Part z.SeCl:.z. .. Cure ofMelancbolj. Memb 3 , z 54- phyficall axiomes , becaufe no penetration of orbes : but then bet~eene 1 which may the_fphere of Saturne and 'the Firmament, there is fuch an incredible and be full of Pia- vaft I fpace or diftance (7oooooo. femidiameters of the earth, as T1cho cal- ~:~~~:Pe:~~ cubtes) void of ftarres: And befides, they doe fo inhance the bigndfe ofthe as thofe about fiarres, enlarge their circuit, to falve thofe ordinary objections of Paralaxes !upt~~~j;._ and Retrogradations of the fixed fiarres, that alteration of the Poles elevammtm-efl"' tionin feverall places .or latitude oFCities here on earth (for,fay they, if a P/4ncta qumn mans eye were in the Firmament, bee fl10uld not at all cifcerne that ~reac an. fit,confi..?ua,lc- 11 . f h . I b . ld n.·rr c~. . d. . . um ejlelfein nua monono t e earn, uotwou nl al'peare pum,•mtn wifi tle,and Lunuvivtntes feeme to be fixed in one pbce, of the fame btgnefie) that it is quite oppofite f,:;';J;'f1!. to reafo~, to natura~! philofophy, and all out as ab_furd as_ difproportiall (fo '"' '"" gLJbis [ui fome wtll) as prodtgtous, as that of the Sunnes fw1ft monon ofHeavens.But !}:;:;~~.~~::; ~o: po(ito, to grant this their tenent o_f the earths motion: If the earth move, eonftd£>oati•ne, tt IS a Plantt, and lhmes to them m the Moone, and to the other Planede eor~mit~eobs tary inhabitants, as the Moone and they d?e to us upon the earth: but lhine /ff,"'.,~"P''~'- !he doth, as Galilie, m Kep!er, and others prove, and then per cmfcqucnr, the 11nu, 1::.':/ & ,_ reft of the Planets are inhabited, as well as the Moqne, which hte grams in Tye~oni Jr.- his diifertation with Galilies Ntmciru Sidereru, nthat there be '{oviatl and Sa. ~:;,C~ ::.1/.~ turne Inhabitarm,&c- aod thofe feverall Planets have their feverall Moones tatiicorumvi- about them, as the earth bath hers, as Galileus bath already evinced by his ~J;;£;:'/!;,'!1"' glaifes : * foure about Jupiter, two abou,t Saturne ( t~10ug~ Sitius the Floren.> 9 • tine,Fortunius Licetus, and Jrtl.C£for le GaUa qvtllat tr) yet ·Keplcr, the ~,;;;:;:~~:,;, E1ppe~ours Mathematician, confirmesout of his experience, that bee f.nv: as '"· invcmi< mu _mllch l)y tli~ fame help, and more about Mar,s, ·Venus ; and the reil: they hope hocmo;~tam,ve- to find·o.ut, .peradventU(C: even among_O: ,the fixed fiarres, which l!rtmus and ~.:~:::/fnm{~· !frutiNs have alreac!y averred. Then flfay) the earth and they be Planets na,fidetiamin alike, inhabited alike, mQved about the_Suone, the common Centcr of the Jovc,etrdiqu~ World alike, and it· may be thofe two· greene children which t Nubrigen. ~f,~;zr::"':. fts fpeakes ~P.i~.hi;ti~e, that fell frdm _Heaven, came from tt~ence. Wee s; nonflntac- m.ay hkewJfC: .fnfert wtth Campanella.and. Brtmus, that whtch Pythagord4, A. 'r:.'"1""" rijlarchus,Satmu, Her•slitM, I;picttrtl,f.,!Melijfits,.JJtmocritas, Leucippuimain- ':m.;;~':"" , rained in ~beir ages, there be oinfinife f!';"o;lds , atid.infinite earths orfylleme9, ~,~%~:;;::':;,; _in !nftlfito £tb/(e, which *Eufcbit~s "?!leers out of ~heirrenems, becaufe in· bowq•aua•ril- -fin!t.e .(larr~.and planets hke unto tlus ofours; which fome fitcke norfiill li N•1J!'- Jo- to mail).W!ie and publikely. defend,j}erabundtts expello innumerahilium mun- ~:,':{:;r:,~;' ~dorum in £tetnifate perambt~lationem, &c. (l!ic;Hi]!; Londi~enjis philof.Epi. • Somcof cur.) For .If the Firmamept be offuohranmc:omparablebl!;ne!fe;as thefe J~•of~.~t'!.~vc , !=oper~ic~U. Gjants wiq have it, !nft~i.JMJ},. a~tt infinito proximt•m, fo vaft:md fc;'n my fclfby , (11~ ofi mn~merable fiarres, as bemg ·mtibite m extent , one. above<another, the help of a fome high~~' Come lower, Come neerer;./brrie farther off,and fofarre:afunder, f~;~~ a foot ~nd th_ofe,fq h.uge and.great! infomu~h. , that if.the whole fphere of Satuf~, 'I R.er11m Angl. and all tha>-JS mcluded in tt, totum ag,greg•tum (as Fro1t'rmdu.r.of Lovam m l.t.c., _vi- his TraCl: ek immohilitate terr£ arguesJ:tvehatur inter _flc!lro,videri a nobis · ~d;!ft'J,f:l!i ;nqn poterat,t~m immAnis eft dijlan#4 i1#er. tell"rem & ftxfU ;,(ed inftar pun· mrmdi,vct "' · l!f~rfrc. If o)lr· in refp:Al:,.w~ymay. we not fuppofe aplurl· Z'"':~;fi;';j;. lity ofwGtlc)s, thofe mfil\lte ftarres :<tlible !n t~e .FJ~mame.nt to b~ fo many ':'lu!. Sunnes, w.ith· particular ~lit Ce~ters ;,to 'hawe·hkewtfeth~tr fubor?mateplaLtbro cont. rl')e(~, as the·SJ.Inne bath his dancllig fi1ll r01md hlm ~ whtch Cardmall Cuf>~- lh'lofcap.z.9· l .. ,~. - TJflf ;1•· ·l t~ d r )