Part.z .Secb. Ctm of M(lancholy. Memb. 4 • z66 man?erofcatcbingfmall ~irds,as an ornamenr, and a recreation, wherein --- he h1mfelfwas {omenmes 1mployed. F•fhingi's akinde ofhunting by water, bee it with nets,weeles, baits an. or otherwife,&yeelds all out as much pleafure to fome men, as d6os •Nonmajorem orhawkes; •Whentheydrawtheirji[h ttpon the hanke, faithNic.Henlil~u; voluptatemanz. - 1.r, h " {j k' f 1 d. d I' h h" C 1 ' mocapiunt, St(1tograf. ·~,C4fd• pea mgo t1at extraor mary e 1g t _1s oumrey. 1uamquijeras m.en rook m fi!hmg, and-mmakmg ofpooles. ']amer Dubravtu.rthatMora. '"{Watuffi', . •vi<tv,in his book de pi(c.telleth,howtravelling by the highway fide inSile; :::ib:',;~. fta,hefoundaNobleman v bootedupto the groines, wadinghimfelf, pul• f'thendutlt, ling the nets, and labouring as much as any fi!herman ofthem all:and when g::~:,'};:;~!~ fome belike objeered to him the bafendfe ofhis office, he excufed himfelf, {M pecudes in x ifothermen tmght htmt Hares, whyjhouldnot heehtmt Carpe.r ~ Many "P05 adducunt . Gentlemen in like fort with us, willwade up to the Armeholes , upon fuch ~,":::f:/:;:~ occafions,and voluntarily undertake that to fatisfietheir pleafure, whicha '"'"'~'·. . pooreman for agood ftipendwould fcarce be hired to undergoe. FIHTarc11 xS'p;~"7P'bur in his book de (oler. anil!ldl. fpeakes againfr all fi!hing, Y .u ajilthie, bap iUi. ~:;j;;:nh?:~' 6eral!i mployment ,havingneither wit norperfJticacitie in it, nor worth the I•· {fa, ••jiio quo- hour. But he that !hall confider the variety ofBaits,for all feafons,and pret. ;~tf:'~i- ty devices which o~r Anglers have invented, peculiar lineslalfe flies, feve. deri debeatpu- ra!IOe!ghts,&c. will fay, that !tdeferveshkecommendanon, requires as ~;:::,;,.,urpir mu~h fiudy,and perfpicacitie as tjle~efr, ~nd i~ to be P.referred be~ore many pifia(io, nullo ofthc;m. Becaufe hawkmg and hunnog a.r.ever.y, !abor!ou~,much ndiag,and {fuJw Jig.., many dangers accompany them;but this is frill anp quiet: and if fo bee the ':;!';ft1~:c;,•· aagler catch no Fi!h, yet he bath a.wholefo!lle walke tothe Brooke fide, ~uttu'!'habet p_leafant !bade, by th'efweet filvedheam~s; h~)lathgood. aire, and fweet ~~111;,;;;.":;. f~els offine fre01 meadow flower~, hee heare~Jhe melodiOus harmony of am. P Buds, he fees the Swannes,herons!ducks,water-hens,cootes,&c.andmany other fowle, with their brood,wh1chhee thmketh better then the noifeof hounds, or blafrofhornes, andall the fport that they can make. Many other fports and recreations therebe,much inufe,as Ringiag,bow: ling,!hooting,which Askamcommends in aJuft volume,and hath informer z l'r«ipu~ times been injoyned byftatute, as a defenfive_e>;ercife; and an z honourto binc Anglir our Land,as well may witnelfeourvicrorie~ in Prance. Keelpins, tronkes, t.1'!J•• mb;£ coits,pitching bars,hurling,wre!Hing,teaping, running,fencing,muftring, ;:vi:~• par£. fwimmiog,wafters, foiles, fe>ot-ba~l, balowne, quintan, &c. and many fuch, which are the common recreanons ofthe country folks. Riding of great horf~s,running a~ rings,tilts and turnaments,ho~fe races, wilde.goofe chafes,whtch are the dtfporrs ofgreater men,&goodmthemfelves,tbough a cap. 7 . many Gentlemen by that means, gallop qui:e out ?ftheir fortunes. But th~ moft pleafant ofall outward paftrmes, rs that of• Areteus dwn: hulatioper am<~;naloca, tomak~ a petty ~rogr~lfe, amerryjourney now and . then with fome good compamons,to v1fite fnends,fee cmes,caftles,towns, ~~::f.::::;; · b Vi[ere f.epe amnunitidos,peram.maffr Tempe, fubJialer, '!!'"' EtplaczdarfummtS feE/art znmontzbusaurat. hortenftraur£ To fee the pleafant fields, the Chriftall fountains,· ;::,::~'~:;;J::b And rake the gentle aire amongft themountains. . .. pameinir ,;. <To walk amongfr Orchards,Gardens,Bowres,Mounrs and Arbours, aril- ~;"~""'"'"" ficiall wildernclfes, greene thicket$, Arches, Groves, Lawnes,Rivulers; ' 4 • · · · Foun..