Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

P .. S .a. Cure orMelanfhoty. - M -b art.z. eu.z. 1 em . 4 • 22 7 _as they are ofren abufed, and forbi~den as things moll: pernicious_; infonam -.-~ rem& damno(am, •Lmmuucallst~. For ntojfpartinthe(e kindofdi(ports ;.'zf,;~;~ 4j;_ 'tu not art wit or skill, ~~~t fobtzlty, cunny catching, knavery, chance and for~ rumV,twna~' tune carrtcs all away : tts ambulatona!ecuma, - autperitia'Ui- -punlfumobJ!ti horte j:i/c:;!J;~::, Permtttat dominos,& et_di: in a_lterajura•. a{tutia, ca(w, Tliey labour moll: part not ro palfe thetr t)me In hone!l: dtfport, but for fiL ~:,:~::~~'h':.i- thy lucre,and co~etoufnelfe of mony. Info:difimumlucrum & awariti•m bent, non ratio, hommumconvert#ur, as Dane tu o.bferves. Fonsfraudum & maleftciorum "~fitiumJapi· 'ris thefountainofcofelJ'lgeand vlilany. a A tf?ingfo commona/lover Europ~ ~·~t~J;.~am atthuday, and(o gene~a!ly abu(ed, that many menaTe~tterlyundonebyit, freq_uens bodie their means fpenr, patnmom~s confl)med, they and t~m poll:erity begger- '~!"I'!,:;:;' ed;.befides fwearmg, wrang.Img:, dnnkmg,_ lolfeofnme, and fuch incoa. ~arut~ufu pa- vemences, wh1ch are ordmane concomitants: b For when once they trimoniumpro- have got ahaunt ofjiechcompantes, andhabtt ofg11mmg, they can hardly bee ~;~;;;~7;:,~: drawTJ frontit,but as an itch it wilt tickle them,andas it i&with t~horeu~aj/ers, bm, adinopiam oTJce entred1thry cannot eaftly leave tt o(f;Fex!Jt mmt{s tpjitna r:t•ptdo,thcy are nd>ganrur. mad upon thm !port. Andinconclufion (which Charles the fevench that ;::,~',!:;'{!: •- goo~ French Kin~ublifl;~d in aq editl; again~ gam!lers ) tmdeJi" & hila.. nimum "'"!'"' res-r:•t£Ju!fitgtun1 tbt fuif:J; ltb,rz~,tot!fkfomt!>.<, &c. That wluch was once "';;.~;j,r,~- thm hvehhood, 1quld haye mamramed vvtfe, ch1ldren, famtly, is now f•ntibwundi!f; fpent and gone, mrrror & egeftas, &c. forrow and beggery fucc~eds. So ejufde'!' farin• good things may beabufed, and ~hatvvhich vvas fir!l: invented to' refrellt !:p;;;~:~.~- me~s vveary fpirits, vvh~n tP.'Y come from other labours and !l:udies to luptarempe- exh1jarate the li)mde, to emerta1ne t!Vle a!)d c0mpany, tedtous otherwife tunt, 1uod & in thofe long folitary winter nights, and keep them from worfematters,ao flortat•nbw h n. · r · 'j d <nfirum, &'c. onea ~xercue,1s comran yperverte . . . . ~ tnfliruirur cheffe-play, ts agood and wmy exemfeofthe mmde,for fome kmde of '/!,~ ;~~~~~: men,.and fit for fuch melancholy, Rha(u ho.Ids, as are idle,_&haveextrava. ftd ~•tetudi ni4 gant tmpertment thoughts , or troubled wuh cares; nothmg better to di. :~;;:~:tamen:; !l:raCt their mind,/!< alter t.heir meditations:!nvented(fome fay)by the t ge. . animu:J:fo~- nerall ofan army ma famme, to keep fou~dters from mut1ny: but 1f 1t progatw'r~JPim, ceed from overmuch ll:udy,m fuch acafe 1t may domore harm then good; "';'•($ v>m it is agame too troublefome for fome mens brames, too full ofanxiety,all ~.~{,":s'"l:~: out as bad as !l:udy; befides, it is a te!l:y cholerickgame, aqd very olfenfive <oncipiat. to him that lofeth theMate.d Wi!liant tbecqnqueror in his younger yeares !.I;:;::J:;~': playingatchelfevvith theprinceof Fra11ce ( Pa,.lphimwasnotannex€d '~~ '"'"' efl adu- to that crown in thofe dayes)lofing a Mat~, ~nocked the Chelfe-boardaj~;~i,~:;;,7j!:' bout his pate,vvhich ~~sa c~ufe <\ft~rward of ~uc~ enmity be~wixt them. me taboraret, For fomefuch reafoo ltlS be!tke,that Patr!tttfP 1nh1s 3.b~okT•t. n.dereg, •tteroJie edent inftit .forbids his prince to play atcbe!fe: haw~i!lg & hunting,riding,&c.he j'"~' !~d'i( will allow! & this to othermen,butby no m,~aps t9 him.In Mufcovy, where :=:.' '" ce- th~ylivein Srovesan~hot houfesallvvimer Iong,<:omefeldomeor little !:!:"~~i,~'' abroad,it is again very nece~1ry,and therefore inth~fe parts \faith ' Hcrpme in 'Dani- baftem) ll?uch u[e.d ..At F elfa m Ajhc~, ~vhcre the hke IDConvemence ofkeeetsoutm Pa- ping w1th1n doores 1S through he~t,Jt IS very laudable; and (as t LeoAfer lamedes,velde wariU ludi& l. 3· q D. fl~pard in 'llitli ej~ . e. MaflrnJit. tO!ifmcnt{lrium. f Inter d'!Jet Ftjf4Mr latrunculorum lud~ tft ufitatijJiwtts, lii. l · de ..4jrk4~ - · - relates)