Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part z.SeC1:.z. 'Digrefsion of A ire. Mctnb.3. ----------~--------------~------~~ mentators) as all philofophil=all matter.in materiamprimam. Ktpler.m,Piltri. z 5 J #m, and fome other Noete~cks have jn pan revh>ed this opinion. And that t:very Starre in heaven hath .'a. foule, angell,or intelligence to animate or move .it,&c. Or oo omit all fmaller controverfies,as matters oflelfe moment; and · ~xamine that maine paradox,ofthe Eanhs motion, now fo much in quefiioo: .,1r,iflarcbrH,S.ani.u, PythagordJ maintained it ofold, Democritm,and many of their Schollers,Didac.u .A/ltmica, Anth~ny Fajcarius, aCarmelite,and fome Qther Commentators wlifhave Job to mfinuate as much, cap. g.ver-4- fl!!t c~mmovet terram de loco fuo, &c. and that this one ~lace of <; ccipture makes more for the Earths motion,than all the other prove: againfl:it; 1vh0ln Pine. da confmes, mofl: contradict. Howfoever, it is rev.lved fince byr:~pemirll.l', not as a truth, bur a fuppofition, as hee confelferh himfelfe in tl1e Preface t0 Pope NicholdJ, burnow maintained in good earnefl: by • calcagninus, Hltji. • . Pec~ili"'i Iit;s,Kepler,Rotman, Gilbert, Digges, Galileus,CampaneOa,and efpecially by be&. - * Lansbergius,natur£)rationi,& verit~t~ conftntan·eum-;by origanus, and !Qtne " Comment.in t others ofhis followers. For if the Eanh be the CenteroftheWorld, fl:and '"''""'""·~ fiill,and the Heavens move, as the moll: :eccived opinion is, which they eaU ~~1'!:'g' tnordsnatam Cfl!/1 dijjo{tttonem, though fttfly mamtamed by Tycho, Ptolomeus, t Pccui}.Uiiand their adherents, qui! iUeJuror? &c. what fury is that, faith h Dr. Gi[, /;'""· hert, {atis animose, as Cabeus notes, that !hall drive the Heavens about with 1,!:~~~~';. fuch incomprehenlible celerity in 24_.houres, when as every point ofthe Fir- "'P·•·ub.r. mamem, .and in the .A>quator,mufl: needs move (loiCfaviu~ calculate~) ~;.r;;;,;.n:;;. 17666o . mone 146•hparrofan houre: and an arrow out ofabow muftg<!le Epffem~·~ [even times about the earth, whileft a man can fay an AveM arit~Jif·it keep the whc,. Scrip, tame fpace, or ~ompalfetl\e eanh 1884.times. i~ anhoure, :w!Jich:is fr•pra hi.- ~~~c I~r~~~~ed. m~nAm cogitationem, beyond humane concetpt: O&Jor & Jaculo, fir vemos .t- h D• Magorte. quantefagitt!i. A man could.not ride-fo much grotfnd,going ;q.o.miles a d'!f, i c''""':"'·~ in z9o4.yecre5,as the Firmament g.oes in 24. ho11res ;or fo much in z·~_s. ~;''1!..~:/i:· yceres,as the faid Firmament in one minute; qt~odincredi&ile videUJr.-And die ~Pole ftam, <which.to our .thinking' fcarce movetb out ·ofhispla<:e, ,g<mh a k viJI.;..gr. r: blgge'r circuit ~han the Sunne, whofeDiameter is·much larger, .thalf'the Du- , a Pot•. · mereroftheHeaven ofdieSunne, ~nd zoooo•.S-emidi:rmeretsofthe ean'ti ·· from us, withtbereftofthefixed ftarres,as Tjcho proves.' T-o-avoid therefoxe~hefe impoflibilities, they afcribe :i triple motion to the ll~rth1 the Sunrie io'lmoveable in the Centerofthe wholeworld,the eanhCenter ofthe Moon· ·~ •i alone, above ~ and 2, beneath J,, ¥ , ~ (Or as* briganHS andOthers Will, tin; • Pt.ef.F.pl;;.• .fiQgle rnotiontotheeanb,fiill pladed 'in the C<;nterofthe·Wbrld, which 'is · · more probable) a fingle motion ta thd'irmament , which mbVes·iri 30 .:Or '' ... 6!Jhoufand yeeres; and fo the Plaoos; s dtHrne m 3o.yecite5 allfolvd '!Ns ·. ,j p,le and proper motion,]ttpiter in iz·,.Mars in 3l&c. and fo ' fdlve aflapji'a- 1 ,,:, pnces berter.than ~ny way ~hatfoevh: Calculate all motions, bee t~ey in lvngt~m or latum, dtrecr, fiauonary, rerrograde,afq:nt Gr defcent;withdut f:'pi- · <:ides·, intricat~ Eccentricks,&c. r<Cl!tts commodiufque per imi(}flm-w<olum terrJ, - , fimh Lansbergtt~s, much morecenamethan by tht>fe r..Aiphon{tne,or<J.ny ftlcll . tables, which are grounded from thofe other fuppolitions. And •tis tru~th'e\r fay, according to opticke principles,'thevifible appavancesof~he Plan~ di:fe fd indeed anfwer to theirmagnitudes and orbes, and come neetdl: to Matli.einaticall obfervations, and· precedent calculations, there is no tepugnancid;; , ·" phylicall i '