with thofe Medicean, At~j/rian,and BurhonianStarres, that the Heaven ofthe Planers is ihdifiincr, pure, and open, in which the Planetsmove certillegihuuc meti4. Examine likewife, An calum (it coloratum ? Whether the Starres be d A• fit"'"" ofthaobigne!fe, diftance,as Afrronomers relate,fomany in J number, I o z 6 or :t'J:!d~;, I 72-5. as J Bayerm ; or as fome Rabbi mz 900 o .Myriades ; or as Galilie difcovers by his gla!fes, infinite, and that via tal1ea,a confufed light of finall Starres, like fo_manynailes in adoore : or all in a row,like thofe uo ooJfles ofthe 'M a/dives, in the Indie Ocean ~ whether the leaft vifible Starre in the eighth Sphere be' I 8.dm·es biggenhan the eanh; and as Ticho calculates, AntaJ'ticum, qJMd excorfalio tefert P4lritiu-s. J 4ooo ,femidiameters diftant from ir ~:, Wht!rJ.Jerrhey be thickerpartsof the Orbe5,as vdriftotleddivers: or fomany habitable Worlds, as Democritm? whether they have light oftheirowne,or frorp the ~ unne,or give light round, as Patritim difcoutfeth~ An4qu~ di{lem :uentromundi? Whether light be of their e!fence; and that light be a liihftance -or an accident~ whether they be hot by thep1fdves,or by accident caufe heat~ whether there be fuch aprecef. . fion oftbe·.£quinoxes, as-Copernicm holds, or that the eighth Sphere move! .lln blnt phitofophentur ,R ,BAcon,& J.Dee, Aphorifm.de '!'ultiplicatione f}rcic· rum?Whethcrthere be any fuchlmages afcendtngwttheachdegreeofrhe e Gilh"'"" o- Zodiack inrhefu!l:,asAliacenfts feignes? An aquajiepercalum?asPatrititu ~~"'"'\ dir- andthe Schoolemen will; a Cryfialliile • watrie heaven, which is r certainly cuffed';~' s;, to be uncterftood of that in the middle Region~ for otherwifel if at Noahs w"''" Ral£ighs fl.oud the watercame from thence,it mufr be above an hundred yeeres falling . ~~)!.;j~af downe tous, as g Comecalculate. Befides, A» terra jit animata ? which Come man. fo confidently beleeve,with orphem,Hermes, Averroes,from which all other ~7, fo~ ci(men,beafis,div~ls, plants, fill!es,~c. are derived, an.d in:o which aMewn·i r, lib·f· gaine afredome revolutiOns, as Plato IR hts Ttmem, Plottmu mh1s Enneadu .,.,;,.!·<'c more'largely difcu!fe,rhey retume.(See chalcidim andBennim,Piato's Corn· l<ulfber£"'m' menrators)