Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part z.~eCl:.z. Cure ofMelancpoly. Memb.~. z6 o gant & ple~fl\iit y~lla;;~,full of windowcs,galleri~,~ ~I) qllices fit for aSum. mer houfc;; }?ut m h1s judgment very unfit for Wmt"f:LttcNUu~made anfwer thatthe L'-<liJ ufihe houfe had wit like a Crane, that charlgeth her countri~ with the feafon; he had other houfes furnilhed, ailil built for that ptirpofe, all out as comrpodious as this. So TuUy had his Tufculane, Plinires his Larmtan }tillage, and every Gel)tleman ofany"falhion in our times bath the like. The h Godwinvi« 1i .Biihop ofExmr_had I_4·~evera!l boufes _all ~utpi{hed,in times pal!. In ,Italy, ~:;:~~' ~~· .· tbough t~~y: b1de m C!t1eS m wm:er, wh1ch 1S mbre Gentle-man-like,al! the Summer theycome ~broad to the1rcountry-houfes, to recreate .themfdves. Our Gentry in England live mol! part in the co~?try (excep~ i\ be fome few i De(cript .Brit. Cafrles) building frill in bottoms (faith 'Jovius ),,9[ neere woods,coro~a arbo. mm virentirem; you !hall know avillage by a tuft,\)f.trees at or about it, to avoid tho(e flr~ng winds wherewith the Ipanq is, infelled, and cold Winter bl:!lls. Somed1fcommend mated hou()s, ~s udfljlJo)fome; fo .Camden C:1ith of k In Oxford- k_E"w-clme,t!iatit was therefore unfrefiUCDted, ~b'jagni vicini halitus, and all fZ:~der AI- . fuch places' as be necr lakes or rive\'S,:, ~uF I atlipfo'pinion,that' thefe inconve- ""'"'· 1Jie11ces will be mitigatea,or eafily cqr.reCled by,good fires,as I one reports of ~~-~?,;,~;:; . Vtnic~,thjlt,-$' aveolentia and fogge o[the. mq9res~js fufficient!Y, qualified by n The ~olfef- th?fe mqu~ptable fmoaks.Nay mqre,mfhoml(4, Pf;,tlol.R_avenn;ro a g~eat _Phy. fion ofR•""' fipan c(?pJS~~s,tha~ the renetlan' arc; generallyJ9~fr hyed than any.Ctty in Br:!,~(!"·Efq. Europe,and.live many ofthem 12o.yeeres. B.~q1~ 1s not water limply that fo ~urefey,'~£- mpcQ P.!f~bdSlas .~he il(me &: 1\0i!Ome fmells, ih~'t..1Q<:oinpa,n~ fuch ~veraowto~~~J;;of!';;, cd p~ace~,\}',\1\~h 1s but at fom~ f~w ~et~<l!)~ afrffi',:t, d,~pd, a11.c! is [u~c1i:~tly. rePurefryEI<J. ~ompenced W1thfweet.fmellsanq afpeC\s 1~ S.mljmer, V er pmget varto gem. ~The feat of m~nt(sfr~ff 'folore,~nd ,man>; ~ther c6i:nmocJi¥,e~ Rf pl,ij'ur~ · ~profit; or ~lfe 5j; ~:=~~?j;, maybeforr~.'ied by~he fite,iftt b~ fo(Il~hat re,mp~c;fi:om,th~water,asLmli­ ~ ~ir Hemf ly,n orton fitper montem,~. Drayton,or a httle l(l~r,~,Flevared, thof1gh neercr,as Goodiem tare- P Caumt,as q Amingt~n,:_,Pole(ivorth/tredding~l'/toj.nnlt ;in fuch places beft f ;h~,d~;j_ to me knp;vn,upon dieiJver of .Anker, m W.arWlfk'fo;r,e,~Sw1r.[i~n,&u D~aktfiJ Jinghoufcof up0n Tren~. )Or howfoever they b.e.unfeafon~b!ejoWi.Qt~r,qr. ar fame times, ~~m{Adicrly, tney have tpdr good ufe in Summer. Iffobe th~t,fh~ir IJIC!iri'es be fo.flender, t sf;John Har- i~ th1 ey n\3tf\at ad!pi~, of. any ~1\'c!i xariery',,opfw~(t d~te~ine O~Ce for all, P"' brely de- 'lfld make.on~ houfe ferve eachfeafqp,J know,po meq tll!lt qave g1ven better cea[~dGrorge rules in rills hehalfe,·th:in our ~!JSO'I!l~ry \Vrttet's;' xc.. ;,_~nd Co!umeUa pre- 'G,~(clj., fc?be ~. fie??~ hmife (?. fulid by ariay1g¥'Ieriv:e:;gqod. high-waies,neer Come !vu~;'· C1ry,and tfl i\.good foile1bur t)lat 1$mori' for co111mod,ity than health. x L, ·""P·'· ~·.Tpe liell'£oile:commonlyyeelds fheworfi "aire,ad1y fandyplatis littdl: ' . robuil<l tl}/gri,and fuch as is rathe~ hilly than pl:iir\,fuU ofpownes,a Cot[wold . ,:~ ~~qn.tcy.,'~i9eing moftJ'OrrJ~odi~us tijr ~a~king,hunting, .'\'ood,waters, ind ·1 ' , ~unan~<;f . P,.fpl~a[U(es. Pcrtg~rt m,france ~s\J,ar\'~n1yer py ~eafon. of the ex· . I ·;, cd\er~}IP~~fje a1re,and r~fh plea(ur~,~ th~t 1~ ~.!for~s, muc~ lnhab1ted by the •. Nobll1ry ;,as.,Noremherg m Germ~ny, Tole/o IO!fAIIJ. Our cou0try.man Tu[- ~ J!r will tell tis fo much;that the fieldone 1s f\>t:,Pr.ofit, the woodbnd for ple1fure & healtb,t)le one commonly' :{iJeep clay; .\lierefore nqifome in Wipter, and fab'jetl to bad high-waies the ot~ep dry faP\'l.J>rovifion may be had elfe· where,and our 'Townes are general)}' bigger jn'rh~ woodlani! than the'fie!done, more frequent and populous, ani! Gent!e;benmore &light to dwell in fuch places. Sutton Cildjield in Warwickjhire (where I was once a Grammar SchoUar)