l'art z.Scet.z. Cure of Melancholy. 3 58 -knowledge, wifd0me, g'ovemmem; mercy,atld··providence, why lets heeall thin~ be done by· fortun~ and chan<>e 1 Others as pradigioufly enquireaftd hisomnipotency,•» po[sil pltwes {imtles.creAre·deos? •~>. txflArttplflo deum?&c & quo demum ~·•.etis Jit.crijc..Ji? Sam~, by vili?~s. and revda~f';?OS, iaRe 0~ them tobefamthar wtth God, and to• be of pr,\Vte·counfell wttl'r him; tl\ey will rdl how many, aad who lhall befaved·, when·the world· lhallceme-to · antnd; wllatyeare, what moneth ,.andwhatf~>e;<e'r clfe God hatli rebved t ~dficit Dtf!~ttntemun dttm crcawm? rtbi -:;ixitotioJu1ilfill1fob-- jrClo,&~. untohimfelfe,andto·hisAngds~ ·S0nie 'agruriecurious rhannll:ickes, will know more: than this;and enquirewith t Epicmitfi, what God did before the Worldwasrnade!was 1\eidle! Wl'lt;redid he·llitfe! Whatdidhemakethe world of!why did he then make ir', and not before! Pfh~ mat!e·itnew,orro have an e!)d·, how is bee unchangeable•, infinite ! &c. Some w if! d'ifpute, cavil!,and obje&,as J••liandidofo!O ,-whom CJ~i/1 c~>nfuies, as Simon Yl1"- • Lib.J·""K· • gus is fai~e&to doe,in that~ dial?gue betwix~ him .and.Peur : and }1mmoni. Ptt. c"),' l·Peb nsthe Phtlofopher, m that dialogtc~ll dtfputanon Wtth ZachartlfA the Chrifti- :h:fi':.a~~f ~· an.lfGodbeinlinitelyandonly good•, whytlWufd heealteror del!roy the an:~:-the~, world 1 i~heconfmmd thatv:hich i~ good,how lhallhimfe!fcon;inuegood~ ~~·~1 '~':de. ~fh~ pul~t~o\vn becaufe evt!l, how !hall h~ be fre; fro~ th~·ev~llt~t made Y" of neccf. lt evtll ! &_c. wtrh many fuch abfurd and lbta1nfick quefhons, mtncactes,fioth ~;~ ;'fQbf, ~h.:'" o~h~ma~e wit, and _excre~ents of curiofity,ll{c: which, as ourSaviour told wodd,&c.r~'ar hts inqWf!llve DtfCiples, me not fit f0r them to know; Buthoo !·I am now the cxc~llenr , gone quire>ont of fight, I am almoft giddy with roving abobt : I coulq have ~~'h~~~~:a~ rangedfaflher yet ;;15ut lam an infanr,and nat'Yable-ro divdnto thefe promfnireft. T • .' furidi!i~s;·or fQuod-th!:fe depths; ncit'a,blet!)Uit'der!land,mu~h retre to difdltfe. r:_~ jk Pt;:,: I leave the. com~mpl~tion ofthefe ~hin~ t~ 'fl'r,~ni5er ':':its; lfut~ · ha~e'bl:tter a. mrrgitomfr: bility,and happtcdeitfur~ t~ wade mro fMdW,hlfOfopfuc~~,\hYft~nes:forpui cafe I were·'as able as willmg, yet what can ·one'man doe· ~:l will conclude • Exmit:xs 4. wi<h z Statiger,N tq11it1ft111m nos homimsfomu<ift.d JltTW hrfnriilit, ex omn~blli alirfuid fieri f01tfl, idqut 11011 magnu,J,f.x ji~~i!"fe'r:~ nihil. l!'efid'es (as N 4!· .s~n bath tt) Dem lat'erenos mu1ta volUit : and Wtth S eneca.c:4J. 35 .de Cgmt. tit, fl!!jd miramur film rttra mu»dijpi11Jil~ 118n 1 t'eilerj c'ertu,'legibiu, nondum·in. te!f!ti; .M!P.. font geltmq~~.< tAntum;deficit-fitlnHc~1tem, ''vmiet ttmplfJ fir- .. Mjje, qtto ifl.s qu... nu11clatt»t.in 1ucem · dies-.extY.ahat· -lff11gi'dr~ .evi difigenti4, ' . , una>.ititHIQtJ (ufficit,tJJ!eri,&c. when Gqdfee~ hls'time-,hee will reveale • ' ' '· .· ~ thefe myfteries tomortal! mrn,and·~W t~t. to fqine fewailaft, which bee .. :t:.~1:{!:.'f· haih corictaled fo long.For I a~ of* his.mtruj,that ~ol11m,htu d,\d no~ fi~d out .&mertc .tby chance, but God dtrelted lum at ~hat ume ro atfcovet If :If IV3S .contingent to him,butnecdfary to · 6od;~&rey'eald find <'Ol:ti;cales towhom, t Miei 'J!tm· aad when he will. Andwhich t 6rie' faid 1ofll.ii(fbry (md R"ecords.of former <>PID hrficm•• .' timeSi Glll'in ha fr'ovidence to checlre Ottr<prifiii?iptuou} inquijifion, wraps up AH . things i11 uncertatnt;f , ffarrtf uf from. 'llfl'l,g" dP,tiljutiJ, and boundt our_feAr&b within-the.compajfc of (ome fiw ~~~e~ : Many g'd{!.~ thmgs ~re loft, whtch our predeceffors_ m~deu(e ·of,as Pawm~la w1ll better_c:nrormeyou;many new rhfuosak d:uly mvenfed,to the pqbltkegood; fo'kingdomes;men,and know· .. ted&~ebbl: and flow, are hid ancfrevcaled,ancll\rJJenyou have all done, as the Preachcr~t'1ncluded,Nihi/ eft fi•b foie niJ'!Jf!m.'But my melancholy ~panicls, queft,mygameis fprtmg,and I muftfuddenly come dowoe alld follow. JA.fon pratmjis,in his booked~ morbis capitit,and chapter·of Melancholy, bath