Pare z.Secr.2. 'Digrefsion ,of Aire. Mt'lnb.( Scholar) may be a fufficitnt ·witndfe,which fiands,as Camdm notes, loco in. 2 61 grato& Jlerili,butinanexcellent aire,& full ofall maner ofpleafures. Y Wad- y The rear of fey in B.rkjhire is firuate in avale,though not fo fernll ai01le as fomevales af- 6"'t' F"refcy fOrd,yet amofl commodious fire, wholfome,in a delicious aire,a rich &plea- ~ti~, 1 am [ant feat. So Segrave in l.eicejlerjhire (which Towne • I am now bound to re- ~~;;, ~';';;::'; member) is fired in a Cbampian,at the edge of the Wolds, and more barren Redory,prcthan the villages about ir,yet no place likely yeelds a better aire; And he that fen red rhmtd ·built that f.1ire houfe z wo!lerton in Nottingha'!'fbire,is much to b~ c6mended, f,~~~;;ti~ (though thetraCl be f.1ndy and barren about lt) for makmgchmce of fuch a Parr·on rhe place. conjlantine lib.2 a~ric11lt. praifeth mountaines, hilly, fieep places, Lord Bcrtfy•. above the refl by the Sea fide:& fit~h as look toward the a North,upon fome '(;,;i;:{t:;:'" great nver,as ° Farmack tn Darbtf/nrc on the 7rent,envuonedWlth htls,open a Mo:u~,;&r only to the. North, likeMount Edgemondin_ Cornwall, which Mr.c camv [o ;;:;;;.:.~2~:;;, much admtres for an excellent feat: Such as tS the generall fire of Bohemia,fe- & ad""'"'" renat Borc.u,tbe North wind clarifies,d but neere fakes or marifhes,in holes, ob- ~ .. fh~~;,eJ. · [curt places, or to the South and Weft he utterly dijproves , thofe winds are un- ling ofSirTh. wholfome,putri£Ying,and makemenfubject to difeafes. The bell: building for Burdct K.>ighr bealtb;accordino to him,is in' high place.r,and in an exceOent projpec1.P Crc. ~'{~i:1:·surfcmiitu,in his tib. I .de 5 .is very copious in this fubject, how a houfe vay ofCom- /.hould be wholfomely fited,in a goo~ coafi,go?d aire,wind,&c. Parrodc re :;~/:~00~,;,;, ruft.!Jb. I .cap.rz. t forbtds lakes and nvers,manlh and manured ~rounds,tbey flag,?,J loca caufea bad aire,grolfe difeafes,hard to be cured:~ ifit be fo that he cannot help concaw,velad it,bettcr,M h: advi}Cth,fell th~ houfe and l~ml,tha? lojC thine health. He that re~ ~~~~;:;;:/;"C: fpects not thts 10 chufing ofbts feat,or bmldmg Ius houfe,tsmente capttu,mad, clinat•,domcu · h Cato [aith,and hu dwelling next to Hell it felfe, according to Colt~mella: bee fmt morb~(.~. commends in conclufion, the middle of an hill,upon a de[cent.l!ctptijla Porta :/J,:;;:c:,;t;;.""'· y;g,. ,lib. I ,cap. 2 2 . cenfures V arro, cato)columella) and thofe ancient Rufiicks, 1omm i•.nltio- . approving many things, diC1llowing fome, and :vill by all mean_es have the ':}:;/rf;t;(;_'> front ofan houl e fiand to the South,whtch how tt may be good m Iraly and tiontm. hotter climes ,I know not,in our Northerne countries I am fure it is bell:. Ste- f ~Y<>•cerit . phanlls aFrenchman,pr.tdio ruJ!ic.lib. I .cap:4. fubfcribes to this, approving ~fd;~':fl~;; efpecially the defcent of an bill South or South-Eafi, with trees to the mmf•iubrio:paNo_rrh,{o that it be w~ll watered ;a condition in all fires which mull: not bee ~;,';,::;;,:.£'::.. omttted,as Hcrbaflcm mculcates,lz. I. Ju!tm C4Jar Cla8dmm a Phyfictan,con- rem,& dt!Ji<iks jitlt.z4.for a Nobleman in 'Poland,melancholy given, advifeth him to dwell morbos. in ahoufe inclining to the; Eafi,and k by all means to provide the aire be cleere ~£,:~;ff-J::;. and fweet;which Montantu,confil.zl9· counfelleth the Earle of Monfort his fi neqc~a,,relinpatient,to inhabit a pleafant houfe,and in a good air~. If it b: fo_, the naturall i,":Jb.r. '"~·'· fire may not be altered ofour Ctty,Town,Vtllage, yet by ,atttfictall meanes ic in orco babit•: J:?ay be helped. In hot count~ies thmfore they make the fireet~of their Ci- ~;;:;~~~''/;-;~~~: nes very narrow,all overSpam,Afrzck,Italy,Greece,& many Cmes of Prance k Jid,oriinLangttedockdpecially,andl'rovcnce, thofe Southerne parts: Montpilier,th~ cntcmfPctlarzhabitationand Univerfity of Phyficians,is fo built, with high houfes, narrow ~~~;~~ '/:t~= fireets, to divert the Sunnes fcalding rayes,which Tacitu comrriends, fiG. I 5 • bi •ct,&.curet Annat. as moft agreeing to their health, I hecaufe the height ofbuildings, and ;~tb':(J,~~ narrowneffi ofjlreets, keep away the Sttnnc beAmes. Some Cities ufe Galle- cdorifmu. E- . , ligat habita- ';;;'::;~;:!t~mo aire jltc#ndam. I J!!.!;"tiam an.guft~ \~i:incrum, & _a!!itttdo tctlonmz, non perindc Solis calwe~ ries,