Parr.2.Seeb. CttreofMelancholy. Memb. 4 . 27o games,in honour of Neptune, 'Jupiter, Apollo; A then~ hers: Some for Ho. --,-,-_ nour, Garlands, Crownes;for m bea~ty ,dancing,running, leaping,likeour : 1;,1;-:.'"" filve: games. T~e" Romanu had the1~ fealh (as the Athenians,aod Lacede. nLudi ~or;~;, ntamans held their pubhke banquets, m Prytan£o,f.'anathen£u, Thc(perii< J<uri,ludicri, Phiditiis,Playes,Naumachies,plac~s for Sea fights, o Theaters Amphy' Megalenftt,Ce- h bl · h · h h d r: ' •. uales,Florales, t eaters a eto co~tam 7aooo men, w eret_n t ey a teverall delightMartiales,&c. fome lhewes to exhilaratethe people. P Gladiators, cumbats of men with ~£{~~ip}.,' '· themfelves, with wild be~fts, and wi!d beaftsone wi_th another, like our 4-mphithearril bull-bamngs,or beare.bamngs (m whichmany countnmen and Citizens a. RoJinU<lib. 5· mongft us, fo much delight and fo frequently ufe) dancers on ropes, Jug. Z,"'/1,~,~~~: lers, Wreftlers, Comedies, Trage~ies,_ publikely exhibited attheEmpe. p 15oo Men" rours and Cmes charge, and that wuh mcred1ble coft and magnificence t_""· T~1"'' In the Low-countries (asqMeteran relates)before thefe wars,they had ma: r~~~:;,Ho:ces, ny folemne f~afts,Playes,Challeng~s,Artillery Gardens,Colledges ofRi. Dogs, llcarcs, niers,Rhetoricians,Poets:and to this day,fuch places are curioully main. :;ib.ult.crl.<. tainedin Amfterdam,as appearesby that defcription of l{aaceu Pontanut adfinem.con- ierum 'Amjfelrod.ltb. 2.cap. 25. So hkew1fe not long fince at Fribur$ in Ger. ~"f::;:~;:,:_ many, as is evident by that relation of' Ne.nder, th~y had Ludos f:Ptenn4. li,qtram ~ereri, 1<-s, folemne Playes every feven years, wh1ch Bo>erm one of thm ownc contube; nia Poetshathelegandydefcribed: · !bet~:n~~t At mmc ntagnijicojpec1acula {lrttilaparatu -,~r:r munici- J2.!!jdtJJCtJtorem, veterinonconcejfura ~rin4; t~?,5,7,:;,~- In Italy they ~;tf:t!=!otcl:·mations of certaine fcletl: young Gentle: >ii,gladiMom, meninFlorenre (likethofe Reciters in old Ronte)and publike Theaters in g.:; ~~f,::q; moft oftheir Cities, for Stage-players and others, to exercife and recreate exer;iriaquor;; themfelves.All feafons almoll:;all places have their feverall paftimes;fome r;::::,P~r.~f;~ in Sommer,fol?e in Wint~r;fome abroad,fome within~ fome of the body, popul~m rr~e- fome ofthe mmde;and divers men have d1vers r_ecreano~s, and exercifes. aii•, ~omodiu_ Domtttan the !lmperour was much delighted Wtth catchmg files; Augujltu f~b~~~~'""u, to play with nuts amongft children; CA!exander Severeu was often pleafed '/,~"~,;,;.~;~ to play with whelps and young Pigs.' Adrian was fo wholly enamoured r orbis rerr~ with dogs and horfes,that he beftowed monuments and tombes of t~em, 1t;~:;i~:':,·3 and buried ~hem in graves. In fowle we~ther, or when they can ufe _no o• • spartiall. therconveruent fporrs , by reafonofthe nme,as wee doe Cock-fighung to avoideidlenelfe Ithinke, .(though fame bee more ferioully taken with it, u 'Delellat~~< fpend much time, coft and charges;and are too folicitous about it ) ' Seve., lufiscatulorum reu ufed Partridges and ~ailes, as many Frenchm(JJ doe frill, and to ~:;~::;~;;;' keepe Birds incages, ~ith which he was much pleafed, wh~n at any time he fe pugnm nt, had leafure from pubhke cares and bufinelfes. Hee had (faith LanJpr~dtm) ""'"' •~er tamePheafants, Duckes, Partridges, Peacocks, and fome 2oooo Ringr.~v::.•;;:;;r. doves and Pigeons. Butbequieu ~he Empetours Oratour, wh_enheelaf in ~olitarellt, hi• Conftantmople, and could not ft1rre much abroad, kept for h1s recreanon, ~;••me 'fir bufying himfelf to fee them fed, almoft all manner offtrange birds and ,;,,t:~;,:~;,~- Beafts; this was fomething,though not to exercife his body, yet .to refreih '"' (•blevam • his minde. Conradu~ Gefner, at Zurick in Switzerland, keprfo likewifefor his pleafure, agreat company ofwilde beafts, and (as h~ faith) tookegreat delight to fee themeat their meat.Turkie Gendewomeo,that are perperuall - - · ··- · - - - ·· .. -- · - prifoners,