Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.2.Seet.2•. Cure ofMelanrholy. 268 * lEr/5 folgorem &refonantiatefla rorujco .Auro,atqueelec1romtido,(efloque elephanto, .drgentoqtlejimul. Tali5]ovi5 arduafedet, Aulaque Gteltrolum.fteUans fPlendeftit olympo. Such glittering ofgold and brigh~dl brafi'e to ihine, Cleereamber,fiver pure, and Ivoryfo fine: Jupttm lofty palace where the Gods do dwell, Was even fuch a one, and did it not excell. It wjl! laxare anif!Jos,refr~ih the foule ofman to fee faire built cities,ftreets; Tl~eaters, ~emples,Ob~hsks,&c. TheTempleof]eru(alenJ was fo fairly built ofwhitemarble With fomany piramids covered with ~old; teCfun1~ templt fielvo romftam auro,mrmo[uo julgore obr,rrabatom(os 1ttnerantium was fo glorious, and fo glifrered a .f~rre off, that the fpellators might no; well abidethefigbtofit. But themner partswereallfocurioully fet out with Cedar,gold,Jewels,&c. that the beholders were amazed. What fo p~eafant as to fee fome Pageant or fight goe by, as at Ccronations, Wed. dmgs, and fuch like folemnities, to fee an Embalfadour or aPrincemet,re. ceaved, entertained withMasks, ihewes, fireworkes, &c.To fee two Kings fight infingle combat,as Form and Alexamler;Canutm and Edmond Iron· {ide;Sranderbeg and Ferat Ba/fo the Turke ;when not honour alone but life t Iliad. 10 • itfelfisat frake,as thet Poet of Bec1or, -nerenimprotergore Tauri, Probove ner Certamenerat,1u£pr.<ltJiaCurfm E(fefolent, (edpromagni vitaque animaq;-11 e<1ori5; Tobehold abattle fought, like that of Crefcy, or Agenrottrt,or f iil1ers,q11J nefcio (faith Fro/ford) an vetufta ullam proftrre pofit dariorem. To fee one . ofC£/ars triumphs in old Rome revived, or the like. Tobee prefentatan ~B;•vv"' d Interview, gas that famous of Henry the 8'h ,lnd Francts the firfr, fo much a:~~~s,!~ 5 ,9 • renowned all over E11rope, ubi tanto apparatu ( L'lith H u~erttU relleiru ) tamquetriur~Jphali pompa ambo reges ctem eorunJ ronjugibus roiere7utnull4 unquam.ttas tamrelebriaft.ftaviderit aut audierit ,no age everfawthelike. Soinfinitelypleafant are fuch ihewes, to the fightofwhich,often times theywill come hundreths ofmiles, give any mony for aplace, and remem. ber many years after with fingular delight. Bodine, when he was :Embalfa. dor in England,faid he faw the Noblemen goe in their Robes to the Par. liamem houfe,fimJnJa cmnjzwm:fitatevidimtU, hewas much affelled wnh the fight of it.Pomponim C6lumna, faith ].vim in his life, faw 13 •. French. men, and fo many Italians, once fight for a whole Army: f<!!Jd]lteundif t5'".trtiuoinde-JimumffeOarulum, invita dicit (ua,the pleafantefr fight that everhefaw ~:;;;~;~!~1~: in his life. Whowould not have beene affelled with fuch afpectacle? Or •um exemplo, that finglecombat oft Breautc the Frenchman ,and Anthoy Schets a Dutch- ;:;:~:;;{;;;;_ man beforethewallsofSylvaducuin Brabant, Ann.o x6oo.They weroz. ti,c.fis boflib"' horfe on rheone fide, as many on the other, whtch hke LzvtesBoratu, .,.h,conJPel.lu Torquati and Corvini fought for their owne glory and counmes ho- {";':~~::; nour, in the·fighr and view oftheir whole Citie and army. h When ]t~llfls 'tiol.pofl. C.tjitr warred about the bankes of Rhene, there came a Barbartan Pnnce to i ~os ••tt• fee him,and the Roman Army,& when hee hadbeheld Ca(ar agood whtle, i,~~;;~dJj;~~' i 1fee the Gods now (faith he) whioh before I heard of, ne• fmlmerJJ ·~;;