Part,. z..~etl:.z. Digrefsion of Aire. "'" walkarinus, Brrmm, and fome orhers have held, and fome llill main.· tain~, L/.1 nim.t Ariflolifo~t irmtttrit£, & minutis j}ccte~atio~ibtts ~!Jrteta , focus forfan, drc. Though they ~eeme <Jofe ~o us, they are mfimtdy d!Ciam, and f<l Memb.3. 2 55 per conftquens, the~e are mfimre ha~ttable worl~s ~ _what hmders ~_Why ihould not an infimte caufe (as God ts) produce mfimte effeCts, as Nic.Htll Democrit.phllofditputes~ Kepler(I confeffe) will by no meanes admit of f,,iJt~:1;,;;· BrHnr~s mfin;ce worlds, or thaJ;..the fixed ftarres lhould be fo many Sunnes, r>nprdie 1 ,;, with their compatftn" planets, m. t the faid P Kepler betwixt jell: and earoeft c"d-:nnu '·' Ms in his perfpeCtives,L~nar Geog aphy,* e} (omnio jito dtjfertat.etem nr~nc Jfder. ;;;;;;,t~;~,~ feemes in part to agree with tl is, and partly to contradiCt; for the Planets, ~cgcttd";vd beeyeelds them to be inhabited, he doubts of the Stmes: and_fo doch Ty- ;~,~;;~);~'}::. cho mIus Allronotmcall'EpllHes, out of a confideratton of thetr vafltty and '"· greatneffe, break out into fome fuchlikefpeeches,that he will never beleeve ' .Lege fi"""'"m thofe great and huge bodies were n11de to no other ufe than this chile we per- ~~uda. ceive, eo illuminate the earth, a point infenfible, in refpeCtofthe whole. eut 9 .fi!!Jid igi~~<r who fhall dwell mthefe vaft bodies, limhs, Worlds, q ifthey be inhabited? :;1;~;;'{;!;;; r4tiona!l creat11res, as Keplcr de1mnds ~or have they fonles to bee (avid i' or g-oi> ',fhmtc; 110 • doe they inhabit a better part ofthe world than 1VC doe? vfrewe or they Lords Jh·• i cUnm ,an ofthe world? And how are at! things made fOr man? Ddficile c{f nDdum hunc b;;z,;;,~~::·';1~ expedire, eo quod nondum omniaqtt« hue pertinent explorata habemiiS' 'tis hard [, ,.,m o,nttdi to determine; this only be proves, that we are in prtlctpttom:.mdi firm, in the;';bi~~;:e~? bell: place, bell: world, neereft the heart of the Sunne. 'ThomM Campanella, i!tomm glob;,,., a Calabrian Monke, in his fecond booke de ftnft remm, cap+ fubfcribcs eo nonfomu' mathisofKeplaus; that they are inhabited bee certainly fuppofeth, bur with :1~~~;,%;1: what kmd of creatures be cannot fay, he labours to prove lt by all meanes: fi'~'' q;wmod• and that there are infinite worlds,having made'an Apologie for Galilem ,and •guu, 'n;::/"· · dedicates this tenet of his to Cardinall'Cajetawt~.r. Others freely fpeake,mut- ~;;;,'~ ..;;;., ter, and would perfwade the world (as* t.:Marinn.s Marcenrts complaines) "" domimopethat our modqne Divines arexoofevere and rigid againrtMathematicians; ;;,;.fof.'/K."' ignorant and peevifi1, in not admitting their true demonllrario.1s,and cenaine ' Franc!;.,.,_ ; obfervarions, that they tyrannize over art, fcience, and all phllofophy , in 1tJ" '610 • fuppretftng thtir labours (f.1ith Pomponati11s) forbidding them eo write, to ~ 'p·:.,{.,;6 :;· fpeake a rntch, all to mait.ltaine the~r fuperftiti@, and for their profits fake. As forchofe places ofScnpture whtch oppugne tt, they wtll have fpoken ad p.. 7t;· #1,'"~ eapt""'. vtdgi, and if rightly underftood, and favourably interpreted, not at g,, fommf;;: all agamfr 1t: and as atho cafman<..Ajlrol.cap.t.part r. notes, many great Di- "'~'"""' ~·P.· vines, bdides Porphyrius, Proc!us, Simplicius, and thofe Heathen Philofo. ;;::;~~;;:; p1?ers:a'oc1ri~J c;7 <£tatcvcnaand!, u;tofts G~n~{in ~mmdanam poprelaris ne- ;;;J;:n&tyranJltiJ Ctl]m rttdttatrs, qre£ ~onga ab fit avera Pht!oj~phorum tru.ditione,injim_uJa~t :· u'tos//tfod;"g_ ~or Mo{is makes mennon but oftwo Planets, 0 and ~. Reade more mhtm, m,.eib'~',fi•P•·, m f Gro[r1us and 1"mu.<. But to proceed, tbefe and fuch like infolent and bold f:;;:;~!i.u't.. attempts, prodtgtous Paradoxes,mferences mufrneedsfollow, if it once ~e titi'dcrincant. granted, ':"hich Rotman, Kepler, Gilbert, Digg;us, origamts, GalilCJIS, and q- f r;t:~;.•~bl~eo; thers ma,mame o~ the em}1s n_lot.ton, that ns a Planet, and fhines as the ~;, pt.w},7;{e: Moone cloth, whtch C<_:>ntames 10 1t t both land and fta Mthe Moone doth ,: cifii,do:.naeuw_ for fo they find by rhetrglafft:S, that Maml.e in facie Lun.. , thdrighter '::;,~1/aJ;t;. puts are Earth, the dus~te Se"'· whtch Thales,Plutarch, and PythagortU for- das p41·m~'fe merly taught: and manifeftly dtfceme Htlls and Dales and fuch hke coo- '""'"'·K..<pltc. Kk ' cavities, fot. " ·