Part.2.Sefr. 2. Exerci[erec1ified. vit 11 me£ aflt optavi, aflt (en{i diem: Ic was.the happie.ll:day that ever he had z6 9 in his life. Suchafightalone wereable?f nfelfto dnveaway melancholy; ~ ifnot for ever, yet it muft needs cxp.elltc for a time. The very reading of feafts, triumphs,interviewes, nupnals, nlt~, curnamcnrs,combats,&mo. nomachies, is mo!l: acceptablea~dpl~afant.T Francifctes Moditts hath made t Pa,iJefl~ a large colleCl:ion offuch fole£?mnes 10 two great ~ omes, which who fo 'l'riompb. Jot, will may perufe. The 1nfpeCl:10n alone oftbofe curwus Iconograph1es of Temples and palaces, as that of t~e Lateran Church in AlbertttsDttrer, that of the TempleofJlrufa/emm .Jo[ephtes,Adrtcon;llls,andVjllalpandtts: * tib. 6 .cdp.r-i thatoftheE{cttriaUm Guadus,ofDtanaatEphejies m Pliny, Nero'sgolden dehelloJud. palace in Rome,S•. M~trku i~ Venice by Jgnatius,with many fuch:prifcorum lfrtijictl111 opera(.[alth that t mterpreter of P~tufam.u) the rare workmanlhip t RomuZ"' A· ofchofe ancientGreckes, in Theaters, Obelisks,Temples, Statues, gold, m•fi"' pr~J•i· filver, ivory, marble images, nonminoreftrm'e quum leguntur,qteamquum P•ufon•.. cermmtter, animumdelelfatione complent, affea: oneas much by reading al~ In oil:, as by fight. The Countrie bath his recreations, the Citie his feverall Gymnicks and cKercifes,,feafts,wakes, and merry meetings to folacethemfelves; the very being in the country, that life it felf is a fitfficient recreation to Come men,to injoy fuch pleafures,as thofe old Patriarkes did.Diocle. ftantbe Emperour was fo muchaffefred with it, that hegave over his fcepter, and turned gardiner. Conftantine wrote la books ofhusbandry. Lyjan. der ,when Emba!fadours came to fee him, bragged of nothing more, then of his Orchard, hi(untordinesmei. Wnat lhalll fay of Cincinnatus, Cato, TuUy, and many (uchr how have they beenpleafed with it, toprune;plant, inoculate and graft, kNttnc captareferiU laqtte~,menc foUerevi{co, ~Pir.e;.t.Geor; Atqtee etiam ntagnot ranibtes circundare faltus, lnftditUavibmmoltri,incendcre vepres. · Sometimeswith traps deceive, with lineand ll:ring To catchwild Birds and Beafts, encompa!Iing Thegrovewith dogges, and ourofbulhcs firing: -&nidosaviuntfcrutari, &c. 1ucundus in his Prcface ·to Cato,Varro,colllmeUa,&c. put out by him, con. fe!feth ofhimfelf, that hee was mightily delighted with thefe Husbandry ftudies, and tookextraordinary pleafure in them: ifthe Theoricke or [peculation can fo much affeCl:, what lhall the place and exercifeit [elf, the prallicke part do? The fame confefiion I linde in H erba/fein, Porta, Camerarill!, and many others,which havewritten ofthat fubject. Ifmy teftimony were ought worth, I could fay as much ofmy felfe, I. am vert Saturni· nus;N omen ever took more delight in Springs,Woods,Groves,Gardens, Walkes, Filhponds, Rivers, &c. But Tantaltes;, labris fttiensfogientia captat Fluntina; And fodol, velle licet,potirinonlicet. EveryPala,ce, everyCitiealmoll:hath his peculiar walkes, Cloyllers; Tarraces,Groves,Theaters,Pageants,Games,&feverall recreations; every COt~ntry f?me profeffed Gymnick~, to exhilarate their mirules~and exercife 1 Boterus lib.; : · thm bodtes, Tbel Greekes bad thm otyntptan, Pytktan, ljfmta~t, Nmtean potit. cap.• • . Mm~. games,