Parr••.Sect. 2. . Exercije reilijed. M· M •• 4· Exerci{c reilijiedofBody andMinde. 0 that great inconvenience, which comes on rheone fide by immoderate and unfeafonableexercif~, too much folitarinelfe and idienelfe on the other, mull: be oppofed as an Antidote, a moderate and feafonable ufe ofit, and that both ofbody and minde, as a moll: material! circumftance, much conducing to this cure, and to thegenerall prefervation ofour health . The heavens themfelves run continually round the Sun ri!ethand fets,theMocln increafethanddecreafeth, Starres ·and Pl~netskeep their conftant motions, the aireis ftill tolfed by the winds, rhewatersebbe andflowtothcirconfervation no doubt, to teach us that .we!hould ever bein al:tion. For which 'caufe Hieromcprefcribes Rtiflicus theMonke,that he bee alwayes occupied aboutfomebulinelfeor other, fthattheDevilldo notfindehim idle. f Seneca wouldhaveamandofome- fNete<kmon thing, though it be to no purpofe. * ){ enophon wi!heth one ratherto play at otiofum invetables,dice,or make a je!ler ofhimfelf (though hee might be far better im- "t';;~fiatatiul ployed)thendo nothing. The ' v£gyptiant of old , and manyflouri!hing ·~ere quam niCommonwealths fince,, haveinjoy~ed labou~ and exercife toallfor~sof~~ib.; .dedillu men, to beoffome vo·cauon and callmg,& to gtve an account ofthetr nme, socratu,~i . t.o prevent thofe grievous mifchiefes that come by idlenelfe;for al fodder,;'!;:;~~/}:' whip anr/ burthen belong tv the affi:fomcat, corrcilzonand worke mztothefer- cant,aliquidfa; vant,Eccltt< 33· •3· TheTurku injoyne all men whatfoever, ofwhat de- ciunr!etfiticegree, to be offome trade or other, the grandsignior bimfelfis not excufed . ~~~:. melior• v In oter memory (fatth Sabelltcflt) Mahomet the T11rke, he that conquered cAmafir com" Greece, at that very time when he heardEmba!fadours ofother Prinm,didei- 1::~~!.:;:; ther carve or cut wooden{}oonu, or frame Jo?mthmg t~pon a table. ~ Thts pre- Y"' eo tell fent Srdtan makes note hes for bowes.The 'Jews are moll: fevere in this exa- how hoc Hvcd. ruination of time all we! governed;Places,Townes,Famil ies,and every dif. ~~:fr;;.~· creet perfon will be alaw unto himfelf. But amongft us thebadge of gen- merero</,.:a~~. try is idlenelfe: to be of no calling, not to labour, for rims derogarorie to ;';;;p~~uC:.j:;~ thetr bmb, to bea meere fpefrator ,a drone,frrtget con{itmere natus' to have verl<t, cum ono necelfary employment to bufie himfelfe about in ·Church and common. worumpofiu-. wealth (fomefew governersexemp~ed) btll to rife to eat, &c. to fpendhis ~:,~=~~" dayes in hawking,hunting,&c.and fuch likedifports &recreations(twhich gentium,";'... our Cafui{ls rkxe) are the foie exercife aimoft and ordinary actions of our '~'J:iaUgne• Nobilitie, and in which they are too immoderate. And thence it comes to:.;.;;;;:;;:'· pa.lfe that in Ctty and country fo many grievances ofbody and mind,and ~:;•'• •ifi•£<- thts feralldtfeafe ofmelancholy fo frequently rageth, and nowdomineeres x s:..Wdol.; 7 almoft all over Ertrope amongft our great ones. They know not how to ofh" voyage · fpend theirtimes ( difports excepted,which are all their bufinelfe ) what to ~';/';trakm. do ,or otherwife how to bellow themfelves : like our moderneFrenchmen ofc::;;;::f." thathadratherlofe a pound of bloud inafingle combate, then a drop ofl·l·'·•·~· l' . fwear many hone!! labour. Every man almoft bath fomerhing or other to employ himfelfabom, Come vocation, fometrade, but they doe all by mint!lers at<d fervants, adotia drmtaxat fe natot exiftimant, immoad frti ip{ius LI 3 plert~mq;