Part.1"·Sect.2. Al,r.e •·dlijiecl. Metnb·3.· nwrede~hfome p~Pf ume, i£d'leP(!ooadded 0uan~e~owetS, pils.o.fC.l: z~J trons> Rolemavy·, Cwves,:Say~s,Rofe-v;;ater,lltofe-xmeg«t,Belzpm,lada.- ----- nuro,Sty-Pa•J<,andifu~hhke Gumml!s,wbJCh make a ploafatJt apdacceptable periume-. ~ B6/{ard114 B- ifantm114.p~efers the fmoake of}umperto.melan. • A".Philof. choly p~rfons, wfiicbis ing~eat reque~ wi~htusat ?xfor-d\;enour ~·};~~~::~:.~. chambeFs. 'Gu:ant,ttu J(Ielq~bes ~llea1~e Wlth Water,and ex 'dolentibm fa•ee~ herbs boil~d· init, vine a!'ld fallow-leaNes, ~c. f to befprinklethe berbu &.folti< " 'hR c R r . lil' t.. - h""""'"i)er£, ground ~nd- poli\:s Wlt .O•e-w-atq, 01€-VlAeger,, W. IC·V>Avzcenna mUC•\fWcu,_ &c. approves. O€ colours lt lS good tO behold- gr,een~, Fed,y-ellow and white, f Pa"'"''"'""' aadby allmeans to ha\<e light enough, with wimdowe.s in theday,wax can- ~ifa~e~i':':: .. dies in the night, neat chambers, good lires in winter, men;y COII\panions; n,IAunnt.c.s. for though melancholy pcrfons lov-e to be darke and alone, yet darkncffe is a great em:r~af erofthe humour·. Alrhough our ordinary aire be good by nature or art, yat i\ is not amilfe, as I have faid,fiill w alter it; nob~t!erPbyfick for amelancholy man then cmnge of aire and variety 0f places,to travel abroad and fee fafhiq_ns. g Le~ ~;Li.b-• .eae.k t: {i k f fh' . c d . h 11 t.. Ph morb.Afmum. A 1et: pea eso manyo tscountrymen,ocure , Wlt ou,_a o.; y- In Nigritaro,.. fiek: amongfi theN egroes,there to excellent atr~,that f(any ofthem be ngione tant4 jick..t(ewhcre-,_ and brought thither! he u inftantly recovered, ofwhich h~w.ra :;:~~fi;:t:~uofter>aruye wztn6{ft. h Ltpft114,Zumgcr ?and fo'?e other,addeas much ofor. bi morbo(u. ed dinary·travel!. No man, fa1th Ltpfttu man ep1filero Pht!.Lan.ottY, a noble aJ~ehatur, friend ofhis, now readie to make a voyage, i can beefo,·h a floc/re or-ftonc, (a~';~.~f,~'){'. whom that plcafantJ]cculation ofcountries, cities, towncs, rivers, wi!Jnot af. tuatur, qvol JCCf. P au/114 ./Ew;i/itu that renowned Roman Captain after he had conqu~- 'j."ui:;ccidif~ red Per(etii the lafi king of Mawlonia, and now mad.e an end ofhis tedious :,;,1;~ ;i~;'" wars, though he had been long abfent from Row;e, and much there defired; h pe~e-: about the beginning of Autumne ( as • Livy defcribes it ) madea pleafant f~~p . peregrination all over Grcea, accompanied with hisfon Scipio,and A the- t;ec 1~w:~ netu the brother ofki~ Etemenes ,leaving the charge of his army with Sui- ;am tapi~ ••• pitiu. G•llzu. By ThcJJaly he went to Detphos, thence to Megaru, At~lis~A- .~~~~.~'jf:J' '1- . thens, Argos ,L.o.edemon.,Megal•polu,&c.He took great conrenr,exceedmg m•'!" ilh,v•- delight in that his voyage. As who doth not that lhall attempt rhelike, 11P~/P•fl~otorhough his travel! be ad j ac1ationem magis quaw; ad "Y'm reipt~b. (as tone ~7::::;::: :;:,· well obferves) tocracke,gaze,fee fine lights and fathions,fpend time,rather • Lib..,_ . then for his own or publike good, (as it is to many gal1anrs th~ttravel out;:'.:;.~;:~~ their hefi daies, together with their means, manners,honefiy 1 religion)yet it availeth howfoever. For peregrinationcharmes our fcn.fes with fuch unfpeakableand [ weet variety, • that fome count him unhappy that ncvertra- *Finer Mori_. veiled, a kinde ofprifoner, and pity his cafe that from his cradle tc:i his old forzc.;.part. ' - age beholds the fame fiill;f!ill,!lill the fame,the fame.Infomuch that~ .(I. ha. k Nyt~JioJe fisc~nt. lib.I .Traff.z. cloth not only commendburenjoyntravellland [uch i:/;;; 41i'/'.v~ivancty of Qb]efrs to a melancholy man, an.d to lye tn divq(e lnncs, to bee agialong4 ~ drawn into (everaltcompanies .- Montalttu cap.36.and many Neotericksare inkmmin~ ·• ofthe minde. Celjm advifcth .hili) therefore that will continue his ::·/f:;J;~'J!_" health,to have varitmt vit£ gcnm,diverlity ofcallings occupations to be"''fi>riir. b ft d b !{, · £ · h .. r, · ' h ' IModh•riejfi u te a out, J c,tn~ttmcs tl) tve rn.t ecztu,Jo1JJetrmes tnt ecountrey;norv .tP rllodOin_Ur!w~ ftudy or w~rk, to be tntent, then aga;n to hawf: or hunt,Jwimme,rtmne, ride ,or f•piuo_;n "ll" cxerct{e IJ~mfclf. Agood profpell: alonewilleafe melancholy, as Comeftm·v"''"''·(l)'<. · L I 2 contends,