Part;i.Sett. z. Exercife reC!ifted. daughter of kingA1cinous,and taught her how to ufeit. 26) The ordinary fporrs which are ufed abroad,are Jiawking,llanting,hilares verwidilabores,hone calls them, becaufe they recreate bodya!ldminde; ianother, the kbeftexcrcife thatit,by which alone many liave beene I freed from h camJw in tt!l ftraU difeafes.HegejippM lib.x.cap.37 .relates of Herod, that hewas eafed %i!~rdof'a grievoLts melancholy by that means. Plato 7. de leg. highly magnifies i lrridevalli•• it, dividing it into three parrs,* by Land, Water> A7re. Xcnophon in cyrop£d. !:~; -~'%~:~~ graces it with a great name, Deor11m "'.""'",theg1ft ofthe Gods, aPrince- mrcitationii, Jy-fport,which they haveeverufed,falthLang~t~sepift.59·i•b. z.aswellfor ;.rlllabbac health as pleafure,and do at this day,it being the foie almoft and ordinary ,:,:~,~;~;,._ fport of our NoblemeninErmpe,and elfewhereall overcl)e Wodd. Bo. ti. het'!_ us de lib. 3. ca~. x _z :ftiles it fiudtum_nob i lium,comutu. ~;{;;: •., mtervenantur, qr~od JibtJolts ltcerecontendrmt, ns all then ftudy, .the!t ex- diate/1. polir. crcife,ordinary bufineffe,all their talke: and indeed fome dote too much af- f11 ·'·"P:' ' · ter it, theycan do nothing elfe, difcourfe of naught elfe. Pard11s JoviHs de- :::;,~;~;·;,~ fc•· Brit, doth inCome fort tax our m En$lifh N obtlitif: (0~ it,for living in~~~;;~ taudcm the Countrte fo much, andtoofrequentufeoftt, M if they had no other meanes 1 chjro~· i• lmt Hawking andHrmting to approve them(itves Gentler/Jen with. monte PeUo .Jiawkingcomes neere to Htmting,the one in the aire,·as the other on the f;:~'~;;r;eEarrh,a I port as much affeCted as the other, by fome preferred. nIt was ne- morbn animl heard of amongll rhe Rorn&ns, invented fome n oo years fince,and firll ven~r;~nibus " · menrione~ by Fir1Jiic1111ib. 5:· cap. 8. The Greeke Emperours began it, and~:;;~.'~:;;:' now nothmg fo frequent: he1s no body,that m the feafon hath not aHawke ,;,,,. · on his lift. A ~rear Arr,~tid manytb?okes w;it.ten of it, It is a wonder to ~m~:;:;:~:" heate0 whansrel:;ted of·.~he Tt.,kes -Ollicers m th1s behalf, how many Jaflidir,ca/.tthoufand me11 are ImployeC:I·about It, how many Hawkes of all forts, how l<t,(:]' l<beri o- . much revenC:westonfumedon that only difport, howmuch rime is I pent at ~~;;~if.j~'~ Adrianoplealonei:veryyearto that purpofe. The P Perfian Kings hawke tatemuna'f."' after Butterflieswith fparrows,made tO that ufe, and /lares; leffer Hawkes moxime ven.- fo~ ldfer games they have, and bigger for the reft, that they may produce :::~·;~fu~:f; their fport toallfeafons. The MufCovian Emperours reclaime Eagles ro· ruetur. . fueatHinde~,Foxcs,~c.andfuch a onewa:sfenrfor a prelCntto qQgeene ;~~~,!~~ 1f.';_ :F.hzabeth: fome_realanile Ravens, Caftnls, P1es, &c. and man them for infot. H:+· , their pleafures:;c.. . ~:, . · , . . . Salmurb.>J.dc Fowling is moretroublefome, bur all out as delightfome to Come [ons · o£ ;:;~;;;;:;:: men, beitwithguns,lime;nets;glades,gimies,ftrings, baits, pitfalls, pipes, c'r. . calls,ftawking-horfes, feftlng-dogges,coy-ducks,&c . orotherwife. Some ~'D~m'~'"' much delight to take Larkes .with day-nets, [mall birds with chaffe-nets,.:;,:;,;;t plovers,parrr_idge,herons, ~nite,&c.Ji enry the third,king of Cajfile (as Ma- ~~";,!;t:;~~ nanathe JefUit reportS ofh1mltb. 3·'•P·7·Jwas much affefred'wtthcatc!Jtng 1;., redJi'"'· . of Jf!.!!_ailes,and many Gentlemen rake a fingular pleafure at morning& eve- &£tiu<. epifl. ning t? go abroa~ with tlieit QQ_ail-pipes, and will take any paines to fat if- ~1~~j{~~ fiethetr delight m that kmde. The r Italians havegardens fitted to fuch <loriopir ad ufe,with nets,bulhes,glades,fparing no coftor induflrie,and are very much ~:;:meum, affeCted wLt!l the fporr. Tycho .Brahe that great Aftronomer, in the Coro- oLoni"""· _ gra_phy ofhLs Ifle of Jiuena, and caftle ofVranibt~rge, puts down his nets,& ~;'!""'' J•: p s. ,AntOI!JI Sberlit$ ,rcl:~ian~. q H4rluit. ~ Co~urni,um aumplo. [l'iner Mrllifon rart . 3· crtp . 8". manner "