Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan. z.Sec!.z. . Exerci(e m1ijied. Fountains &[uch like pleafant.places ,like that AntiochianDaphne,Brooks, z67Pooles, Fifhponds,het.wlxt wood and water, in a faire meadow, by a river ---- fide,* 11bi vari.e avi11111 cant~t;ones,jlorumcolores, pratortJ11J (r~ticet ,&c .to * Tbeopbi~ difporrin fome ple~[anr plame~ parke, rumup all:eep h&fomenmes,or fit in 1•11. a fhady fear,multneeds bea detep:able recreation. HortiiSprincipi< & dom"r addelec1ationC11J foe! a, mm fjlva, monte& pifcma, V11lgo La fiJontagna. The. Princesgardenat Ferrara, t schottJuhighly magnifies, with the groves, trtiner•t. Ittt. mountains,ponds, for adeletl:able profpefr, hee was much affetl:ed with it; A Perfian Paradife; 0r pleafallt parke, could not bee mor.eddetl:able inthis fight. S.Hernard in thedefcription ofhis'Monafrery,is almoll:ravifhed with the pleafures of it. A Jick d man (faith he) fitutpon agrecne banke, andwhen the dog.flarreparcheththe Plaines, & dries up rivers,he lier in a{hadie bowre, ~.jp~" ~z~;;ffA Fronde fub arborea. ferventia temperat alha, And feeds hu eyes rvifh variety &> ;"~~~;,;: ofobjeC!s, hearbs, trees, to comfort hi< mi(ery, hee :eceives many delight-;::,;;;~,~-:;:'::: Jome Jmels, andfils hu ears w;th that fweet and 11ar1ot1s 11armomeofBtrdts: ""~"''·& ficcat Good God(Caith he) what acompany ofpleajims haft thott111ade for man? Hee flumina,ip(i(ethat fhould be admitted on afudden to the fight of [ uch aPalace as chat of :~~:;{;7;/:J.. EfotlriaU mSp•me,ortothat whtch. rh~ Moores butlt at Granado,Founten. er aJdclorirjUi h!CI~< in France,cheT~~rkes gardensmhts Seraglto, whorem all manner of.f'"""m, ,...~­ Birds and beafrs are kept for pleafure; W alves,Bears,Lynces, Tygers,Ly- .~/,':tft;~m•-. ons, Elephants, &c. or upon the bankes of that ThracianBo(jhQru.r: the JPecier,pa(Cit Popes Belve~ere in R•me t as pleafingas tho[eHurti penjiles in Baby/on, or ;~~~~e;:,:~;c thatlndtan Kmgs dehgh!fomegardenm* e£ltan; or•rhofefamousgardens ridiw,4Uret ?fthe !-ord Cantelow inFrance,couldn~tchoofe, ~hough he were never fo ~"::,~~.'':::;,~­ Jllapatd,butb~muchrecreatedfonhenme; or many of our Noblemens piCia1um congard~ns at home. To rake a boat in a pleafant evening, and with mufick f·to ""''" ""'""'· row upon ~he waters, ':"hich Plutarch fo much applaudes, JElian admires :::~~~~:·::· upon thenver Ptnetts:m thofe The{illtan fields, befet WlthgreeneBayes, ribuprocu'f.u where Birds fo fweedy fing, that paffengers enchanteq as it were with their fol•t<at . beavenlymufick,omniutJtla~•mnt&ourarunt ibliviftantur, forget forth- [;f.':~·s'"'1"'· with all labours, care and griefe: or in a Gundilo through thegrand c~n;r/e *_Lib., 3 . de •· in v enice, eo fee thofegood!y P a!aces, m~ll: !Ieeds refrefh and ~i ve content :~";/.· t;"/'";~l· to a melancholy dull fpmt. Ono fee the mner roomes ofa fatre built and P•ut. Hen~t'"' fumptuous xdifice, as that ofthe Perjiaa Kings fo much renowned by Dio. Itenerar.lr•ti~. domsandCurtius,inwhich~llwasalmofr beaten gold, t chaires, ll:ooles, ;,~~7j:;.::;::.­ thrones, tabernacles, and ptllars of gold, plane trees, and vines ofgold, o.w~ ,6, 7 • grapes ofprecious ll:ones, all the other ornaments ofpuregold, with [ weet Sintp:lib. •. odours and perfumes,generous wines, opiparous fare,&c, befides rhegal. 1~:~;,'jijpm4 lantell: youngmen, the fairell: tVirgins,th(\rarell: beauties the world could d<am6utatia afford, and rhofe fer our with coll:ly and c_uilious. artyres, ad jfuporem ufq; ',;'.':.:;~:;;~;~:. ffeC!antwm, w1th exqmfire muficke, as m* Tr~malti~ru houfe, in every pe ,.,.,.~m. chamber, fweetvoJCesever foundmg day and mght, mcomr4rabilemlux. 1'""~~ f!•- um,alldeliglm and plea[ures in eachkinde,_which to pleafethefenfescould 't':J:,~t;;.er, poflibly be devifed or had, conviv.e coronati delitiu ebrii,&c.Telonac11usin oure•ohfania, Homcr is bro~ght in a~ one ravifhed a!moll:, at the fight ofrhat111agnificent ,';.';.:~';j,; . Palace, and nch furmture of M enelatu, when hee beheld •11•, &c. . . t J oo pellicet. ~;:PU::;~eret pmcern:t innumeri,pueriloti purpura ituluti,etc. ex omniumpulchritudineJelefli. ~ Ubiomnir~ 141JtU Mm