Part z.Setl:.z. Cure of Melancboly. Memb. 3 , tAJtli01616. u llt Hypo·!Jef de mundo)Edtt• 1 !97· L1tgdini I6\)3· cavities, ifwee may fublcribe to and btleeve Galilies obfervation s. But to avoid thefe Paradoxes of the earths motion (which the Church of B.ome harh lardy 'condemned as hereticall, as appeares by Blancantu and Fromrm. dtu writings) our latter Mathematicians have rolled all the fionesrhatmay be fiirred:and to folve all appearances and objeCl:ions,have invented new hy. pothefes, and fabricated new fy!lems of the World, but of rheir own' Deda. ltwt heads.Fr~ttajloritH will have the earth fiand !till, as before; and ro avoid that luppofition of Eccentricks and Epicycles, heehath coined 72. Homocentricks, to lolve ;tll appearances. Nichol.a Ramern< will have the earth th~ Center of the World, but moveable, and the eighth fphere immoveable, the five upper Planets to move above the Sunne, the Sunne and Moone about the earth. Ofwhich Orbes, 'Tycho Brahe puts the earth the Cemer im. moveable, the fiarres immoveable; the reil: with Ramerus,the Planets without Orbes to wander in the Aire, keep time and difbnce, tnie motion, according to that vertue which God hath given them. u Heli{«m Rteflin cenfureth both, with Copernicru (whofe Hypothefis de terr" mottt Philipp1u LatMhergitts hath lately vindicated, and demonfhared with folid arguments in a ju!l: volume, ] anfoniM C.ejites hath illufirated in a fphere.) The C1id ]Dhannes Lausbergit~s , 1633. harh fince defended his aa'crrion again!\ all the c~villsand calumnies of Fromnndns his l.Anti- Arijlarchus, BaptijlaMorinns, and Petrus Bart~olimes : Fromvndt", I 6 34· bath written againfi hirri againe, ].Rof{e11s ofc.Aherdine,&c. found Drummesand Trumpers,while!l: Rrxjiin(l fay) cen!ttres all ,.and Ptolom£us, as unfufficienr: one offends againfi namrall Philofophy,anothcr againrt Optickeprinciples, a third againfi Mathematicall,as not anfwering to A!l:ronol!'icall obfervations : one puts a great fpace betwil<t SaturnurOrbe and theetghth fphere,another too narrow. In his owne hypathefis hee makes the earth as before , the univerfall Center , the Sunne to the five upper Phnets, to the eighth fphere hee afcribes diurnal! motion, Eccentricks, and Epicycles to the f~ven Planets, which hath been formerly exploded 1 and fo Dum "!it antjlulti vitiain contraria currunt, lis aTinker fiops one hble and makes two, he correCls them, and cloth 1vorfe himfelfe:reformes fome,and marresall. In the meanetime, the World is toffed in a blanket :tmongfi them, they hoyfe the earth up and downe like a ball, make it fiand and goe at their pleafures: One faith the Sunne fiands, de ~;trt:;j~us another hee moves ;athird comes in, taking them all at rebound, and lefr fok witeb. there fhould any paradox bee wanting, hee' finds certaine fpors and clouds ! ~~ ';,.bmiis iii the Sunne, by the help ofglaffes, which multiply (f.1irh Keplertts) a thi~g fid~·ibus. · . feene a thouC1nd times bigger in piano, and mak~s it col!'e 3 2 .times neerer Y I;>b~ •••·f:; to the eye ofthe beholder: bur fee the demonflrarwn ofthts glaffe in* TArde, p,:/:,;a~:~. by meane~ of which, the Sunne. mull: rume round upon his o_wne Center, qu.c proprii< .,.. o.r they about the Snnne. Fahrtttus puts only three, and thofe 10 the Sunne: :~'f,t;::~";; c.Apdles 1.5. and thofe without the Sunne, floating like the Cyanean Ia~s in · dif/iti<, fidjux - -theEttxine Sea. Y 'Tarde the Frenchman ha~h obferved 33· and rhofe netther taSolem.. . [<I fpots nor clouds, as Galileus Epijl.adVelferum fuppofeth, but Planets Con- ~6~':,'~b~~-' · cenrrick with the Sun, and not farre from himwith regu!:tr motions. * ohri- '"P-i'• H,59· jlopher shemera German Suiffer Jefuit, Urjid Rosa divides them in maCIIitJJ ~ ' . &