Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

_P_ar_r_z_.S_e_a_.z_.______ ~~~--C_u_re~o~f_h1.~e~~-n_cb_o~~~·-------~emb 3 , ries, or arched Cloyllers toward' the llreet, as D4mafc>u, Bolog;;;;p;;;; Berna in Swit'{;rl•nd, Wcjlchcfler ,wirh us~ as well to avoid tempells ,'as th~ .z6z Sunnes fcorchmg heat. They bmld on high h1ll s m hot countries for more aire; or to the fea fide, as Bai.t,Naples, &c. In our N01therne coafrs wee arc oppolire,wee commend llraight, broad, open, faire fireets,as moll befitting and agreemg to our chme. Wee bmld m botrome; for warmth: and that fire of Mitylene in the IOand of Lcsbos,in th<; v£g_ean ~ea, which Vitrtt'llius fo much d!fcommcnds, magmficemly bu1lt With faire houfes,fed impr11Jen. ter po(itam, unadvifedly fired, becaufe it lay along to the South, and when the South wind blew, the people were aUiicke, would make an excellent fire in our Northerne climes. Ofthat artificial! lire ofhoufes I have fufficiendy difcourfed: ifthe fe~tof the dwelling may not be altered, yet there is much in choice offuch achamberor roome, in opportune opening and 01urting ofwindowes, excluding m conjil.u.ti. forraine aire and winds, and walking abroad at convenient times. m Grato~ ,.hig,J,aair, German commends Eaft and South lite (difallowingcold aire and Nor- mtbilofi!.f, dtnfi,,viw'd'"• , . therne winds in this cafe, rainy weatherand mifiy dayes) free from putrcfa. 1"' ac "'"" dion,fens,bogs,and muckhills. If the aire be fuch,open no windowes, come ff,:e;;.::'iona- not abroad. Montanru will have his patient not ton llirre at all,ifthe wind be n c"ifiL•+ biggeorrempelluous, as moft part in March iris with us; or in cloudy, loa. ring darke daies, as in No'l!ember, which wee commonly call the blacke monerh;or fiom1y, letthe wind lland how it will, conjil. 2 7 .and < o. he mull 0 Fwflwn not oopena.ca(cment in bad weather, or in a boillerous feafon, conji/.299· hre • >wn apcriat. efpecially forbids us to open windowes to a South wind. The bell lite for chamber windowes in my judgement are North, Eall, South , and which~ the worll,Weft. Lcvinus Lemnitts lib. 3 .cap. 3 .de occttlt.nat.mir . attributes fa much to aire, and rectifying of wind and windowes, that he holds it alone • vifcutit Sol fufticietit to make aman lick or well ; to alter body and mind. "' A cleere airt ;;~~;~:,~{;~ cheares up the fpirits, exhilarates the mi11~; a thicke, blackc, my fly, tcmptexhit.mu,noa jlttOI's,contraiJs,o'lltrtbrowes. Great heed lS therefore to bee taken at what ;;;~';,~or& tim_es we walke, how wee place ?ur windowes, lights, and h<:mf~s, how wee .mu~ ""'"'''" let m or exclude thts amb1ent m re. The Egypttans, to avmd Immoderate r.cm indc(<•be- beat, make their windowes on the top of the houfe like chimnies, with two · :;;::t;;~:~a'/;,. tunnells to draw athrough aire. In Spainc they commonly make great oppo- " ' •"' Pmi ali- lire windowes without glaffe, llill fhutting rhofe which are next to rh,eSun: to·loaffr~~fi:f;_ So likewife in Turkey and Italy (Venice excepted, which brag; of her fiate- ;~fi';;,;,.' ly glafed Palaces) they ufe pap<rrwindowes to likepurpofe; and lye fob dio, De uatw•1 vm- in the top of their flat roofed houfes, fo Oeeping under the canopy ofheaven. :r.;~;.~::,1;i, In fome parts oft !tal! they have Windmills,ro draw a cooling aire out ~f zs.sttaboli.J· hollbw caves, and difperfe the fame through all the chambers ofrhe1r f'~i•es M or>- Palaces, to refreG1 them; as at Cojloza the houfe of C-'fareo Trc~to, a Genfo• P"'' '·'·•· de man of V.tcenza, and elfewhere. Many excellent meanes are m vented to p Aho""""' .. correct nature by art. If none of rhefe courfes belpe, the bell way is to J,";i,;,/';::,t;;: make arrificiall ai:e, which howfoever i~ profitable and good, fiill :o bee 'f''IRns, Tmmi<h". made hot and mmll,and to be feafoned Wlth fweet perfumes, P pkafant:md Mo.".tt'"fj~* Iightfome as ·may be;to have Rofes,Violers,and fweet fmelling flowers ever ;.~.,;,:·r':.~";: in their wio.dowes, Polies in their hands. L~tt~rentius commends water Lil· J.am·en,;,, c.s. lies, a veffell of warme water to evaporate in the roome,which will make a more