Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. z. Sect.z . Cttreof Melancholy. . 2 6 4 plertlllt4< & altor11m perniciem, * as one freely taxeth fuch kinde ofmen ---- they are all for pall:imes, 'tis all their ll:udy ,all their invention tends to th~ ~;:{;,;;~."' alone to drive away time, as ifthey. were borne fome.ofthcm to no other ends. Therefor~ to correCt and.avmd thefe errors and mconvemenc1es,our D1vmes, Phyfictansand l'olmctans, fo much labour, and fo feriou!ly exhort; Aqd for this difeafe in particular, Y there-can benu-better cr<re-; then.'""' YNI on 'f:::t~ tinr<a!lbufine/{e,as Rhajilholds, to havefom-e-employmmt or other,w/iic/j 1114., m< torq 4 n r: h · ,. d k dd;fl. c< 1' · "· h :n juny,ereiune- 1ett etr m;n ea wor ·e,an· t;•rac• trfetrcogitatzon1. ,,'tc esmayml!.e:~fdl'· ceffaria,&· 'P: b-e had wirhouc tabour and indull:rie, nor !'earningwithout lludy,neither ~'J~r.ijJ,!f:;• can our health be' preferved w!thout bodily exercife. ffit beofthe body, iOi•ma~num Guzanertunllowes that exercrfe wh1ch·1s gentle, z and jhlf afren thofe ~-:,;;::,•;•- otdinary frications, which mull: be ufed every mo~ning. Muntaltu1Cap. 4 6. ~·•repleant an'd:Ja(onP'ratenjis ufe almoft the famewords,h1ghlycommendmgexer. animos eorum_, cife if it be moderate; a wonderftttl help fo ufld, CTato calls it, and a great '.J:~;;":.~L" f/Tlanesto preferve UtW health,":' addingftrength tothe whole body, increaJing tationer. nattira·Uheat, by meanes ofwhzch, the nr<tnment uwe!l cor.ctrfled m the jlo. ~';~,~-~:":;'/.. 1/facke, liver and:'einll,fewor 11~ crudities leji, il happily diflribttted O'Vtr all tium,lews "" ~he Uody . Befides,tt expells excremeors by fweat,& other mfenfible.vapors; mpOT<Jrte•-: mfo. much, that' Galenpreferres Exerc1fe before all Phyfick, Re•~hficati· ~;;•~jz;::- on ofdiet, orany regiment in what kinddoever ;'tis Natures Phyficiao. m.rlium exer- b Ftdgentitts out of Gordoniu1 de con(erv. vit. hom. lib. r. cap.1. cearmes ex- <ttaTtones, ercife, aJJurre of a duUjleepy natr<re, the comforter ofthe tmmber1, etere ofi~>­ ~::7.~;!~ ~ Jirmitie, death ofdiJeafes,dejfmffion ofall PJifchie'fis andvim. The fittell: ""' ,miriftce . time for exercife, is alittle before dinner, a little before fitpper, 'orae any fo't,;;::;.. ~ time when tltebody is empcy.Montanus conjil. 31. prefcribesit every mor- '"'·&c. ning to his patient,and that as d Calenus addes,after he bath done hiJ ordinary 3 Lib. "de need1,rubbed ha body,wajhedhiJ h,tndl andface, combedhiJ head, andgar(Tari- ~·;~:::;,~~ .. zed. What kindeofexercifehefhould ufe, Galen tells us,lib.z.& 3.defonit. ""'"'~. dt!rmi- tuend.and in what meafure,' tiUthe boiy bee ready toJweat, and roufed up; ~~:·!:~~~";. ad rubo~CfJJ, Come fay, nonadfudorem, lefr. it lhould dry the ~odr too much; folatium,mor- others m)oynethofe whollome bufindfes as to dtg fo long mh1s garden, to }.":m~;~~~::: hold the l'lough,and.che like:Some prefcribe frequent and violent labour "'~Jicinak.-• andexerc&s,asfawmgeveryday, fo long cogether,(eptd. 6. Htppocrall! guorum,Jeflra- confounds them) but thatis in fomecafes, to fome peculiar men; ' the moll :Z:;::~~~ato forbid, an~ by n.o ~eanes will have it go farther then a beginning fwear,as cAlime"'" in bemg g penlous 1f It exceed. 'll<ntriculo pro- Ofrhefe labours, exercifes and recreation, which are likewife included, ~.;~::~:,:;re, fomeproperly belong to the body, fome to the mind, fome more eafie, 'll<fica et atvo [ome hard,fome withddighc,fome wichout,fome within doores, fome na- "!:x;;:,{;;~:~ curall,fome are artificiall.A~on~ft bodily exercifes,G~Ien co~mends luda ~. ~ombru, parv£ pil£,tO play at ball,be 1t With the hand or rackec,m Tenmf-courts,or iotis wanibm otherwife, it exercifeth each part ofthe body, and doth much good,fo thai :!;. ~;~,~.~t ch~y [ weat not toomuch.It w~s in great requell: ofold amongft the Greeks, te. Romanes Barbarzans, menuoned by Homer, Herodottts, and Pltmm. ·~ufticor- Some w~ite, that AganeUa a faire maide of Corcyra,was the inventer of f:::::::.(::f:'" it, for lhee prefemed the firft ball that ever was made, to Naujica ihe tt fMidu;n appareat,fudiJr:e$, &c. f Omninofodorem'Vitenr.,ap: 7./ib, t ._rillefi~deTar. g E:cn-citiumfie.xn~t, 'T.Itdde ptri,fll"" (um. $r,jlujl.Sll!vi411114lleremeJI.llh, ~.,op.I. daughter