Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.2 .Secb. • ··Exerciferetlified. Memb.4 prifoners, frill mewed up according t~~the.cufiome 'Of t~e pl~ce,have little 2 71 elfe befides their houllwld bufinelfe,or to playwtth thm children to drtve--- -away time,but to dally with their car"s1 which~hey havein delitiis,as many ofour Ladies ~nd Ge~tlewomen ~fe ll:lonktes andhttle Do~ges. The ordinary recreanons whtch we havemWmter, and mmoft fohtary nmes bufie our minds with, are Cardes, Tables and Dtce,s hovelbo~rd, cheffi-play, the Philofopbersgame, fmall trunkes~ lhurtle-co_cke, balhards, mulicke, masks fin<>ing dancing,ulegames,frohcks,Jefis,rtddles,catches,purpofes, quefii~ns~nd ~omman_ds, x merry talcs oferrant Knights, Queenes, Lo- xBrumal<~ ~~­ vers Lords Ladies, Gtants, Dwarfes, Theeves, Cheaters, Wttches, Fay- "~ poffint ries 'Gobli~s,Friers, &c. fuch as the old woman told Pfyche in t ApuleitH, ~;~:;."• Boc;ce Novels, and the refi, q11arttm auditionepueri deletfantur,(ems nar- t Mile[+ : ratione which fome delight to heare, fome to tell; all are well pleafed with. .Amara~thm the Philofopher, metllermocles, Diophantm and Philolam his companions,oneday bufily difcourfing about Epicttrm and DemiCritrH Tenenrs, very fohettous whtch was mofi probable and came nearefi to truth: To put them out of that furly comroverfie, and to refrelh their fpirits,hetold them apleafanr tale of Stratocles the Phyficians wedding, and ofall the particulars, the company, the cheare, the muficke, &c. for bee was new come from it; with which relation they were fo much delighted·, thatPhilolaru wilhed abldling to his heart, andmanya good wedding, . t many fuch merry meetings might he be at, to pleafe himfelftwith thefight, tbo dii fimili· _ · h h . ,/'.• N 11 I 11 "'f~peconve- andotherswtt t enarratton o 1 1t. ewes aregenera y we come to a our ~ii>dateut ip· eares,avidl: audit~zm, auretcnimhominttmnovitate l.etantrtr (*as Pliny ob- ftviiJenJ.Je, · ferves) we long after rumour to heare a?d li~e~ to it, t denfomhrtmeru bihit :,ft~~~~:: at;re vulgu1. Wee are mofi part too mqwfinve and apt to hearken after wma•J.<kte~ newes, whichC.<(ar inhis* Commentaries obferves ofthe old Gatdet ,they f"· 'I'beodpru; would be enquiringofevery Carrier and palfenger what they had heard or .~O::;i.7:,~,. feene, what newesabroad ~ pret.Gitberto --quidtotojiatinorbe,' <j••b•": . . J!.!!jdSeres,qttidThracesagant,[ecretanoverc.e, ll.;jt_.Z•h.B._ Etpueri,qtti&amet, &c. asatan ordinary with us, bake-! Hor. • houfe or barbers lh?P· When that great Go~[alva was ~pon fome difplea- ,}·::~j~;;:t:· {ure confined by kmg Ferdmand, to the cme of Loxa m lA ndaltifia, the ni<efl ut~;,.. onely comfort (faith* Jovi~) be had to eafe his melancholy thoughts, ~;:,~ ;:fift;;; was to heare newes, and to hllen after thofe ordmary occurrems, whtch cogant,e> fui4 were brought him cumprimis, by letters or otherwife out ofthe remotefi qu i(~ mum f E S h I d I' h . . . k T b dd . k audteretaut partso urope. omemensw o e e tg tts,tota e o acco,an nn cognilritde~uJ all day long in a Tavern or Ale-houfe;to difcourfe, ling, jell:, roare, talk of re q_"'""."'· a Cockand Bull over apot, &c, Or when three or foure good companions ;["z"J"' · meet, tell old llories by the firefide,o~ in the Sun, as o~d folkesufually doe, ' ·• '· t qru aprtct memmere fenes,remembnngafrelh and wtth pleafure auncient matters, and fuch like accidents, which happened in their younger yeares: 0 thers belt pafiime is eo game, nothing to them fo pleafanr. · . . t Hie Veneri;n1ulget, huncdecoquitalea- t Ju~en. M~ny t~o !ltcely takeexcepnons at Cudes, r Tables, and Dice, and fuch yThcyaccount mtxt lu,ououslots, whom Galaker well confutes. Which though they be them unlawful honefi recreations in themfelves,yer may juftly bee otherwife excepted at, ~::~:' """''' Mm 3 as