p;u:n z.Setb. Digrifsiol!o{Aire; '>Memb.J. drfocul-u, and will have them ~o ~fixed in so/it /uperjicie ·:and ~o abfolve -z57 dicir perodicall and regular ~otwn m 17 .or • 8.dayes ;. holdmg Withal! thl! rotation of the Sunne UpPn his Cenrer; .and are aH ·fo confidegt; that_they have made skemes and tables of their.moti.ons;,.The z Holland,(r ir1 his dif z L«.(dun. ""· ferwiuncu!J c11m v.fpt!lecen(ures al!; ap4 thus ~IJ.ey ,dif:~gree amongll:them- An•• cu. felves,old and new, irreconcileable.!n their opmiO!JSJ>,thus v.t'riftanchtu; thu.s Hipparchtu; thus Pto!omeru, thus Afh4tegif!fU, thu~Alffagantu, thu_rTicho, tlius Ramertu, thus R(l!jlintf1, thus Fracajl.orttu, thus 9fp,ermctu and lns adhc;• ren/s; thus C!aviru and <.M1gintu, &c. With t\1dr fol~owers, vary and deter; mine of thefe celeiliall orbes and bodies·; aqd fo wl)ilcff tl]efe l)len contend abqut the Sunne and M0one, li~e the Philofophers in LttciAn, it is -to be fea. red, the Sunne and Mo~ne will hide themfelves,and \le as mucltqlfc:nded as _ "iJJee ~vas with thofe, and f~nd .~nothc;r meffage to Jupiter, by fome new- • Ne fi fubdN6n~led Ic.rome'nippm, tomake an en_d_of all th~fe curious Cootroverfies, Jt"l.!;";;;,':ifr; · and fcatter them abroad. . -. . , p"nm,«t <~~rio' But why fhould the Sunne and Moone bee angry; or take exceptions ,at fiwi•ftnem /4 - Matliematiciaos and Philofophers ~ when as the like meafure is offi:red uqto '::'"'• God himfelfe, ,by acom.pany of Theologaffers : they are not cont~nted -,; , to fee the 'Su(lne ;md Moone ~ meafure their fite.and biggell: difbnce in, a .. gla!fe1 calculate 1~hei~ motions, or vifir the Moone in aP?eticallfiction, ot_a ' . , - dre,al)le, a~hG f~111;I, '. Auda:f facrnm & mqnorahrte nunc tJ1C1ftam, , _ neqr1e hot r HtrtH/esmam j:ec}e~or:fiirp~tuw_ ,p~fus, . qu~d in Lunuegl'!o ~Jr; no.JegcftuiJ' fit exponam , & fidem s"'Y':J. • qiio1z~1f!Otlfltjrwo rf_fi fomniandqpervcnit, .but,be and,Menippus: or,as f Pe- ~::f.P"" ''· ter'Cuneus, Ifonf fide aga"l,pjhit eorum 1¥$ flrifturur fom, 'verum effe fci- f Sanli vtnaltl tote,_(J-c. qt~u~ecf:•1a, ne& f~t!l(ia fimt, dicJ'!', 'jJ(/i t~nJ.um &-ingenii cu•fit>. ~~o/;~~:mp. noiln jell:? ' b'u~ iq good earnaiJ: thefe gy.ganticak[ C}l'dopes vril~ tranfcend , Puteani ;:;•. fpberes, b~a,vcQ, .ftarres,into that E»ipyrellp)1eaven ;Jqarq IJighei:.yet, and fee, mus fi<_ in<ipit, wha(Gpd hi\n[dfedoth., Tl;le Jewif)1 Ttl;~lrnudiQstake upon them to.deter- ~:,~.,LJ!fi~" mini how ~§J~ends his wh~>\e tim'e , fometimes. playing with Leyiathan,. d•"mc. _.- fom~ime ~~<;r{~e~g the wp~ld, ~~·'like ,Lucian~ J.~piJer, -that 'rp~nt: !lluch ~' ~{::.~:t:· ofthe yeare mpamtmg butte~-1lies wmgs; and feemg who olfen~dJacnfice; x They have telli~ tlie ~oures when it.fhQuld_raine, i]ow !II~h .fuoV.: fhoulp.fall in fuch ~~:~:u~cr;~t· a, plaq~, wh1ch \")alf ihe wmde fh~uld ll:anq!p Gr{tce >'Whtch way. ill «~f!rcje. ofhcll,andcaIn the Tnr kes 4 Jcorln <.11'! ah_pme! IS takeq qp ~o !JeavJ!n, upon a Pegflfod<:nt a no~izefoc p~rp0fe for hitp, ,jts bee lay iq - ~~d with , hi~ wife;; a~d a~er forrt('q0nference ~h.';'1~fr.hom . Wtth qodtsfet,qnlg_round ag,<\ll)e_~ Th~ ' P!lgan~pamr,him and 'riJa..nglehim r In,Minudu•; a~t~r r, rho_ ufalJ~t.fa_, Q1ions? our.H;retk~es,~~hifmat(O<:li~_-' and forne S,hoole- fi:" :;;~~:;:::;:. me,n?:<;?m~ no.s ~a~IS gcbl!ldi: (9me pamt:httl} m tbe~h.abi~ of an ol.d man;_and) ~!,, ~'"''' ~ make.j'ifapr,es19f,h;a;ven, 0\1!11qe-r the Angells , ;tell,their.fev.eqll ".nam.es,. P"f""~'b'""-:. off.\~e~ i fm;nef!~W ~od and):J.\s ~ro,videl)~9. fome .ta~e ·his .offic;e~o!lt p£his, ;:~t:;:~;;, h~n~;, will x-bi(!t\1! ~nd l<;Jofe\hb~.!lven; rel~_fe, pardoh,.fqrgiv.e,aod be quat- ,-dim"' fimu te!--U]affe~ wiFli ,him; (qll)C)Cll,\l)lis Godh~d-in quelli?fl, bis pow~II,~nd .at~r~;::.~g~!;:_ tnb\tt~~~ ht~ !II;rc)l, ju/hc~, provjpence; tlWJ~ .will kt)QI'{'with t C,ecilj{(S, why ~,;.,., .. !l<?9il and D~d¥,~ punifhed together, war; . ~res, plaguc;s:infeft all ,alike, why' a Vclmalmvel wtc¥f'<'l men flou,rifl.l, go~d a.r.<; poore, in prif<'>n, fick:e, and m· at eafe• .Why ;;;,~::, J';;_ ~othdi:efulf~r f~qmch m~fch1efe andevill'fo'br 9one,if~e be~ abiMQ h:elp ~' mittit,<!n~M< why Pth he nmajllff good, 0~ refift bad ;refotl\le QU~ . wjlls;ifhe be not the b-. fopirfim• I amhor of.finn.e, and let fuch enormities bee• cornl!)i;t~d ; unwor.tby, of-his Kk z · · knowledge;